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  1. F

    cory fry eggs+care?

    Don't know too much about breeding cory cats but for my pearl danios, I take them out of the tank with a turkey baster. I will take a turkey baster and get as many of the fry out as I can then put them in another tank. Once they become free-swimming which might take a couple of days, feed them...
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    I would just remember to do your research. I hope you enjoy this hobby too.
  3. F

    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    No, problem. I want people to enjoy this hobby just like I have, and keep enjoying it as I will.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    I would keep the temp at 80-82 for about 2 days. After that slowly turn the temp back down to normal. Just change the heat setting on the heater every day to get it back to normal.?
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    You just don't want to hurt the fish while trying to save them. If you know what I mean lol.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    No, don't use the ich treatments just turn down the heat a little to about 80-82 degrees so you don't burn the fish. Yes, this will still kill the ich.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    Temps around 75-79 will usually kill ich but I would play it safe and go around 80-82.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    Sorry meant to bring the temp down to around 82.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    They will be okay in warmer temps but they like it in the mid-70s. That's their spanning temp so you might just want to bring the temp down to about 83 degrees. By the way, all of these temps are in Fahrenheit.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    I wouldn't keep it there for too long at all because of the neon tetras like the temp at 72-76 degrees. That's why if the treatment worked for ich better I would say use the ich treatment. You should never have a fish out of its temp range for too long though. The other fish won't like that temp...
  11. F

    5 gal betta help

    Don't forget the filter though. You HAVE to cycle the tank with a filter.
  12. F

    5 gal betta help

    Ya, I agree don't 100% think that it matters whenever you put in the substrate. That's just what I got from what he said that the bag said. In my opinion, though I think you should let the tank cycle with the substrate and decor. If you want to know how to cycle a fish tank a little bit faster I...
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    Great, hope this idea works for you!
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    5 gal betta help

    This means that you should let the filter run with the tank water and then put in the rocks once the tank has cycled. Yes, I agree, very nice choice of substrate. Also agree with the leak test. I learned that the hard way once or twice. Watch this video by Kgtropicals on how to set up the betta...
  15. F

    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    That's fine. What you can do for the ones you can't control is do water changes and put in warmer water whenever filling up the tank. That should at least raise the temp a little bit. It's a nice and easy way of raising the temp yourself without a heater that you can't control.
  16. F

    **Question of the week** | What is your favorite fish that you own?

    I like all fish but if I had to choose I would choose the pearl danio. They don't have much color but they are super energetic. Started to hate them though when they started to breed like rabbits.LOL.
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    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    Okay, great hope they all survive. Just make sure to also raise the temp of the main tank.
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    Water changes question

    The reason I think you should do a 60-gallon water change weekly is that you will be doing a 50% water change weekly which is perfect. But 70 would be even better.
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    Water changes question

    I agree though 60 a week would be best.
  20. F

    Water changes question

    I would have thought I was pretty stupid too if I saw a 1-gallon water change. But I meant 10-gallon water change simple mistype, sorry:):eek:.
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    Water changes question

    Please don't pay attention to my first post if it shows a 1-gallon water change daily. I edited it after I sent it because I noticed I put 1 gallon instead of 10 gallons so if you didn't refresh it might still say 1 gallon.
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    Water changes question

    You should refresh I said a 10-gallon water change.
  23. F

    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    I would just treat the whole tank at this point. It's probably already hit the other fish at this point so treat the whole tank for ich. Make sure not to overdose though. I agree with byron though you need to do a huge water change. No need to move him to a hospital tank though.
  24. F

    Water changes question

    As long as you do a 10-gallon water change every day or do a 60-gallon water change once a week you will be fine. I usually do water changes every Sunday on all of my tanks. Up to you though what you want to do.
  25. F

    5 gal betta help

    I don't know too much about live plants but I do know that my bettas love peace lily roots. For substrate I have marbles but for my shrimp I have sand. Then for decor, I would put in something that the betta could hide behind(plants could work for that too). I would put in a small heater for it...
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    I agree with OliveFish05 you want a heater in that small bucket(get a betta heater though because those are usually pretty weak but will get the job done in situations like this). But if you can get a quarantine tank because that bucket won't help for too long. He needs to be in a small tank...
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    I would put him in a quarantine tank by himself(if you can). Treat it with the proper amount of dechlorination in the tank. Leave him be and once he gets better put him in a tank with other fish that won't pick on him or that he won't pick on. Doesn't look in good condition though.