Very Shy Pleco


New Member
May 14, 2008
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Hi there, I don't know if this is normal but my pleco always seems to be stuck on a plant leaf, usually the same plant, there are now numerous holes in the leaves which is fine by me but he doesn't seem to be doing much else. He did come out for a nibble on some cucumber last night but because all the other fish like it he was tending to dart back to safety. I do put an algae wafer in every night when the lights go out and its always gone in the morning. Then again I have two 4.5 inch clown loach who also like the wafers too. Do they prefer the dark ? Don't see him going around the glass but it is clean. Also he does seem quite plump, in a wide way if that makes sense and his scales are quite dominant, been trying to look at some pics of other plecos to compare. I asked the lfs if its possible it could be suffering with dropsy and he said he'd never known of a pleco have dropsy and couldn't imagine it would be. Because he doesn't come out much I can't determine whats normal and absormal really, getting a picture to post would be impossible I think. If it was dropsy or leading that way is there anything I can do to treat it. thanks fo any help !
I would keep to the same thead.
You don't know whats going off with your clown loaches yet.
Dropsy the fish will look bloated and in finally stages the fish scales will stick out.
I would introduce some veg into the plecs diet.
Plecos are nocturnal, more active at night. They are not very active during the day.
Can you recommend what veggies for the pleco, I've seen that some people feed them frozen cooked peas crushed up, will the other fish eat them too. I tend to feed at tea time every other day now so won't all the other fish get to them first. I feed alternatively, frozen blood worm, tetra prima, king british flakes, algae wafer at night, occasional cucumber blanched 1st in boiled water (after reading last night about the silicone). I must admit, some very good tips and information on this site !!!
my plec is just the same, i dont see him from day to day, but i know hes in there,as i see him scarper sometimes, lol
i feed mine a variety of wafers, boiled-cooled peas, and peeled cucumber( with a t-spoon poked thru to stop it floating away), think you will find all the fish will eat them, just make sure you squash them ( peas)properly, or they will end up playing football with them.
in my opinion you are not feeding them enough, dont know about others but i tens to feed a minimum of 3 time a day,and dont forget he will be eating fallen flakes too
maybe ( and i am possibly wrong) but his tummy is swelling due to malnutrition, i know it happens in humans but wilder will straigten you out on that one im sure,i just couldnt imagine my loaches being happy being fed that little.
dont worry you ll get the advice you need soon
shelagh xxx
my plec is just the same, i dont see him from day to day, but i know hes in there,as i see him scarper sometimes, lol
i feed mine a variety of wafers, boiled-cooled peas, and peeled cucumber( with a t-spoon poked thru to stop it floating away), think you will find all the fish will eat them, just make sure you squash them ( peas)properly, or they will end up playing football with them.
in my opinion you are not feeding them enough, dont know about others but i tens to feed a minimum of 3 time a day,and dont forget he will be eating fallen flakes too
maybe ( and i am possibly wrong) but his tummy is swelling due to malnutrition, i know it happens in humans but wilder will straigten you out on that one im sure,i just couldnt imagine my loaches being happy being fed that little.
dont worry you ll get the advice you need soon
shelagh xxx

Hi, thanks for the info. It isnt his tummy (underside) that seems bloaty, its the width of him. I used to feed every night at t time exept on sundays, never ever 3 times a day, but I was advised at lfs yesterday that everyday was too much and it would raise nitrites etc, also that fish can survive easily with no food for a week while on hols, never left them with nothing though, we drop a slow feeder in which lasts about 3-5 days. I'm not sure wether i'm doing right for wrong sometimes cus i've heard so many different opinions now. Read something about you can tell how healthy a pleco is by looking at the indentation behind and above his eye, if its quite indented, he's undernourished, if its level or bulging, he's very healthy. Might try the peas tonight, but when you feed your fish, do you stick to one food type each feeding time or do you feed different foods with having different fish prefering other foods ?
When I feed peas I tend to feed the whole tank as most fish love those.

I also feed my bristlies sprouts, spinach, chard, broad beans and courgette. Sprouts seem to be a particular plec favourite- and very easy to keep in the freezer and just take out one at a time. I defrost mine by boiling gently.

If I feed something like courgette that is hard to chew for the smaller fish, then I drop in some flakes at the same time.

Btw it is not essential how often you feed; it's about quantity not frequency. I feed my tanks twice a day, but only a little at a time.

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