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  1. T

    Is There Such A Thing As An "easy Crab"?

    Red claw crabs are the most common you will find, unless you are interested in hermits, which are not even aquatic. And about that part where it would be easy because it isn't a full tank of water, i would imagine the exact opposite is true due to it being a small amount.
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    What Is This?

    I presume kuhli loaches and possibly even cory's count as sensitive, being scaleless and all. I will sleep on it for now, thank you for all the help.
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    What Is This?

    Would there be any undersirable side-effects or risks if I treated? At the moment velvet seems to be the only thing that reallly adds up.
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    What Is This?

    Not to worry,as I said I have all weekend to ponder on this and observe, nothing I can do till next week. Feel free to leave this to another day but the danio was swimming against the glass just then. I have taken a video of it's general behaviour but photo bucket won't let me login will try...
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    What Is This?

    I did but because of the Danios gold colour it is difficult to tell, I will go check again. Doesn't help it freaks them out and they try to hide :(
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    What Is This?

    Looks like they have a layer of 'dust' on their slime coat but then again, this could just be their natural shininess or reflective ness if you know what I mean. If it is this, would you say it fits the symptoms?
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    What Is This?

    No flicking or rubbing noticeable although I have very dense plants which they often swim through, hard to tell if rubbing though. I googled velvet and compared it to my fish, could be it but it's hard to tell. The danio appears to be acting erratic and is staying in the same area of the tank...
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    What Is This?

    URGENT UPDATE: One of the danios has developed some some 'spots' or what could even be considered patches. Brownish in colour, vary in size (the smallest is around 3-4 times the size of a white spot 'grain) and appear to be raised of the skin. Impossible to photograph. Suggestions? Please note...
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    What Is This?

    Found out i have no anti-bacterial stuff and will only be able to get it on monday or tuesday. Will add more filter floss right away. Debris is too fine to net out, very small pieces of stuff that is pretty much unidentifiable, i would guess it is plant matter and other such things. No change...
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    What Is This?

    I recently changed my conditioner to API Stress Coat+, my filter is also not so good (i plan o replacing it) and there is some visible debris in the water.
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    What Is This?

    Something i forgot, the gourami has has these red marks off and on for months now, no change since. Does this change anything?
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    What Is This?

    It could certainly be bleeding under the skin, as i said the gourami's do dart when i enter the room and sometimes when they chase eachother. No seen flicking or rubbing other than the zebra Gray discoloration could apply, hard to tell with the gourami's. Taking my stock into consideration...
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    What Is This?

    I have a confession Wilder, i am currently working with a test strip kit :( I know these are far from ideal but it is all i have until i get my master test kit. According to the stick levels are: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 25-30ppm (i am overdue a water change) There does not appear...
  14. T

    What Is This?

    Hey there, i am writing to ask for some advice about my Zebra Danio but will start with some general info first. This tank is 180 litres, set up using cycled filter media over a month ago and the stocking is as following: 3 Pearl Gourami's 7 Harlequin Rasbora's 6 Bronze Corydoras 4 Kuhli...
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    What Do I Do?

    Are you trying to say you are dosing ammonia even though there is a fish in there :/ ? If you have/still are dosing for white spot the free-swimming stage should die instantly, but even so, this is not white spot. As far as i am aware it is impossible to see white spot with the naked eye, they...
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    Lie To Me

    Ps3Steveo, you are correct. Was 1 too much of an obvious trap? Safe to say that was one unhappy dog.
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    Lie To Me

    Cant claim to anything as interesting as yours but here goes: 1. I once accidentally hit a dog. In the face. With a spade. 2. I own three dogs, all the same breed. 3. I aso love building military models from the 30's and 40's.
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    Cory With Injury?

    Dont get to excited about Maidenhead, its a small shop in a garden centre, i went on Sunday and a lot of their tanks are still not up and running, not a very wide selection of dry good either IMO. Of the fish currently in my tank i have bought 4 zebra danio's one of which appears to have gill...
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    Lie To Me

  20. T

    Cory With Injury?

    I find somethin' fishy is handy if you want a common fish, they often have good deals on but in my experience they are prone to have ich in their stock. I know of no other nearby shops apart from pets at home and maidenhead aquatics in knutsford. If you ever do get the opportunity to make a trip...
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    Corys Laying Eggs

    I view fish being happy enough to breed as the pinnacle of fish keeping, you must be simulating their natural conditions well. Have not quite achieved it with my cory's but i think its just because they are not yet fully matured.
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    Cory With Injury?

    That's funny, i'm in Winsford, i take it you have been to somethin' fishy? I know the feeling you have with the Krobia, it's the exact same thing that happens with my Gourami's. Im glad to hear your stocking works well at the moment, i must admit i was curious as you are obviously fairly...
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    Evil Fish

    Im not saying it should be done and to hell with the consequences, just that a fish does not always 'need' the exact conditions it lives in in the wild. Fish don't live in glass tanks in the wild, they don't have a constant temperature, they don't have certain species of plants. These may seem...
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    Need Advice On Soon To Be 65 Gallon Discus Tank

    Not experienced with discus but what's with the female betta? I know they are ok with cory's and plecs but the female betta just looks out of place and I can imagine it may not go down too well.
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    Cory With Injury?

    Are you sure she hasn't always had it, a bit like a birth mark, and you have only just noticed it? Don't know what to suggest other than keep water clean and keep an eye on it. The gravel looks a bit rough to me, are all the other cory's barbels ok? I know you must get this a lot but how are...
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    Julii Or Panda? Which Ones To Get?

    Well to me it sounds like you have narrowed it down. No species of cory's need special treatment (as far as I am aware) compared to others so if you know these are the right size for you, go with your gut! Choose the ones you love the most and will not get bored with :hyper: . My advice? Spend...
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    American Flag Fish!

    Hey this info may be a bit outdated but I thought you needed either a single flag fish or at least six as they can be aggressive to eachother?
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    Real Seawater?

    What other disadvantages do you need? :D Carrying the water? The trip? Physical debris?
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    Julii Or Panda? Which Ones To Get?

    Bear in mind they may be false Jullii's. What do you define as 'too big'? The 'must be good to look at' part is an impossible question, it's personal preference.
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    Evil Fish

    Just want to say, how can anybody know if it's a coincidence or not? The simple answer is you can't. You also can't expect most fish keepers to rule out lots of species just because the water isn't ideal, it would be nice for them to be in perfect conditions but it isn't a realistic expectation.
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    Eggs - Hatching And Raising

    Pretty sure they are triggered to hatch by putting them in a tank of water (preferable to simulate rainfall by pouring water over them gently), according to what i have read you then raise them in this tank until ready to move them. Bear in mind all eggs might not hatch in one go so if they are...
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    Bristle Nose Pleco

    10cm max. Minimum temp is around 22 degrees celsius and max is around 28.
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    Evil Fish

    Wouldn't recommend this.
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    Eggs - Hatching And Raising

    The one I purchased was a one of thing but I imagine they will have more, they do not appear to be a professional shop: This is the other place you can buy the normal strain...
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    Corys Laying Eggs

    Long story short, no. You would need to set up a new tank for the fry. :good:
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    Eggs - Hatching And Raising

    I wrote to the seller asking about incubation time and he said once they arrive mine will need about a week in a dark, warm space. I plan on leaving them in the original packaging in my room (always warm) for a week before hatching them out. The worst part will be having them there while I have...
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    Eggs - Hatching And Raising

    I have just purchased my first eggs today that are described as "15+ Fundulopanchax gardneri "gold" killifish (killiefish) eggs and microworms". Gardneri were recommended to me as an ideal starter fish and are not to expensive, i got mine for £7.50 (bidding) but the normal fish (not the gold...
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    Low-tech Juwel Rio 180

    180 litres, 45 gallons
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    Could I Keep Any Gouramis?

    Well how big is the tank?