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  1. K

    Aiptasia... How To Get Rid Off?

    Joe's Juice has always worked for me.
  2. K

    How To Automatically Switch Power Back On.

    Aren't forums wonderful things, two birds with one stone i.e two happy people from one thread. Thank you SkiFletch
  3. K

    How To Automatically Switch Power Back On.

    If I leave the power on most of the food simply gets dragged into the filter chamber of my nano-tank set up. I have to stop the circulation through the grill so the fish have a chance of eating it first.
  4. K

    How To Automatically Switch Power Back On.

    Nice idea, I use a digital display type for my lights but I assume you mean the clicky mechanical ones. I'll give it a go. Cheers... and thanks from the fish :good: Age .... it creeps up on you !!!
  5. K

    How To Automatically Switch Power Back On.

    Does anyone know if there is a device to automatically switch the mains power back on after say 10 minutes. I often switch off the power to feed the fish and then forget to switch it all back on. :hyper: I know how to use a soldering iron if necessary but would rather buy a commercial, ready...
  6. K

    Baby Friend Or Foe

    Well I am a newbie but in the three/four weeks of set up and having the snails in it's the only time I've seen it. :unsure:
  7. K

    Baby Friend Or Foe

    The Cerith snail in the foreground seems to have trailed this white fluffy stuff around a couple of rocks. Are they eggs? If so is there any prospect of babies or will they just rot away. Should I syphon them out now before they polute the water. Any thoughts would be appreciated. :unsure:
  8. K

    Where's My Cycle Gone?

    Thanks for the advice folks. I've taken the plunge and put in some clean up crew. Not exactly what I expected though. My LFS sold me three TURBOs and a Red Legged Hermit, well that's what they said and that's all they had. My second closest fish shop is miles away so i'll get some more at the...
  9. K

    Where's My Cycle Gone?

    Thanks for the kind remarks. I have spotted ONE live red THING (in the middle of photo). It has about a dozen bright red hairs to it. Any ideas? Every time I shine a light onto it it pops back into the rock very quickly, it's not mobile at all.
  10. K

    Where's My Cycle Gone?

    Cured. But I was not impressed that it arrived in an oversizes polystyrene box without being wrapped in anything except a loose polythene sheet. The is a little life on it, I think but not exactly purple like I've seen on some pictures.
  11. K

    Where's My Cycle Gone?

    With mainlights With moonlights Hope this works !!
  12. K

    Where's My Cycle Gone?

    Great !!! Thanks for the quick reply. My pH was 8.2 when the sand went in but went right down to 7.8, I was getting worried but it's now slowly going back up and tonight it's 8.04. My SG has been stable 1.023 / 30 for several days. The rock doesn't seem to have too much life in it, don't know...
  13. K

    Where's My Cycle Gone?

    My Live Rock went in last Tuesday, the live sand (Natures Ocean) went in last Wednesday. I put a prawn in (no frozen shrimp available) on Saturday. 7 days later I'm still at ZERO ammonia, ZERO Nitrite and ZERO Nitrate. What's going on?! There is now brown algae starting to cover the live...
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    My tank has arrived. Looking at the chambers I still can't see how you can retain the macroalgae in the middle chamber without the flow trying to push it into chamber 3. Has anyone got any thoughts PLEASE. :/
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    Thinking ahead before I get my tank. If you put the cheato macroalgae in the middle chamber then what stops it being washed through and into the next chamber? Is there a grating or something you need, what stops the whole thing clogging up? :/
  16. K

    Refugium Lights

    Should the lights for a refugium be on permanently (24/7) or can it be switched off over night with main lamps. I've just seen the Arcadia Arc-Pod light 11w with hinge, does anyone know if this would fit INSIDE a Nano Cube 24G lid? Mines yet to arrive! Hope I'm using this forum OK, please tell...
  17. K

    Skimmer Or Refugium?

    OK, thanks for your help. I'm going to try the refugium first, it's cheaper, sounds easier and better fits a beginner like me. Cheers :good:
  18. K

    Skimmer Or Refugium?

    Still planning my new set up and noticed the Sapphire NanoSkimmer NC24 on nanatuners website, looks good. But... I had planned to do everything that steelhealr recommended and that was using the middle chamber as a refugium. Being a newbie my thoughts are that a skimmer does lots more than...
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    Gloves And Skin Protection

    Thanks for that reply, I think I'll play safe, but what about fresh cured Live Rock?
  20. K

    Gloves And Skin Protection

    This may be a very daft question but reading about some nasty stings and skin reactions and hearing that gloves should be warn got me thinking ..... I'm about to set up a 24g nano (my first tank), whilst building up live rock etc am I safe to assume you DON'T need gloves at this stage? When...
  21. K

    Heaters - Are Two Better Than One?

    Well thanks folks, didn't mean to start a war but I think you answered one question, TWO heaters are OK. All I need now is for someone with the Nano Cube to say if two will fit into the chamber. Anyone got an answer please?
  22. K

    Heaters - Are Two Better Than One?

    My first ever post, in ANY forum. I hope this is the correct place, my apologies if not. I have just ordered my D-D Nano Cube and want to put the heater on order. From other reviews/comments on this forum I'll probably go with the Visitherms but ..... 1) Should I get two 50W rather than one...