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  1. J

    My Balloon Mollies Fry's ^_^

    Thanks guys! :) i feed them BBS for 1 week after i change it to tetramin flakes for fry.
  2. J

    Can I Buy Liquifry Thru Website?

    i want to buy liquifry thru web because idk where it is sold here in japan. and also our DIY shop is far from our home. can i pay it thru COD? Thanks: jack03
  3. J

    My Balloon Mollies Fry's ^_^

    Hi guys, i just wanted to show you my fry's 1st pic are the fry's of balloon black mollies 11days old, 13fry's 2 died. 2nd pic are the new born Fry's from my dalmatian balloon mollies, 23fry's 3 died and still searching in pebbles,rocks and plants hoping that they are still survivors. they...
  4. J

    What Type Of Betta?

    wOw :D great! Thanks marlie now i can enjoy taking pictures with my fishes, thanks again btw i got clear pictures this time thanks to marlie.
  5. J

    What Type Of Betta?

    Thanks a lot guys! i really appreciate it. :) too bad :( my camera doesn't have a macro mode. its a casio (exilim) digital camera with 12.1 mega pixels.
  6. J

    What Type Of Betta?

    is the white on the tip of the tail damaged? i thought it is the design of his color. EDIT* btw how do u get a clear picture of your female betta? very cute and lovely color ^_^ because i kept on taking pictures of my betta but i still get a blurry shots .
  7. J

    Live Plants Temp?

    Thanks a lot :) i really appreciate it.
  8. J

    What Type Of Betta?

    Hi, i just bought 1 Betta and idk what type it is, could some1 tell me what it is? btw i named him charlie :D EDIT* sorry i can't get a clear shot :sad:
  9. J

    Live Plants Temp?

    one more thing, aren't the fishes going to be stressed out, if i leave the light on for more than 12 hrs?
  10. J

    Live Plants Temp?

    thanks for the info you've given me, it helps a lot :)
  11. J

    Live Plants Temp?

    i have 10g tank 6 balloon mollies , PH is 7.0. idk what my plants is but i'll show u the pic. and also my lighting idk what type is it, i'll just put here what show in the box. lighting = AC100V 50Hz | AC100V 60Hz 22W FL20 FG-1P...
  12. J

    Live Plants Temp?

    Hi, what is the minimum temp. of a live plants? because my live plants died at the temp. of 27.5C. Thanks in advance.
  13. J

    Balloon Mollies, Pregnant Or Not?

    untill now she did not yet gave birth, i think i have well planted tank. what im so worried about is my filter, i hope they won't get sucked in the filter. any suggest on how to avoid my fry's in the filter?
  14. J

    Balloon Mollies, Pregnant Or Not?

    I'm trying to take a clear shot but its always blurry, so sad T_T i turn my heater on this evening and when i woke up in the morning my 2 albino corydoras catfish died, because the water temp is raising to 27.8C, are the mollies going to be affected and die? i already turn off the heater and...
  15. J

    Balloon Mollies, Pregnant Or Not?

    I'm so sorry, i really don't know what to do. Thank you for your help :D i really appreciate it, i already remove her in the breeding trap. Thanks again omega59
  16. J

    Balloon Mollies, Pregnant Or Not?

    pls help me! idk what to do. I'm freaking out here. I'm afraid she might die, breeding traps is so small and she is also freaking out. just now i gave her food but she did not eat it. if i'm going do leave her in the trap is she going to die. if not, how many days can i leave her there? pls...
  17. J

    Balloon Mollies, Pregnant Or Not?

    idk if my balloon molly pregnant or not because of its shape. hehe how would i distinguish the prego? her shape right now is squared off. EDIT* below is the picture of my fish. the orange one is a male.
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  19. J

    Balloon Mollies, Pregnant Or Not?

    Helow guys, i bought 2 female balloon mollies just now and have a 2 hrs trip from the DIY to our home. 1 balloon female molly i think its pregnant, idk exactly but i'll show u the pic. and male balloon mollies are harassing her. i already put her in the breeder trap.but it seems that she...
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  21. J

    Balloon Molies Fry Help! T_t

    thanks lilfishie.
  22. J

    Balloon Molies Fry Help! T_t

    1st picture is the fry's and the other side are the adults. 10gal tank and i use tank separator. temp 23C-26C
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  24. J

    Balloon Molies Fry Help! T_t

    The fry's squeeze their selves in the pebbles and sometimes they get stuck.
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  26. J

    Balloon Molies Fry Help! T_t

    Helow guys, I'm new here and I'm glad to find this forum for helping other people on their problems. anyway, i bought 2 female and 2 male balloon molies in the pet shop. 1 female gave birth to 13 fry's and i noticed that the fry's are always at the bottom of the tank resting. is that...