Tetra Morning Stress


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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My Red phantom Tetra seem to be stressed in the morning when i turn the tank lights on. I'm not sure if it's something that is happening in the tank overnight (ph swing maybe ?) or the shock of the lights coming on. But they seem to keep the fins close to there body if that makes sense and lose a lot of there color. As the day progresses they seem better and by evening they have there fins fully out and are properly coloured.

Two of them have also developed a little bit of fin rot. I have just been treating this by upping water changes.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0-5

Dosing 12ml of Seachem flourish excel in morning but this is after the lights have been on an hour.
Water change 20% weekly. Twice weekly at moment.

20 Red phantom tetra
20 Cardinal tetra
10 Glowlight tetra
6 panda corydoras
6 corydoras juli

Tank is planted and has a large piece of bogwood in it.
My fish are the same when first put the light on,the seem stressed out and pale,but they soon regain their colour etc... :good:

It doesn't take all day though... :unsure:
my fish are always pale when the lights are off
My fish are the same when first put the light on,the seem stressed out and pale,but they soon regain their colour etc... :good:

It doesn't take all day though... :unsure:

Cheers they normally colour up shortly after the lights are put on just that first thing they are pale. I'm probably just being paranoid, because everything is going so well. I'm expecting my tank to catch fire or something :)

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