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  1. FishyJames

    My Shrimp Is Preggy!

    so how long do i have to wait before i have wittle cherry shwimps swimmin around my tank?
  2. FishyJames

    Sea Robins/sand Perch In A Live Marine Tank

    when you say vertically compressed, do you mean a tank with a larger footprint? or one with more water vertically than horizontally?
  3. FishyJames

    Sea Robins/sand Perch In A Live Marine Tank

    I was wondering if anyone had experience with any kind of Sea Robins or Diplectrum formosum. I was out fishing today and i think the Formosum are extremely beautiful fish. So ofcourse now i want to make a marine tank just for one of them =D As for the sea robins, i just think they're neat. So...
  4. FishyJames

    Odessa Barbs

    well i fed the little guys today and they ate from my hand =X i dunno if that still counts as timid, but i havnt had them do it before =D
  5. FishyJames

    The Best Of Aquabid

    .....i would sell my soul...
  6. FishyJames

    Alexf Pics

    is that a penquing biowheel filter? cause i have one =D
  7. FishyJames

    Odessa Barbs

    i havnt had the chance to get the water checked, i dont own a checker thing, so i go to petsmart =/ and i've got two amazon swords, some tape grass, anarchis, a crypt, some micro sword, and a bundle of java moss. Not to mention two silk plants as a shrimp hotel, a coconut and a pice of clay pot
  8. FishyJames

    What Are You Listening To?

    Title: Ascending from Below Artist: Cult of Luna Genre: Rock/EXperimental im listning to them on though =/ cause im to poor and lazy to go get their cd But you should check them out they're pretty good +D
  9. FishyJames

    So I Skipped The Formal Greeting =/

    Hi everybody i joined a little while ago but didnt bother to say hello here =[ so i will and hope its not to late!!!!! for what i dunno. Anyway, I love fish? i really dont know what else to say....
  10. FishyJames

    Odessa Barbs

    So they're still timid but they're little piggies and i cant get food to my cories or the shrimp =/ i havnt gotten any different food than flake food for my fish should i get some other kind or is there a method to feed everybody with over eager fish at dinner time?
  11. FishyJames

    Plants And Sand

    no they were telling me to use a medium sized gravel substrate because the sand would crush/suffocate the roots of the plants =/
  12. FishyJames

    Plants And Sand

    thanks for the how too supercoley +D and thanks to all of ya. you guys have just pushed me far enough to no longer listen to my LFS's advice thats like the 100th time they've told me somthing that wasnt completely true i want to start a fish store and actually give out good information rather...
  13. FishyJames

    Joseph, The Snail That Defies Gravity.

    lol well i love my snails. and if they only eat dead leaves i might as well put joseph back into the big tank i was under the impression Ramshorns ate living plants. but extra clean up is always better.
  14. FishyJames

    Plants And Sand

    So i want to change my 10 to a sand substrate, but i dont know what kind of plants can survive in sand. Every LFS ive talked to said that you needed a medium size gravel substrate so the roots dont get crushed by the rocks. so does anyone know what kind of plants can go into sand. and has...
  15. FishyJames

    Joseph, The Snail That Defies Gravity.

    i hadnt considered the gas in the shell thing. it does make sense though, i see all my snails burp alot. owell if they're the pest species of snails then i guess i gotta find the second one in my bigger tank that hitched a ride in on one of my sword plants. little bugger is gonna have to move...
  16. FishyJames

    Joseph, The Snail That Defies Gravity.

    So I was watching tv today and I decided to look at my betta (whom is housed in the same 10gal tank with joseph and another snail who doesnt do anything.) and I noticed something peculiar. He was crawling along, upside down, on the bottom of the surface of the water. I was amazed. For a good...
  17. FishyJames

    Timid Odessas

    alright ill try my best to keep the water up and thanks alot =D
  18. FishyJames

    Sharing For The Heck Of It

    i love my RTBS named Paul He schools with my odessas when they arn't hiding or eating sometimes he comes and mouths on the side of the aquarium when i come up to it =D
  19. FishyJames

    Timid Odessas

    well its a 20 long and yea its cycling so i guess that could be ok they're colors seem ok from the pictures i've seen in the petstore they seemed alot darker coloration, only one has stayed like taht the rest are a paler brown on top, then red, then just pale color so i dunno and theyre...
  20. FishyJames

    Timid Odessas

    Hi, im new to the forum (just signed up today =D) and was gonna use this as my greeting to everybody and an asking for advice on my odessas. Well i have six of these guys, one of them has one eye and is named One Eyed Jack, and they're really really timid. I have them in a 20L and all they do...