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  1. W

    Low tech EI dosing.

    So I’m interested in the nilocG diy dry ferts for the EI dosing. I don’t think my tank will need daily dosing. Could I possibly dose macros one day a week and micros one day a week?
  2. W


    Ok thanks. I will look into this
  3. W


    Ok great. This is my first pressurized system so I’m looking forward to experimenting with the plants and nutrients.
  4. W


    Yea. The only problem is I won’t be able to fill the co2 tank right away, at least I don’t think the places are open, so I will still have to have diy for however long this quarantine takes. When I get the pressurized set up do you think it will help with the balance?
  5. W


    Ok. My lfs has nerite most of the time and Amano shrimp sometimes. I have tetras but an angel in the tank. Which would be best a nerite or Amano? I have mystery snails in that tank also
  6. W


    Yep. That’s why I’m switching to pressurized. I just ordered the regulator yesterday
  7. W


    Ok so scrape the gsa off with a blade. Also, if I do get floaters like salvinia or frogbit, how do I contain it so that it’s not flying all over my tank?
  8. W


    Ok so I should just go for the aquarium co op easy green? Also, I have some green spot algae. I tried to scrub it and boy it did not even budge. How would you recommend that I get rid of green spot? Also, what type of floating plants? Amazon frogbit or silvinia minima?
  9. W


    The light is a 5000k led bulb, which I want to switch to a 6500k soon. I also dose seachem flourish which I also want to upgrade to easy green or EI dosing with the nilocg mixing kit. I have diy co2 which I will also be trying to upgrade to a pressurized system when the pandemic ends. This is...
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  11. W


    So how to would you recommend I get rid of it?
  12. W


    Ok I was thinking of that being the case. It’s probably because I am doing diy co2 so it’s inconsistent. How could I remove this algae?
  13. W


    Is this bba on my java moss? How did it get there? How do I treat it? Tanks is about a month old. Java moss only been in here for about 3-4 weeks.
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  16. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok thanks
  17. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok so just float them?
  18. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok. Will my convicts, electric blue acara, or firemouth eat them?
  19. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok thanks
  20. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    I’ve seen that method used for algae before. Where do you get them? They don’t have them at my lfs
  21. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Thanks. I’ll start to feed less and try to get more gunk when I do water changes.
  22. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    It’s not mud. It’s these clear/white things on the glass
  23. W

    Can I switch from sand to gravel?

    Ok. I don’t think I’ll be doing this until the pandemic is over anyway. I have to wait until they are big enough or aren’t breeding
  24. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    The stuff on the glass?
  25. W

    Can I switch from sand to gravel?

    One thing to note, my fish breed in this tank and they’re fry that I couldn’t take out. How could I avoid killing them or getting them killed?
  26. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok thanks
  27. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    I always try to vacuum but it’s difficult with sand
  28. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Thanks. I’ll try. How big of a water change. How often?
  29. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok I’ll try this
  30. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    I do. Still comes back every few days
  31. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    All the glass:rolleyes:
  32. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok. How big of one?
  33. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    How do I get rid of it
  34. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    I don’t ever have the light on since it’s not planted. It’s basically been blackout for a month now except for when I feed
  35. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    How did you get rid of it?
  36. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    Ok it’s definitely not that. What do you think it is?
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  38. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    One thing that is weird is that this is in my 2 tanks that aren’t planted. My 3 planted tanks don’t have it and never had
  39. W

    what is this stuff on my glass?

    So these can be dangerous? Up close they look like little trees. I’m going to start feeding 2 times a day and less than what I feed normally 6 days a week. On the 7th day I may fast or feed frozen to all my fish.