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  1. D


    :hi: erm...can't add much more than what has been said already. Reading the various nano journals would be a very good start though, that's where I got most of my info. :)
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    How To Set Up A New Tank With Marines And Liverock?

    Hi and welcome! :) From reading your posts it is obvious you need to do a lot more research on this. My advice would be to not buy anything else (apart from a couple of good books on the subject) and start reading, and asking a lot of questions (which you are already doing :good: ). This is...
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    My First Nano!

    Your LFS might take them off you for their sumps. The problem might be catching them in the first place!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    No worries, will take the picture once my DI unit arrives! :D It is quite slow, but it's fine as I just need 1 bucket per week - if I had a bigger tank I would probably have to get a booster pump. Btw, I sort of remember reading in the instructions that DI water is unfit for drinking. Is that...
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    My First Nano!

    The shrimpy things could be your "pod" population starting to grow, look up copepods and amphipods in google. Also be careful with the starfish, it could be Asterina, which I believe can chow down on corals?
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, hooked up the RO Unit with not too many issues. However there is a small leak around the screw clamp (that's attached to the copper mains), which is a little annoying. Will try and seal it up using silicone sealant. The TDS with the tap water was 69, and the RO water is 6 (with no DI). It...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers for the help Barney! :good:
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yep, got 3 ball valves also (after reading your thread in which Trod changed your DI unit! LOL). Basically got the 3 Stage 50 GPD unit, a TDS meter, 3xBall Valves and the DI Unit. I am handy enough with regards DIY, but have no experience with plumbing. I find these jobs tend to go swimmingly...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    My RO unit just arrived! :good: Who'd have thought I would be so excited about a water filtration device...... ;) It is sitting on my desk in work, so I have a fun evening ahead of me. Hopefully I can install it without any major issues. Unfortunately I haven't got my DI unit yet, as RO-MAN are...
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    My First Nano!

    Holy crap that was a low SG!! :(
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yep, eight fronds in the pic :good: - exactly the same as mine. Cool! :D They are really really small at the moment - hopefully they do ok.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    I am starting to think they could be some sort of Anthelia sp
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    Finally A Pic Of My Tank!

    Nice lighting mod!! :good: What light is that? Make/Manufacturer?
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, founda picture on the net. This is exactly what I have . I read the thread, but it looked like no-one answered the person who was asking what they were. Or maybe I can't find it, it is hard to read the website!
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cool! Does the brittle star attach to the rock by a thicker appendage? I wish I could get a pic, very hard to describe such things - and even harder for people to try and imagine what I can see! lol :D
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Tried a pic, but they are sort of around the back/side of the tank and my camera won't focus on them. I have to update what I said previously, they DO retract into the rock....but slower than say, a feather duster. I disturbed one of them and it sort of curled it's "tentacles" inwards and then...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yeah, I am way low on CUC. Was only thinking of getting more before the drama last week! Noticed a couple more hitchhikers just there. First is some sort of worm, very thin (about human hair thickness), about 2 inches long and a sort of clear/white colour. It was moving around one of the rocks...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks Seffie! :good: Yeah two of them have shed in the past few days, they also seem more themselves (if that makes sense!) since shedding - walking around more etc. I will probably get another 2 Nass snails, only have one at the moment. Will probably take a trip to LFS on Saturday and see...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Is there anyway to tell if a hermit crab shedding is just that, or an actual dead hermit?? Basically I retrieved my Halloween shedding (which it definitely is, because he is walking around the tank!), but when taking it out I noticed what looks like a shedding from one of my scarlet reef...
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    Welcome My Dad To The Forum!

    Welcome! :-)
  21. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cool, mine sort of fluctuates between 26 - 28, I suppose once it isn't creeping up and up it is ok. The Red Sea test kits are doing my head in, going to just order some Salifert ones when I get paid. Going to get pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Po4. Already have Ammonia.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Well, took apart the hood and gave it a good old clean. There was a good buildup of salt and dust in there!! :crazy: The fans do seem a bit quieter, but still noisier than they should be. Will just get a couple of new ones I suppose. However a lot of the ones I see on the internet have 3 pin...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks for the info Barney! I can't imagine the Bristle Cage worm being a coral predator, as it never leaves it's tube. Plus a lot of sites state it is a filter feeder. Will keep an eye on it though.....
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers! Yeah I am pretty sure they are just your bog standard PC fans, they look like it anyway. I will give them a proper check this evening, was just checking here in the meantime in case anyone had previously changed them and new off hand which ones worked for them (size, wiring etc). Also...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Just a quick question, can someone point me in the direction of where I can buy replacement fans for the TL450? Current ones are quite noisy! I know you can replace them with PC fans, but is there a particular size or make which I need to get that would fit onto the hood?
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    My First Nano!

    I am pretty sure T5 lighting is absolutely fine for a 10 Gal nano! ;)
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    My First Nano!

    :hi: Looking good! What kind of lighting are you using?
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    Well Its About Time.

    Very very nice! :good: Those green Rics look fantastic under that lighting....
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Sure, well there doesn't seem to be much info regarding them apart from that they are filter feeders and a good sign of a healthy tank. Most sites seem to also suggest they mainly come from around Singapore, although they could be just referring to the particular species in their articles
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Found some more hitch hikers. I have about 6 Spionidae Worms on one of the rocks. Also the above unidentified species in the last picture, seems to be Flabelligeridae, or "Bristle Cage Worm". Cool! :D
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers mate! The critters still seem a little less active then they usually are, so might not be out of the woods yet! Yeah Seffie it is a pretty cool looking thing, there are about 4 so far I have spotted in the tank. Water readings since the disaster! Thursday: Nitrates: 0, Nitrites: 0.05...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, some pics: My rescue bucket during Operation Save the Critters Lots of water needed! Added new live rock Tank finally back up and running 8 hrs later, and so far no critter losses! Also, on my old live rock I had something which I could never identify. Now I have about 4 more in the...
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    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Nice first fish! :D :good: Bad clues though :P Maybe I will make people guess my first fish, can grow 2 inches is pink, orange and white. And then when people aren't getting it I will just tell them I was lying and it is a peppermint shrimp.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers! As for stocking plans....well I make them, and then I change them, then I make another one, and then change it!! Basically I can't make my mind up! :blink:
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    Coral Of The Week - Euphyllias

    Great pics Anguilla!! Beautiful corals..... :good:
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    One For The Marine Biologists, Or Knowlagable Keepers Of Photosyntheti

    Never thought of that I have no idea, I would guess that they inherit the algae from the "parents", and the parents got it from their parents and so on right back to when they evolved this symbiotic relationship. Looking forward to someone shedding some light on it! :D
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    10 Gallon Office Tank

    Barney is right about the Firefish. When my brother got his it picked a cave in the rock and basically stayed there until feeding time. However, after a week or so, it seemed to get more comfortable with it's surroundings and used to hang out just outside the cave in full view. Not sure if that...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    All my critters are still alive and kicking as of this morning......maybe they will pull through! *fingers crossed* I will post pics of my new tank setup tomorrow.
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yeah, my LFS were really good! :) Seffie, it was a complete shock. Even when I saw the tank with only a couple of inches of water it didn't register with me for a second.....I just thought "Nah, I'm seeing things". I am just thankful it wasn't worse.......the guy in my LFS said the same thing...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Very true Barney! I am very lucky it was a new setup with no fish or lots of corals. I did lose my zoa colony which was starting to do really well, but I saved the clove polyps. I don't hold out much hope for the snails to be honest, they seemed very dodgy as of this morning. Will check them...