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    Catfish Id

    Cheers for quick reply. Sorry again about quality. This is in the middle of the tank so the camera will focus on pretty much anything but the fish. Plus my oscars are real photo whores and kept swimming in front of camera cause they weren't getting the attention. Also are all these suitable...
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    Catfish Id

    Can anyone ID these fish for me. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sorry about poor image quality but they refuse to come out on display :)
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    What Do I Do?!?! First Sand Tank!

    I used cheap play sand (argos £3) and washed it and never had this problem.
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    Tetra Morning Stress

    Cheers they normally colour up shortly after the lights are put on just that first thing they are pale. I'm probably just being paranoid, because everything is going so well. I'm expecting my tank to catch fire or something :)
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    Tetra Morning Stress

    My Red phantom Tetra seem to be stressed in the morning when i turn the tank lights on. I'm not sure if it's something that is happening in the tank overnight (ph swing maybe ?) or the shock of the lights coming on. But they seem to keep the fins close to there body if that makes sense and lose...
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    New Year Resolutions?

    To never leave my tank filling to "quickly" go check something on the internet again. What a start to the New Year, Bedroom flood.
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    Is This Normal?

    Yeah as tom said the plants are using the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate faster than the fish can produce them. This is probably helped by you having CO2. You still need to do water changes to remove things like dissolved solids and other things test kit won't show up and also to refresh trace elements...
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    Problems With Our Canister Filter

    The problem is probably bacterial bloom which is caused by excess organic waste in the water. The cure is to throughly vacumn your substrate and make sure to get rid of any dead material like dead plants or fish. A few things that would be helpful are : How often do you water change and how...
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    Growlux Lamps!.......what Colour!

    10,000k is more suited to marine than tropical but most tropical plants will do ok under it.
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    Tank Is Ready, Now Help Me Cycle It

    You could. I would wash it in water from his tank and add it to your tank though. Also you still really need a piece of media. This will help but media is still a must.
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    Growlux Lamps!.......what Colour!

    Is this for a tropical planted tank ? If so i use 865 t5's on mine and they are pleasant and about £3 a pop off the internet.
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    Tank Is Ready, Now Help Me Cycle It

    Ideally you want the media so 1/3 of his sponge and some ceramic rings or similar. If they live reasonably close i would take a bucket over and when you "borrow" the media ask them if they can clean there other media in the bucket in some of there tank water. The bits that come out of the filter...
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    Marine Biorb

    Marine tanks require Reverse Osmosis water and good quality salt. So if by his water he meant RO water then yes you need this and not tap water(which contains far to many trace elements). Running a marine tank is a little bit more effort than running a tropical tank and is conciderably more...
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    Black Sand

    You can get black tahitian sand off ebay. £20 delivered for 20lb bag. Looks lovely in all the tank pictures i've seen it in. Pretty sure it's inert too. made by caribsea also sometimes called black marine sand.
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    New Year Resolutions?

    Mine was going to be no more fish tanks but i've seen a marine nano tank i really fancy so no more large tanks :)
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    Snail Help

    Don't use snail killing products they contain high dose copper which will kill your invertabrates and damage your plants. Get 1 assasin snail they won't breed if there's just 1.
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    Assassin Snails

    Paid £6.45 for 4 at maiden head aquatics.
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    Hair Alge / Blanket Weed

    Is it black hair algea ?
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    Hair Alge / Blanket Weed

    Is the tank planted. A tank i purchased with some oscars had a bad hair algea problem I planted it with some frogbits(which got eaten) and some pond weed (elodea densa) and the problem was gone in short order. I have also dosed seachem flourish excel to stop hair algea and this is also effective.
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    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    I'm sure someone will come along and give you a better answer but i can tell you that angel fish will eat anything that will fit in there mouth and the problem may be that if they start of by eating all the small platties they will then move on to harrassing and killing the bigger platties. Just...
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    Ocellaris Clownfish

    Is it ok to keep colour variations of Ocellaris clownfish in the same 30g aquarium. Was thinking maybe 1 black and white and 1 orange,black and white. Also with smaller tanks is skimming required/a benefit. I want to go FOWLR and wasn't sure whether a skimmer or a refugium with...
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    API master test kit is very good as long as it's the liquid one. You can get ammonia from larger boots stores or order it for pickup in smaller stores from there web site. The bacteria that are used in cycling are generally attached to surfaces so gravel, ornaments or best of all filter media...
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    Pets@home Plants

    I sent in the professionals. Assasin snails 8-)
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    Pets@home Plants

    Yeah was sold non aquatic plants and they also came with snails :(
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    Cloudy Fish Tank (No Fish)

    Discus are a specialist fish that require a lot of care and may not be the best choice if you are just getting into the hobby. Did you make sure to throughly wash the gravel before putting it in the fish tank if not then this is probably your problem. What i would reccomend as the basics would...
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    Queston About External Filter?

    Eheim classics are good value for money. Stay away from ecco's though lots of people have had problems with them. Fluval 105,205 ect are popular also although i have no experience of them.
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    Tank Upgrade

    Personally i would wait till the new tank arrives then I would 1. Drain old tank down to 50%. Then remove all decor plants rocks ect and put them in one or 2 of those buckets. 2. Catch all your fish and either put them in buckets you have or Plastic bags you can get from most LFS if you ask...
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    My Tank With Pics

    20 cardinals, 20 red phantom(didn't fancy serpea as there supposed to fin nip and i have angels going in eventually), 10 glowlight, 6 panda cory, 6 coorydoras julli. Although i don't think the cories show up in any of the pics. At some point i will try and get a decent photo of whole tank. Still...
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    My Tank With Pics

    Yeah i really like the bubble wall, runs the length of the tank but took some pictures with it on and some with it off. Ironically bought it for my panda cory's as the last ones i had loved it. These don't seem overly fussed though. My cories are refusing to shoal as well just hanging out in 1's...
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    External Filter Question

    I get this effect sometimes normally if i have had to remove the top of one of my externals or it's got moved around during maintenance. Just looks a little unsightly but shouldn't cause any issues.
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    What Fish Should I Buy To Go With My Clown Loach

    Clown loach are peaceful community fish suitable to be housed with even small fish. So basically you can have whatever you want with them. More need to worry about what is compatible with your tetras. I have seen clown loach in large community tanks, Single species loach tanks and even with...
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    Will Water Changes Ever Stop!?!?

    Also just read your comment in planted section saying your plants are dieing if this is the case they will be adding a great deal to your waste and therefore ammonia. Only healthy plants aid in asorbing nitrogen as either ammonia,nitrite or nitrate. Unhealthy plants will fowl up the water...
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    Water Test Results

    Some people have nitrate and even trace ammonia in there tap water. Generally the reccomendation is to stay within 40ppm nitrate of you tap water. This should be fine unless you have some particularly sensitive or specialist fish. Personally if i was you i would plant the tank. My Trace nitrate...
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    Newbie Clown Fish + Soft Coral

    Cheers for the fast reponse. Do i need to factor in the sump when calculating the amount of live rock i need and what sort of size sump would be best for this size tank 1/3 or 1/2 the size of main tank or just as big as possible. What would you put in the sump for this setup obviously protien...
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    Pleco Died After A Week But Other Fish Are Fine Before And After

    Ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,temperature, how regularly you do a water change and how much, PH.
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    Newbie Clown Fish + Soft Coral

    First i would like to start by saying i have no experience of salt water aquariums aside from what i have researched here and on the internet so if anything i say is wrong or stupid please bear with me. I would like to setup a small salt water aquarium to house 1 or maybe 2 clown fish, a...
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    Power Cut

    Depends on how deep your pockets are and the value of your stock i suppose also how often it happens and for how long. I concidered Getting a Uninterruptible Power Supply for my tank but the problem with these is they will only power low power items (pump 25w) for any sustained period 1h+ and...
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    By my maths your pretty much 1cm of fish to 1l of water using there fully grown sizes. But i would think that you have a bit of head room as tetras are quite a low bioload fish. Overstocking comes more down to your filtration and how often and how much water you are willing to change. You need...
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    What Fish Should I Buy To Go With My Clown Loach

    The clown fish will get very large and adult clown fish are generally reccomended for tanks that are 6X2X2 with very good filtration and often powerheads to provide current. Personally i would exchange them for either zebra or yoyo loaches unless you are willing to make this sort of investment...