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  1. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Thanks I hope it's 3rd time lucky! Aww they are far too small for pics but I will put pics up tomorrow of the new set up and ridiculously big filter from my last tank which is about the size of the new tank! It's going to look so silly but I need it to instantly cycle the new tank. Can't wait!
  2. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    I actually don't know where to start lol  Is it a livebearer at all? That's what I initially thought with the body shape and stuff!
  3. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Is it a mexican livebearer ilyodon furcidens?
  4. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Yes! Rules of the game-rename your pic so nobody takes advantage ;)
  5. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    I don't know what it is but wow another gorgeous fish!
  6. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

      Yes! Even though the pic I have says macropodus dayii! Your turn, well done! 
  7. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    It sure is! You are very close though, I will give you that :D
  8. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Nope  Just googled it-that's a gorgeous fish!
  9. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    My eggs have hatched/are hatching as I type!!! Really excited! Loads of little wrigglers now! I just hope they don't escape. Will be picking up the new tank tomorrow for them. Just the little 15L tank from b&m's. Then when they are a decent size they can go into the 64L grow out tank. 
  10. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

     No, it's not a cichlid
  11. Ny82

    Rewarding Myself To New Aquarium

    That woods a good start, it's a great piece! I would stand it so it looks like an arch :D
  12. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Might be...might not be... :p
  13. Ny82

    Rewarding Myself To New Aquarium

    Nice! I like the roma, that's the one I was supposed to be picking up today but the sale fell through  Can't wait to see the progress :)
  14. Ny82


    Oh, so sorry to hear that :(      Sully 
  15. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    I want those too! Never seem them though :( I am looking for a shoal of pretty fish!
  16. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    In case people didn't see my pic here it is again :p both names please :D  
  17. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Ooh how exciting for you! My peppers are quite bold and my bronze are shy. The 3 peppers swim like normal fish all day long. Up and down and along the length of the tank! One of them is more green than the rest, I think this one is female. They always lay the eggs when you are out! I always come...
  18. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Woohoo! I have to have some! They would set my tank of beautifully ;)   Here's an easy one for you. Both names please :D  
  19. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Is it a vietnamese cardinal minnow - tanichthys micagemmae? 
  20. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Omg they are gorgeous!
  21. Ny82

    Band Name Generator

    I'm...   NEON COMBOVER - that's so me!!! 
  22. Ny82

    Jumping Guppy

    I had guppies jumping too. I had put them into a bucket whilst replacing the substrate and the 2 males jumped about 3 feet along the floor. My little one just let out a scream and when I came back into the room she said it had jumped-i'm looking around the bucket but didn't see anything because...
  23. Ny82

    Breeding Big Ear Pair

    That males gorgeous, I can't wait to see the fry either, good luck!
  24. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

      I forgot about filter sponge! Probably less embarrassing than buying tights! I put light coloured sand so I can see them since they are minuscule and I am impatient!   You will fall in love with them instantly they are the cutest things ever!  
  25. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

    Hahaha good idea! It's for my fish tank filter honest....;)
  26. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

    Lol! That's like me yesterday, thought my ram had a fungal infection in his mouth until I saw the eggs everywhere!   If you (or someone else :p) has an old pair of tights/pop socks, just cut it, and stretch it over the filter, and secure it in place with a rubber band. That will stop anything...
  27. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

    Congrats on your eggs! I have about 40 I found just yesterday. Do you have an airstone? What I do is put the eggs into a breeding trap and float them in my fry tank which is 64L, with an airstone in the trap and tights over the sides to stop them escaping once they hatch.  I was advised to add...
  28. Ny82

    Hello From Edinburgh

    Lol i'm Nylah and you're welcome. Just try and resize it to bigger without distorting it too much!
  29. Ny82

    Hello From Edinburgh

    Yeah if you join photobucket you can edit your pics :)
  30. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    I haven't seen them either I was just looking at pics of all stunning rasboras-chilli and galaxy being my favourite! I have seen that fish in your pic but I will never remember how I got to it lol!
  31. Ny82

    Hello From Edinburgh

    What image hosting site are you using? If it's photobucket you can resize the pic. 
  32. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Yes! So have I would be a lovely shoal in with my rams :p  Your go!
  33. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    Okies, an easy one to start us off again, both names please.   
  34. Ny82

    Male Or Female Ram?

    No lol it's when I saw the short front spiky bit I was in 2 minds, but no pink belly so we are all man! :p
  35. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V2

    So...what's happening :p
  36. Ny82

    Male Or Female Ram?

        Yeah I just have 1 male ram in my tank with my cories. He was having a great delicacy earlier. I thought he had fungal infection in his mouth until I noticed all the cory eggs on the tank walls and plants! Nom Nom
  37. Ny82

    Male Or Female Ram?

    Lol they are just babies! the pic I took for my sig was in the old tank and he had coloured up well, might just take some getting used to this new tank. 
  38. Ny82

    Male Or Female Ram?

    Thanks for the responses folks! Paradise-he's only young, not even 2 inches long yet. I am hoping he will get more colour as he matures! Female for him on friday! I did see the females they looked smaller and pink bellies lol. I hope they have some when I go back, he's acting like a cory...
  39. Ny82

    Male Or Female Ram?

    He's not got a pink belly and hasn't got a rounded rear dorsal!  But look at the spiky dorsal fin at the front isn't it meant to be long for a boy? I put it on another site and they suggested I get another 3 and see if they pair off. 