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  1. N

    Anyone Know And Good Saltwater Fish Stockist

    Well, if you can get yourself up to Gateshead, there is cyberaquatics... From York, it's probably around a 140 mile round trip...head out on the A59, hit the A1(M), should take about an hour to get up there.... Chris Kirby runs it; he and his staff are extremely...
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    About To Dive Into The World Of Marine.. Suggestions Welcomed!

    I have an external canister filter on my marine setup - a Tetratec 700. I find it very useful for things like adding activated carbon and rowaphos, plus it sucks out any detritus floating in the water, and helps with general water flow. For me, it's an indispensable piece of kit.
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    Also, to which 'gallon' are we referring to here? US gallon ( equivalent to 3.83 liters)? or Imperial gallon (equivalent to 4.54 liters)? much better to use liters, a nice single standard unit :good: <rant> I must admit, it's a real pet peeve of mine on these forums, when I see people mention...
  4. N

    Our Newest Addition

    Ta! Yeah, she has one hell of an appetite....nori, brine shrimp, garlic, flake food....she just gobbles it all up! :good: She's gonna grow too fast! I'm planning a bigger tank for her.
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    Our Newest Addition

    So we've had our tang a month now, she's doing great, I took some pictures today: And last week we got our first coral: :good:
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    Good Price For Lr?

    Here you go: Live rock at £7.99 per kilo, free postage on 10kgs or more. It'll need curing tho; however, I was quite impressed with my lot, lots of life on it...
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    Why You Want To Have Spare Parts

    Holy cow! what a story! After seeing those pics, I'm really glad you managed to save it! Well done! Good rescue! :good:
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    Activated Carbon

    Activated Carbon/charcoal? I don't leave home without it!!! :good:
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    Clown Question

    Yeah, don't be too worried if he doesn't eat immediately. A stressed fish won't want to eat, so just give him a few days to chill out properly and get used to his new home :good:
  10. N

    Clown Question

    It sounds like your fish is very stressed...16 hours in a bag is a long time. Where did you get them from? I live in darlington, and I get mine from cyberaquatics in Gateshead, only 30 miles away. Just give him some time, let him settle in. I had an issue with one of my perculas not eating...he...
  11. N

    And So It Begins...

    Shibby, I think you got your coral beauty way too soon. They require very good quality water, and stable conditions and are NOT recommended for new tanks. Oh, if you're after a needle, you could use one of those needles from those injet refill kits; you can easily sharpen it if you want using a...
  12. N

    Clownfish Problems

    No way! A 30L tank is way to small! :crazy:
  13. N

    Is This Skimmer Ok?

    You will probably get a lot of people here telling you to get something else, coz Red Sea aren't efficient etc. etc. blah blah blah... anyway... I have a red sea skimmer , I got it second hand, and it works fine. Yes, it attaches to the back of the tank, there's a large black plastic screw what...
  14. N

    Hydrometers Vs Refractometers

    I've been through a number of hydrometers - the ones you drop in the water. *ALL* of them have been 'out' compared to another hydrometer, or a refractometer. (I even took one back to the lfs coz it was showing a salinity that was too low) However, as long as you can compare/calibrate the...
  15. N

    My Tang And Ich

    Have you tried this: chopping up a clove (or two small ones) of fresh garlic, then putting this into a small cup of aquarium water with a block of frozen brine shrimp, letting the shrimp defrost and letting the garlic mix in with the water? Give it a stir before letting it sit for a few minutes...
  16. N

    My Tang And Ich

    So how's your tang doing? :huh:
  17. N

    Getting Ready To Get Salty

    Welcome to the saltie side of things....once you go saltie, you won't want to go back! :good:
  18. N

    Am I Ready?

    I have plenty of 15 liter plastic containers that I need to get shot of, if you're interested...I'm in Darlington. They only ever contained vegetable oil, and they have snap on lids so are nice and secure. They're perfect for storing RO water, seawater, water changes, etc. and will stack when...
  19. N

    My Tang And Ich

    This is a useful heads up for me. We've had our yellow tang for a week and a half, everything's just fine. Damn this fish has one heck of an appetite! We have lots of garlic growing in our veggie patch at home, so I've been chopping up a clove of fresh garlic really fine and mixing it in with...
  20. N

    Tetratec Ex700

    I have one of these filters for my 120 liter marine tank. I also saw the PFK offer, but since I'm only interested in marines I didn't take the subscription, and bought my tetratec off an eBay shop, (new) it was a bit cheaper - got it for about £70 I think.... It works just great, it's totally...
  21. N

    Nitrite/algae Problem! rock is regarded as a pretty fundamental part of a marine setup. What other filtration are you using?
  22. N

    Brisle Worms

    Removing Bristle worms. NOTE: I've never tried this, but it might work; I read about it in a book I have. Take a plastic film canister and drill a small hole in the lid, just big enough for the worm to crawl in. Place a few food pellets in the canister and leave near where the worm lives...
  23. N

    Beginner Question, Live Rock Or Not

    Also, is this LR going to be cured or not? If it is uncured, you'd better put those fish somewhere else for a few weeks, coz they will very likely all die as the rock cures. You're meant to put the LR in before the fish...
  24. N

    Weird Featherduster Behavior

    Yes, they do pop their 'heads' off. A new one should appear in about 2 weeks. Best just to leave it and wait. Did you feel it jerk slightly when you tried to move it? That's a sign it's still alive in there!
  25. N

    Testing Kits have a yellow tang too :hyper: What size is the tank? I'll have to get a bigger tank for our tang when she gets too big...i like the aquascaping; in fact i've done something very similar - two piles of LR with a space in the middle, and space around the back, and lots of crevices and...
  26. N

    Our Newest Addition

    At the moment, 120 liters. Don't worry, I plan to get her in a bigger tank, at least 200 liters. I now have the perfect excuse to get that bigger tank now...! All part of the master plan... :shifty: ;)
  27. N

    Our Newest Addition

    We went to our LFS wife got me this for my up and coming birthday. :hyper: She's doing well, loves the seaweed we got for her, and is exploring all the nooks, crevices and caves in the tank. A lovely active addition to...
  28. N

    Fish Tank Stocking

    I was looking at a getting a snowflake just yesterday. But I have two small clowns (2.5cm) in the tank already, and the shopkeeper advised against me getting the eel. From what I've researched, anything that can fit into an eels mouth is considered 'fair game'. Snowflakes generally eat non...
  29. N

    Turbo Snails

    One of my strawberry snails crawled into my Prism Protein Skimmer :lol: There was no way I could get him out of there, so i've just left him to it..hehehe....I have one brilliant algae free skimmer right now! :lol:
  30. N

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    Yup, it isn't called Live Rock for nothing! :good: Keep watching carefully, over the coming weeks you should see all sorts of macro life appearing on the rocks - I had loads of teeny tiny tubeworms magically appear on my LR! :good:
  31. N

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    That's good to hear you're not impatient. Patience is key! For what it's worth, when I recently set my SW tank up, I had my water in for about a week before adding my first bit of Live Rock. This gave me an opportunity to let the salt mix in properly (as this was my first batch of saltwater, I...
  32. N

    My New Marine Tank Log.

    It's now generally acknowledged that UGF's don't really belong in a marine setup, particularly if you're planning on keeping corals. Nitrates won't be broken down in a UGF setup, so they will gradually rise, and you will never get zero levels of nitrate, which is what you should have. This is...
  33. N

    Why You Want A Wavebox

    Sounds like a challenge to me! :hyper: :good:
  34. N

    Why You Want A Wavebox

    Those wave boxes look great, but at over £300 , very very expensive! I bet it's possible to knock together a home made one for a fraction of the cost! :good:
  35. N

    Maximum Safe Temperature?

    Ok, ta. I'm asking cos our tanks temperature has been at the 27/28 mark recently...I dropped some RO ice cubes in to try and keep the temperature down. I'm also asking coz our yellow tailed damsel fish died, along with one of our peppermint shrimps :sad: I have no idea why...the damsel looked...
  36. N

    Maximum Safe Temperature?

    What's the maximum recommended 'safe' temperature for a marine aquarium?
  37. N

    My New Black And White Ocellaris :_::_:fixed Again:_::_:

    I can't see it either - I'm using Linux btw...
  38. N

    Cross Breeding Convicts

    I once had a Convict and a Texas cross breed; unfortunately none of the fry survived - I think they got eaten by all the other tank mates - this was in a community tank with loads of other fish...I wasn't even trying to breed them, it just happened! So is this cross breeding thing quite common...
  39. N

    How Beginner Is Beginner?

    And remember....once you go saltie, you won't want to go back! :D