Search results

  1. Airwreck

    Copepods in Shrimp Tank - Should I be concerned?

    This is how I understand them. It's a key link in ocean food webs. The copepod eats diatoms and other phytoplankton — and is eaten, in turn, by larger drifters, larval fishes and filter-feeders. Amphipods are often significant components of other aquatic systems where they contribute to...
  2. Airwreck

    Copepods in Shrimp Tank - Should I be concerned?

    Curious what is the problem of keeping amphipods with shrimp? Amphipods only eat detritus and dead matter.
  3. Airwreck

    ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby

    My apologies..was not trying to be political or contentious. Just like I would warn someone for not dumping tons of salt in a fresh water aquarium.. is all I was trying to say.. My bad
  4. Airwreck

    ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby

    IMHO.. stop using this and any AI. this is the most dangerous creation. We all think it's fun and neat.. what we gonna do when it becomes sentient? The older folks know about Author C Clark book 2001 and HAL. With what it did when it got conflicting orders. The younger ones know skynet. I...
  5. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    Agree He took a dog food snocone stuff in my right eye then he took a dog food snocone stuff it in my other eye. The huskie wee wee has blinded me.. and I can't see temporally. 🤣🤣
  6. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    I saw Zappa in Santa Barbara.. it was his dirty underwear tour. Like u I was blown away. We arrived a tad late and standing in line. I thought the sound was from recording warming up the audience. To my utter shock it was him playing. General I don't like concerts, cuz it sounds like they are...
  7. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    Way cool.. wish I cud have gone.. unfortunately I lived in the Midwest. What most folks don't know is Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker was part of cream. As to any Beatles song being banned.. I have strong doubts.. the only possibilities would be some thing from the white album. As to censoring...
  8. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    I'm another old geezer.. did find out who he is..listen to his songs and honestly don't waste ur time..🤣🤣 Nothing like little feat or grateful dead, if ur that much of an ol'fart like me.😄
  9. Airwreck

    How much would you trust your pet to defend you in a fight?

    I have no doubty dog would hand out a can of whoopass. Y his nickname is Dogzilla. To add some color about killer pets.. there was a young woman who rescued a baby mongoose. It went with her everywhere.. one day she was threatened. The mongoose tore the face off of the attacker. You don't mess...
  10. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    I came I listened U can enjoy urself. 🤣🤣 I honestly feel rap music is.. blah..and I being nice.🤪 I strongly disagree with this statement. A lot of other people who sing or write music just write about drugs, love, sex, violence, and curse a lot on top of it all This maybe true about rap. IDK...
  11. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    For us who are TSTL (to stupid to live) who is nf? 🤣🤣
  12. Airwreck

    Music with catchy, corny, or strange lyrics

    I saw him in Santa Barbara Ca. Best sound I have ever heard at a concert. Most of the time singer's sound like they are singing in a trash can. 🤣🤣
  13. Airwreck

    The History of Aquariums

    I do not disagree with ur premise.. IMHO what ur advocating for is the reason these tech giants became so big and intrusive. It took a law suit to remove the required IE in windows. I believe in pluralism. The student can use what want. If a student does not want to use goggle docs or have a...
  14. Airwreck

    Nano shrimp tank

    Tanks guys Thought I made a post.. for some reason didn't work.. Don't know type shrimp to keep.. in LFS the other day.. had wot called rainbow shrimp.. appeared clear.. suspect juveniles. The kid said other branch wud have others.. maybe.. Can not give u KH no test kit.. From what I...
  15. Airwreck

    Nano shrimp tank

    Been keeping fish since a kid..thinking about a nano shrimp tank. Questions: Will a 5 gal 20L tank work? Can it be filterless with lots of plants? Which is better water rain water or rock hard govt water? 1 shrimp per gal ok? Tanks 😋
  16. Airwreck

    A Terrible Fish Article

    It works today.. I guess the stampede to the site caused a melt down.🤣🤣
  17. Airwreck

    A Terrible Fish Article

    😭😭 the web site is down and I wanted to laugh..guess u guys broke it.🤣🤣
  18. Airwreck

    The History of Aquariums

    This is why I never use ur real name on the net. Make a nom de plume.
  19. Airwreck

    The History of Aquariums

    To long of answer.. and not fish talk🤣🤣 Sent u a PM
  20. Airwreck

    The History of Aquariums

    Personally I won't use any M$ product. I'm a rouge. Open office has all the things u mentioned. I also wud not use the cloud for important stuff. The net does go down... Then wot do? 😄
  21. Airwreck

    The History of Aquariums

    Then why use google doc..there is OpenOffice.. it's free.. can use in android. Then export out in pdf. 😄 As a sidebar: ur still young. U can't have rusty joints yet. Not like us old folks🤣🤣 It's a good job.
  22. Airwreck

    The History of Aquariums

    I'm curious Do they not teach footnoting any more?
  23. Airwreck

    Who speaks more than one language?

    What I don't get is y education institution make ppl study a dead language.. yes I get cuz of the scientific names.. Isn't about time they give up on this language and find another way for scientific names.. I'm really.. You can not learn a language if u cannot use it.
  24. Airwreck

    Who speaks more than one language?

    I been a sign language interpreter for over 30 yrs. If u really want to learn ASL get involved with the Deaf community. Also know a smattering of French and Spanish..along with many of the Caribbean dialects.. Want to learn Chinese.. but very hard with no one to pratice with.
  25. Airwreck

    Not getting weekly thread email

    😭😭 Ok I will suffer patiently
  26. Airwreck

    Not getting weekly thread email

    Did they make any announcements? Kind wish they did.. ☺️
  27. Airwreck

    Not getting weekly thread email

    As the title says.. For the past two weeks..I have not gotten the weekly digest, of current posts.. Is there a reason for this? Did something change? Thanks
  28. Airwreck

    What's the coolest and/or most useful aquarium related thing(s) you have bought.

    I would say my diatom filter.. bought years ago.. more then I would like to admit.. Great for water changes..
  29. Airwreck

    Explain this weird anomaly in my tank please...

    It was hell...dinosaurs roamed 🤣🤣
  30. Airwreck

    Explain this weird anomaly in my tank please...

    There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is...
  31. Airwreck

    Is there a way to bring the KH levels in water down besides R/O units, bottled water, or distilled water??

    Call it the garage for ur clown mobileu do circuses on weekends Oh shoot Just move. 🤣🤣🤣
  32. Airwreck

    Is there a way to bring the KH levels in water down besides R/O units, bottled water, or distilled water??

    Then build a garden shed.. I'm sure they be happy ur lawn tractor is hidden🤣🤣
  33. Airwreck

    GloFish has gone too far now...

    Generally I agree wif u. Until it comes to mosquitos. If u have ever had Dengue fever or Zika or Chick-V. I think u change ur mind. I had all three and I wish they would release sterile male mosquitos. Mosquitos kill more ppl every year then any other creature.. As a driver.. I be damn happy to...
  34. Airwreck

    Is there a way to bring the KH levels in water down besides R/O units, bottled water, or distilled water??

    He hit the nail on the head wifcrain water.. If as u say ur HOA won't permit tanks outside.. then put one in your basement. Run gutter water into. Use a sump pump to get out and up to tanks. Easy nothing hard.☺️ I would also remind the HOA.. of Jackson Mississippi. I believe they still have boil...
  35. Airwreck

    Breeding Clown Killifish

    Side question: @Back in the fold said I don't want to buy 50 of them on amazon either. Any ideas where I can get just one for cheap? Just go to a local bar and ask for wine bottle corks.. how I got mine. works great and the killies like a little wine with their meals. 🤣🤣
  36. Airwreck

    Thinking of a rack...

    Guess I'm old school.. this is wot I thought when see rack. 🤣🤣
  37. images-7.jpeg


  38. Airwreck

    What is the hardiest fish?

    Give the young man a break. Everyone missed his point.. simple question .. simple answer. Guppy. The only fish on his list that is considered invasive. It can live almost anywhere.. and is great for mossie control. He did pick an inappropriate word using "hardy" but that's due to lack of...
  39. Airwreck


    If you liked that word.. Then you will enjoy perfunctory 🤣🤣🤣 Try say it 3 times fast.