

New Member
Dec 15, 2008
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hi i posted in the Tropical Discussion and have been old to seek advice from rabbut heres my problem

hi all so i would like some advice really i have a fluval 205 and 305 in my 200liter tank (whats is the lph they do together) and i carnt get rid of the smallests particals in my water, this is what i have in my filter i have carbon on the bottom and then filter wool on the 2nd and then bioballs on the top also i have the filter sponge in the fitler sponge holder what else could i add to keep the water crystal clear i do water changes every 4 days of 50% and also a gravel vac i currently have 1 oscar and 1 parrot cichlid

just rinsed all my media filter 2 days ago in old take water when i done a 80% water change and the tiny particals seem to float about but some time sit on the top also i have good water movement at the the surface as i have a bubble wall the full lenght of the tank at the back and also a spray of bubbles cuming out of a scull i have in the corner of the tank and thats enought filtration?
A quick Google shows the 205 runs at 680 lph and the 305 at 1000 lph.

You could try filter wool to get the water crystal clear, should do the job.
just put more filter wool/ floss in the filters. Have it as the last filter media and it should trap the fine particles.
Try feeding them pieces of fish or prawn instead of flake or pellets. That should also help reduce the fine particles in the water.
well i have took the carbon out and filled the basket with filter wool and then bioballs in the second basket and then filter wool in the top basket also i have the filter sponge at the side of the filter should clear up soon i hope

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