Search results

  1. C

    New Fish With Unknown Identity

    Can't do much on the id part, But I had two of these fish for almost a year, very hardy, actually good swimmers even though they seem to hop along the bottom alot. LOOOVE blood worms, they lived with three bumble bee gobies, very peaceful. Word of caution, lost both when they managed to jump...
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    Jungle Ick Guard 2

    Hi, I'm in no way an expert, but I have used the ick guard 2 and it works well, I'm a big fan of the Jungle products, best stuff I used so far. Anyways just follow the instructions of increasing air flow in the tank, I left my temp at 78. I changed my water after the second dose just to be on...
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    Goo Obo Gudgeons?

    Not much really, just bought one from lfs, he's still in quarantine, likes blood worms, not so keen on brine shrimp (both frozen) Seems peaceful enough but will see, eventual home will be a 10 gallon with a bumble bee goby and some unknown sleeper goby (lfs didn't even know what he was) Will try...
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    Killifish Help

    hi all, I've bought a pair of killifish, picking them up in two days from the lfs. The question I have is, what is the best plants for the killifish, bearing in mind I don't know a lot about plants and want some easy to care for plants. Any help apreciated :D
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    Fry As Fish Load?

    Hi, I've just started keeping platy's ( a whole month now ) and I seem to have gotten pregnant platy's off the bat. I've got a 20 gallon tank with 6 adult platy's...... now I have a tank devider with about 36 fry on one side ( more or less, hard to count and they seem to keep coming) Do fry...
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    Platy With Ick Just Had Babies

    sounds good, cause honestly the daily water changes are okay, but the thought of going on with this for more than the 10 days I've planned isn't thrilling me. :D
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    Platy With Ick Just Had Babies

    that's okay the isolation tank was empty, I can always jsut empty and sanitize it later. I was thinking of putting the fry back in a floating net tank and treating them all, but I guess I'd have to drop the dose to half for all the fish? And what about any new fry, will the meds at full...
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    Platy With Ick Just Had Babies

    Hi I have a 20 gallon tank with 6 platy's that have ick, I've been treating for 2 days with Jungle ick guard, 25% water changes daily, sometime yesterday, I think, one of my platy's gave birth..... only saw them during the gravel cleaning I didn't even know one was pregnant (red coral, hard to...
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    Platy With Ick Just Had Babies

    Makes sense, but wouldn't the parasites (ick) attach themselves to the fry as they just float in the water?
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    Platy With Ick Just Had Babies

    The problem is, I was at work all day today and yesterday. I am not sure when they actually were born, so they might have been infected. They are too small to see much.
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    Platy With Ick Just Had Babies

    I've been treating a tank of platy with ick for the past 2 days. I just started to change the water to put in another dose, when I noticed babies in the rocks. They are currently in a bucket. Do I treat them the same as the adult platy? Do I put them in the tank with the adults and let the...
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    Strange Betta Question

    thanks for the advice, unfortunatly I think his swim bladder is permently damaged, he can no longer reach the bottom of his little bowl, and just lays at the surface all the time. I tried putting him in a 5 gallon filtered tank, but he just looked too sad in it. He's been through alot, that's...
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    Strange Betta Question

    he's in a small betta keeper, proably around 1/2 gallon. I've read that you aren't suppose to do 100% water changes. Won't that stress out the fish more?
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    Strange Betta Question

    I have a male betta, had him for about 2 months now, he was really sick, lost most of his fins, ( lot of newbie mistakes ) Why don't they include instructions? Anyways he seems to be better now after I got it rigtht with meds, water changes etc. Now my question is I had him in a bare tank for...
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    Saying Hi

    Hi all, just getting started keeping fish, great board you guys have here, lots of info. My first fish was, is, a betta, but now I want to get started, got a 20 gallon with 4 platys so far. can't wait to get more :nod:
  16. C

    Newbie Java Moss Question

    Hi, newbie question here I just bought a clump of java moss from a store and got it home. Placed it in a small bowl and discovered a small snail. Now what do I do? It's still in the small bowl don't want to put it in my tank, how do I 'dissenfect' clean my new java moss. Thanks for any...