Clown Loach

Are you now treating for the whitepsot.
Not yet because I'm led to believe that white spot is first seen on the fins of the fish then it spreads to the body. Clowns fins are immaculate, both of them (at the moment) Did a partial water change last night and afterwards, one of my congos was sick and was gasping for a bit, after being sick he stopped gasping but swam round like something gone mad along with the other two, took them a good half hour to calm down. Stats done after change and amm 0, ph7, nitrite and nitrate were same as before.
Also noticed two male barbs on the top of there pectoral fin had somewhat of a white film which was loose ish in places and they were flicking fine fast as if trying to get it off, hasn't covered all of the top of the fin, still there a little this morning.
In a bit of a state at the moment cus I think theres a few problems going on and i'm not sure what the source is. Might take some water to lfs to compare readings today.
I have used safe water now twice (king british) as advised by lfs, but have normally used stress coat and zyme when doing changes, is it possible that the fish are used to certaing treatments i use and now i have changed, they dont agree with it ?
Used to use bottled water too, until I realised that my own tap water was less in ph. If you run water from tap to fill up tank, do you let it stand for so long first in bottles or do you use a treatment.
Sorry to ask so many questions but want to get things right asap for fishes sake !
I would get treating now if fish are gasping.
Once whitespot affects the gills they don't normally make it.
Increase temp to 30.
Increase aeration in the tank as high temp and med will reduce 02 in the water.
Remove black carbon if you use it.
Read med instructions to make sure you can use full dose.
If there excess slime on the fish that can be due to parasites.
I would get treating now if fish are gasping.
Once whitespot affects the gills they don't normally make it.
Increase temp to 30.
Increase aeration in the tank as high temp and med will reduce 02 in the water.
Remove black carbon if you use it.
Read med instructions to make sure you can use full dose.
If there excess slime on the fish that can be due to parasites.
Just tested tap water for nitrates and its not good, so by the time its gone in the tank it just creeps up even more. Ever since I had tank just over 12 months ago I have always used bottled water then when I tested the difference in ph between tap and bottle, tap was better. So the last few weeks i've used tap water. Then like i've explained about fish flicking etc, can they do this if the nitrates are too high. I think i'll go back to bottled because i've never had any problems until changing to tap. Although ph is higher in a bottle, once stood in the tank, it does lower itself. Please correct me if i am misinformed. :unsure:
Your tanks overstocked that why your water stats are not good.
Can you post your water stats please.
Your tanks overstocked that why your water stats are not good.
Can you post your water stats please.
ph 7
ammonia 0
nitrite 0.1
nitrate 5

Tested the bottled water i used to use and the nitrate is 0, so and my tap water is 5
So Just done a partial water change, added stress coat and zyme (only a small amount) but not put any meds in yet because I cant see anything regarding white spots on any fish, its the flicking of plants and things that was leading me to beleive it was going that way.

What i have seen on pleco is like of a fungal frowth around the front just before those little things that stick up in front of his eye, it looks like its a growth around this area.
Did do an anti fungus & finrot med a couple of weeks ago which cleared up most of it, now theres also a whitish film on the front pectoral fins of 2 barbs which looks maybe fugussy and its quite loose ish.
If I do another anti fungus (interpet) no8, it says its safe to use on all species but it does contain phenoxyethanol, do you think its ok to use with clowns.
Pleco is the dotted one, sorry dont know proper name.

Thanks for all your help, i'll keep you updated,
How long have you had that nitrite 01 reading as your filter might not be coping with the load of fish in the tank.
White fluffy growths or strands on fish is columnaris, in the uk you need myxazin by waterlife and pimafix.

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