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  1. F

    African Viper Shrimp

    filter feeders, shy, preferable need some sort of current. Feed like bamboo shrimp, may need to target feed. Feed high quality (not flakes) fine powdered food. You can also squeeze the filter media into the tank a few hours before a WC and it will have a nice treat.
  2. F

    Happy Halloween...are you watching a horror movie tonight?

    You sleep with guns? Why not use the old fashioned way of facing into the wall with a blanket all over and a “breathing hole”
  3. F

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Remember that you all participate in a hobby which tears wild fish from the environment, shoved them into bags and transports them with no thought about welfare to only dump them into barren tanks even more. We don’t have a right to declare if our care is sufficient enough or cruel.
  4. F

    Fish depression. Stimulate those fish brains!....

    I honestly think that article shows a terrible experiement- they *literally just drew a line over a tank and if the betta spent more time under the line it’s depressed.* They don’t take account of the fish’s genetics (which bettas have been overbred where some individuals cannot be very mobile)...
  5. F

    B. imbellus

  6. F

    Any body up for a challenge??

    No I do not work with animals but through research it seems the AWA does not cover fish. Many places have fish experimentaion laws but many places do not as well so personally I see it irrelevant to say it is against the law without specifying area to experiment on fish.
  7. F

    Any body up for a challenge??

    "The Animal Welfare Act, or AWA, is a federal law that addresses the standard of care animals receive at research facilities. This law excludes roughly 95 percent of the animals tested upon—such as rats, mice, birds, fish, and reptiles—and provides only minimal protections for the rest. Labs are...
  8. F

    Any body up for a challenge??

    How about instead of fish use daphnia as your “test subjects”. Great indicator and used in scientific experiments everywhere. Also some of you need to stop being aggressive to others, this is a fish forum, not a place to babble about fish shouldn’t be put at harm.
  9. F

    Other types of catfish similar to Corydoras

    Actually I believe only Brochis splendens was reclassified into corydoras and Brochis multiradiatus is still a Brochis species to OP, I believe porthole catfish are a great alternative to corydoras- like catfish while still retaining the “corydoras” shape
  10. F

    29 gallon stock

    Depends on the species of cichlid you wish to keep them with.
  11. F

    29 gallon stock

    I think the first thing you need to acknowledge is that you have a mix of corydoras. Each species of corydoras will try to only shoal with the same species or similar looking. So I would say you need to rehome the panda and peppered corydoras in the future. If you temperature is sitting around...
  12. F

    29 gallon stock

    Your tank is 22 gallons, not 29. Skip pygmy sunfish. They need cold water and are very specialized and often only take live foods. Best for a species only. Skip goldfish as well. they get way too large for your tank and they poop alot, and its not good for corydoras to rummage in poop. If I...
  13. F

    Pygmy corys - do they use the whole tank?

    C.pygmaeus and C.hastatus are midwater swimmers... ideally you want 10+ specimens for them to feel best.
  14. F

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    100% agree. Wild discus > domestic strains
  15. F

    Small butterfly koi in aquarium?

    Ever seen a 3 foot koi?
  16. F

    Stocking ldeas for 15 gal soft-ish water tank?

    I've always known pseudomugils to like harder water.
  17. F

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Shame time for me-- Most fish (besides very demanding ones such as chocolate gouramis & african lake cichlids) can adapt to a much larger range of pH and hardness than people think.
  18. F

    75 Gallon

    Ever thought of dropping the pH/TDS and adding some Sphaerichthys spp.? I've also seen Trichopsis vittata and Trichopsis schalleri with pearl gouramis in blackwater environments.
  19. F

    Going into the plant business

    Same here.
  20. F

    Going into the plant business

    I think the dollar per gallon sale is going on right now. Order online and pick up.
  21. F

    Iriatherina werneri Care.

    Yup.. That easy. Offer to mow the lawn or trim the hedges or stuff like that.
  22. F

    Iriatherina werneri Care.

    See if you can fulfill any odd jobs around your neighborhood. You will make a good buck if people hire you and you will have enough money in no time.
  23. F

    Is my Gourami male or female? Is it bloated or Pregnant?

    Both look female. Unsure about the one that is on the left though.
  24. F

    Iriatherina werneri Care.

    Honey gouramis are one of the most peaceful fish I keep. I have a male/female pair and I have another group of gouramis with them in a 20 gallon and they don't bother anything. When first introduced there will be pecking to determine who is the boss of the group but after that its normally just...
  25. F

    Hello There.

    Hello There. New to the forum, thought I would stop by. I heard about the Random Discussion here and I knew I had to come. :) I do keep fish too.