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    Since When Has Petco Been Doing This?

    Would it harm them though (clown loach)
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    Clown Loach

    ph 7 ammonia 0 nitrite 0.1 nitrate 5 Tested the bottled water i used to use and the nitrate is 0, so and my tap water is 5 So Just done a partial water change, added stress coat and zyme (only a small amount) but not put any meds in yet because I cant see anything regarding white spots on any...
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    Clown Loach

    Just tested tap water for nitrates and its not good, so by the time its gone in the tank it just creeps up even more. Ever since I had tank just over 12 months ago I have always used bottled water then when I tested the difference in ph between tap and bottle, tap was better. So the last few...
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    Clown Loach

    Not yet because I'm led to believe that white spot is first seen on the fins of the fish then it spreads to the body. Clowns fins are immaculate, both of them (at the moment) Did a partial water change last night and afterwards, one of my congos was sick and was gasping for a bit, after being...
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    Congo Tetra

    Hi, I've just been watching my fish after i'd done a water change and noticed 1 of my congo tetras gasping, then all of a sudden he spewed all this liquid with most of his tea in there, he did this 3 or 4 times. I tried brine shrimp for the first time today and only the congos were interested in...
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    Clown Loach

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    Clown Loach

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    Clown Loach

    25% every 2/3 weeks. It does look similar to the picture. It does say in that it can be caused by poor diet, bad water quality and overcrowding.....................! So maybe there's my answer. What other food do you think I could try tempting him with that is good for there diet. test results...
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    Clown Loach

    Did my water stats yesterday and they were all fine, but took note of your advice on doing a water change and gravel vac every week, would you do 25% or more or less? They do seem a lot better and that hole is definately getting smaller (closing up) more. However, the loach in question hasn't...
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    Clown Loach

    Hi, thanks for the link, however I can get to the site but can't see any pictures unfortunately. Trying to observe as much as possible. On both clowns and on both sides at the very bottom of there gills just in front of the pectoral fins there is like a greyish black line about 2maybe3 mls, but...
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    Very Shy Pleco

    Hi, thanks for the info. It isnt his tummy (underside) that seems bloaty, its the width of him. I used to feed every night at t time exept on sundays, never ever 3 times a day, but I was advised at lfs yesterday that everyday was too much and it would raise nitrites etc, also that fish can...
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    Very Shy Pleco

    Can you recommend what veggies for the pleco, I've seen that some people feed them frozen cooked peas crushed up, will the other fish eat them too. I tend to feed at tea time every other day now so won't all the other fish get to them first. I feed alternatively, frozen blood worm, tetra prima...
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    Very Shy Pleco

    Hi there, I don't know if this is normal but my pleco always seems to be stuck on a plant leaf, usually the same plant, there are now numerous holes in the leaves which is fine by me but he doesn't seem to be doing much else. He did come out for a nibble on some cucumber last night but because...
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    Clown Loach

    Hi, thanks for replying. The tank is too small (65ltr) as I am well aware of and am currently trying to find a good home for them. Wasn't advised when I bought them on how large they can grow. I've had them just over 12 mnths so they have grown pretty quick. Water stats are all safe (bought a...
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    Clown Loach

    Hi, i'm a newby here so i'll just say hi 2 u all. one of my clowns has developed somewhat of a hole behind/above his eye, there was also one the other side which now seems to have healed. when i first noticed them they were quite reddened and looked quite nasty. Now they have got smaller and...