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  1. S

    Rio 300 + Equipment For Sale

    where you get the rocks from
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    Just Been Looking At Tanks And Unsure?

    hi mate i started with that tank but its not very good what are you going to put in it i got a fluval roma 200 which they sell for 200 its much better if i were you i would keep my money and get a tank off ebay have you limmited space also where you from
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    well i have took the carbon out and filled the basket with filter wool and then bioballs in the second basket and then filter wool in the top basket also i have the filter sponge at the side of the filter should clear up soon i hope
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    hi i posted in the Tropical Discussion and have been old to seek advice from rabbut heres my problem hi all so i would like some advice really i have a fluval 205 and 305 in my 200liter tank (whats is the lph they do together) and i carnt get rid of the smallests particals in my water, this is...
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    Media Help

    just rinsed all my media filter 2 days ago in old take water when i done a 80% water change and the tiny particals seem to float about but some time sit on the top also i have good water movement at the the surface as i have a bubble wall the full lenght of the tank at the back and also a spray...
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    Media Help

    hi all so i would like some advice really i have a fluval 205 and 305 in my 200liter tank (whats is the lph they do together) and i carnt get rid of the smallests particals in my water, this is what i have in my filter i have carbon on the bottom and then filter wool on the 2nd and then bioballs...
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    Whats Needed To Breed Guppies

    whats needed to breed guppies i have 10 gallon tank spare to breed them for feeder fish for my oscars