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  1. H

    Snail Emergency!

    Ok. While I'm working to get the GH up, should I add the calcium to the tank? The snails don't look too good to me... It's the "Kent Marine Liquid Calcium" supplement - its the only one I can find.
  2. H

    Snail Emergency!

    Ok, thank you.
  3. H

    Snail Emergency!

    Ok, thank you. With all that being said, should I add the calcium in order to help the snails and guppies? GH is related to calcium right?
  4. H

    Snail Emergency!

    Yes ppm. The store I bought the guppies from keeps them in a lower pH tank, and they've been doing great. I am not adding any more livebearers to the tank though - probably just some tetras and cories. I just want to make sure that adding calcium won't harm the fish.
  5. H

    Snail Emergency!

    The GH is around 80. Sometimes it reads as 75. My tap water is very acidic..
  6. H

    Snail Emergency!

    Hi all, I have an understocked 20-gallon tank with 3 guppies, 1 honey gourami, and 3 mystery snails. My pH is pretty low (6.8-7.0) and I know that isn't ideal for the snails. I've noticed some cracking on 2 of the snail's shells (pictures attached) and found out that they need more calcium...
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  10. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you!!! I'll definitely look into that.
  11. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you. I ended up losing another honey today, but I think I'm just going to leave it with my two honeys because they get along really well. I'll probably end up adding a bigger school of tetras since my stock is so low now.
  12. H

    Is TFF watching our online searches?

    Oh, 100%. Every electronic device you own is listening to you. That's why sometimes when you are having a conversation out loud about a product, 5 minutes later you get an add on your phone for said product. Same thing goes for internet searches- all of your data is stored away. I will say...
  13. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you! They're so pretty. I just checked, and I'm pretty sure all of mine are female. I know my LFS separates guppies by gender, so there's a possibility I chose my gourami from an all female tank. That being said, would it be ok to add a fourth female?
  14. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    All three of my honeys have a yellow body with red coloring on their fins. One is slightly smaller than the other two, but I'm not sure if that has something to do with maturity. My honeys look like the one on the left:
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  16. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    How can I tell? Is it a difference in body size/coloring or something else to look for?
  17. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you for the heads up! Unfortunately, I lost a honey and a guppy this morning. I consulted with an employee at my LFS once my honey got sick, who thought it was swim bladder at first, but then told me to treat the tank for a disease once the guppy got sick too. I treated the tank for a...
  18. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you!!! I do feel kind of limited due to the size of my tank, but I can't really go much bigger with the space I'm living in unfortunately.
  19. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Ok, thank you! I'll probably end up adding a few more gourami and a school of tetras :)
  20. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Perfect, thank you!!! I will check out that website and post updates.
  21. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Ok, I wasn't sure about the tetras that's why I asked :) Are all tetras ok in softer water, or do I still need to be careful depending which kind I end up with?
  22. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you so much for the thorough explanation :) Is there a specific way I can harden the water? My tap water runs soft.
  23. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Thank you for clarifying! That was really helpful. Do you know any suitable soft water fish that would work in my tank? The tap water in my town is soft, so the only way I'd be able to get harder water is by using pre-packaged aquarium water.
  24. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    I'm not doubting you, but why? I didn't know GH was so important. My next question was going to be can I add mollies.. Lol
  25. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Great, thank you. Water parameters: Ammonia 0 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 GH - 80 pH - 7
  26. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    I have previously tried keeping shrimp (red cherry shrimp) and wasn't too successful... That's why I was looking more in the direction of corys.
  27. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Oh ok I didn't know they couldn't be on gravel... I'm assuming this goes for all corys then?
  28. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Ok. I fell in love with the "smile" on parrot fish and was crossing my fingers someone would say it will work. The GH of my tank is 80/soft. My honeys are really tiny.. an employee at my LFS said they would only reach 1-2 inches tops. Not sure how true this is though.
  29. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    My substrate is just gravel. I also love ember tetras, but am considering neon tetras because I love the red coloring against my plants. Would salt and pepper corys be a good fit for a bottom dweller?
  30. H

    Goldilocks stocking input wanted

    I kept 3 African dwarf frogs with tetras and they were perfectly fine. For the honey gourami it obviously depends where you are getting them- at my LFS they only reach 2-3 inches full grown.
  31. H

    Goldilocks stocking input wanted

    You can try to add 2 honey gourami and see how they do! I keep mine in softer water, so if you cannot soften your water maybe try looking at something like African dwarf frogs. I used to keep them in a tank as small as 5-gallons, they are fully aquatic and very fun to watch :)
  32. H

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi everyone, I just joined this forum :) I have a 20-gallon planted tank currently holding 5 guppies, 4 honey gourami, and 3 mystery snails. I am looking for a slightly larger fish to add to the tank. My LFS sells small blood parrot fish that supposedly only get up to about 5-6 inches max...
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