Maximum Safe Temperature?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Darlo, UK
What's the maximum recommended 'safe' temperature for a marine aquarium?
i keep mine t 25-26 wich is about 78,79
you dont want he tank temp any higher than 84 max or about 82 wich is a safe max
Yeah, I dont start sweating until my tank gets to 82. Drastic measures are considered at 84 in my tank...
Ok, ta. I'm asking cos our tanks temperature has been at the 27/28 mark recently...I dropped some RO ice cubes in to try and keep the temperature down.

I'm also asking coz our yellow tailed damsel fish died, along with one of our peppermint shrimps :sad: I have no idea why...the damsel looked in perfect health and was feeding and swimming around normally. We only had the damsel for a week.... :sad: One day he was alive, the next day he was dead. The water quality is fine... no ammonia, no nitrite....pH is 8.2

So I'm thinking the high temperature killed them?
Doubt it, I've heard of damsels surviving up to 30C... They're really hardy.

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