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  1. AbstractClock18

    Is it velvet?

    Y'all, I totally forgot to update. It's not velvet. He's doing great. Thank you all for your advice!
  2. AbstractClock18

    Is it velvet?

    I've been out of the game lately, but I recently got a new betta, and he's been great. The thing is, I was shining my light on him, and noticed an odd coloration around his head. I thought nothing of it at first, but it looks like it might have spread (I am not sure, as my memory sucks). He...
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  5. AbstractClock18

    My Snail Laid Eggs

    Thank you!! :)
  6. AbstractClock18

    My Snail Laid Eggs

    So, an update: The eggs, unfortunately, where not fertilized. I scraped them off the lid (it smelled horrible) and threw them away. For future reference, if I do get fertilized eggs and decide to hatch them, will a Betta eat the young?
  7. AbstractClock18

    Dying Betta

    I had a Betta die of dropsy once. It was terrible and I cried. I had just moved back from college and brought the fish with me. I think the combination of driving for so long and then the different water I had to put in the tank is what did him in. When I first noticed the swelling, I thought it...
  8. AbstractClock18

    My Snail Laid Eggs

    That does make sense. Although, one source I read but am having trouble finding again said some sperm can last up to a year before the female decides to lay the eggs.
  9. AbstractClock18

    My Snail Laid Eggs

    Thank you for the info. So, if I've had her for 9 months, these eggs could be fertilized?
  10. AbstractClock18

    My Snail Laid Eggs

    Yeah, so she's definitely female. We read that some snails can be fertile for a while before laying eggs, but I don't know if that's the case here.
  11. AbstractClock18

    My Snail Laid Eggs

    I'm really confused right now. My gold inca snail has laid eggs. When I got Mercury, I was told it was male. Then I did some research on sexing snails and also came to the conclusion it was male. I took the lid off the tank today and found what appear to be eggs! According to my research, this...
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  13. AbstractClock18

    Heater for Hard Water?

    Where I live, we have a well, and the water that typically comes up is filled with different minerals. I've tried the hauling water thing, but it ended up being too expensive and (mostly) time consuming. Besides, my snail and previous fish haven't expressed any issue with the hard water. The...
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  15. AbstractClock18


    Thank you so much! I will definitely watch out for it.
  16. AbstractClock18


    Thank you! I did notice some nipping from my last Betta when I first introduced Mercury (the snail) to the tank. It seemed to only happen when the Betta was hungry and mad at me for sleeping past feeding time.
  17. AbstractClock18


    Hello everyone. I'm new here, and have many questions. I started this hobby of keeping fish, entirely ignorant, about two years ago, when I started college. I've only kept Bettas until now. I only have a 5 gallon tank, with a Gold Inca Snail living inside, by himself while I try to figure out...