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  1. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    How mature? I have 1 neon so I need some more. Would a neon school with cardinals?
  2. W

    Bamboo shrimp scavenging on the substrate so I target fed. Did I do this right?

    Ok great! How can I tell if they still aren’t getting enough food? How often do you do this?
  3. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    It’s only one and it’s a female
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    Bamboo shrimp scavenging on the substrate so I target fed. Did I do this right?

    So I got my bamboo shrimp last Wednesday. I left for vacation on Friday to Wednesday. I saw him fanning before I left. I noticed him scavenging through the substrate today. I took some tank water and a tad of freeze dried brine shrimp. I used a syringe that I use for testing my water to get the...
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    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    Kribensis, sparkling gourami, honey Gourami, peacock gudgeons. That’s about it.
  6. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    I did not have any deaths before I left
  7. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    Thanks. How are cardinals? What perimeters do they need?
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    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    Keep in mind I wasn’t home so I have no way of knowing. And my relative who lives in my neighborhood didnt day they’re was one
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    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    Not that I know of
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    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    It’s pretty much across the room so I don’t think it would
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    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    Ok. I left the blinds open so they got sunlight and also I have a tank across the room that lights the tank up a decent amount.
  12. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    I did a water change the day we left. And they weren’t fed
  13. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    Thanks. I can’t test kh and GH. Ph is 7.8
  14. W

    7 tetras died when I was on vacation :(

    I just got back from a 5 day vacation. I have 6 tanks. One of which is a fry tank. I just got home and noticed that a few tetras were missing. I had 4 neons and 4 lemon tetras plus a few other very peaceful fish in my 20 gallon. I came home and saw some floating fish and skeletons. I realized...
  15. W

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    They were $12.99 for me
  16. W

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    Ok thanks! I fed frozen brine shrimp today and saw it fanning and getting little particles in the water.
  17. W

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    Yep! I hope you can get one!
  18. W

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    Thanks! Have you ever kept them?
  19. W

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    Lol. Except for the fact that they are $13 for a little bit of meat.
  20. W

    Just got a new bamboo shrimp. Any tips?

    Just picked my first bamboo shrimp up today. I drip acclimated for a little over an hour. It’s a 29 gallon heavily planted tank. Any tips or tricks to help keep him happy and healthy? Here is what he looks like:
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  22. W

    Am I set for vacation?

    Ok thanks!
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    Am I set for vacation?

    Ehh I don’t know if I could get some but I think I will be able to rearrange something for the timers
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    Am I set for vacation?

    No. The commas are separating the different tanks that I have.
  25. W

    Am I set for vacation?

    I’m leaving from Friday night to Wednesday. I should I do water changes Friday morning? I have 6 tanks one of which is a fry tank. I have 2 automatic feeders and one is going on the fry tank. I have a betta tank, and tank with tetras mostly, and tank with tetras and an angel, a South American...
  26. W

    LEAK in CO2 regulator??

    I made a post yesterday of how I thought my regulator leaked all of my co2 as it said 0 psi. I took it off the regulator and opened the tank to test it. A bunch of co2 came spilling out. I’m guessing the regulator broke then? I’m gonna contact the seller to get another one.
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    LEAK in CO2 regulator??

    Just filled my 5 lb co2 tank a Few days ago and it has been running for about 3 days perfectly. I expect this thing to last more than a year. I woke up this morning to no bubbles coming out. I look at the regulator and 0 psi. I’m guessing there was a leak somewhere? This is my first time with...
  28. W

    Is this overkill?

    Ok. I think the rummy nose, dwarf neon rainbows, and panda garra will like the flow. What about the angel and kribensis? The kribensis stays at the bottom so I don’t think the flow would affect it but what about the angel?
  29. W

    Is this overkill?

    Yep. I haven’t gotten mine yet but I heard they have some decent personality. Also, I’ve heard they only get to about 3 inches. I could be wrong.
  30. W

    Is this overkill?

    I have a 29 gallon heavily planted tank with a marineland 200 gph filter. Would it be overkill to get the 350 gph filter? The tank would have some fish that like current like dwarf neon rainbows and a panda garra and a bamboo shrimp if I can get one. It would most likely be overstocked but it is...
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    Bamboo shrimp compatible?

    Maybe it wasn’t true electric blue. Mine has barely grown and everything I’ve read and seen people say they grow extremely slow.
  32. W

    Bamboo shrimp compatible?

    Ok. The electric blue Jack Dempsey grows extremely slow. It hasn’t grown since I got it and it may take a year just to double in size
  33. W

    Bamboo shrimp compatible?

    Ok. I have my hob output right over a piece of spider wood with moss and a powerhead.
  34. W

    Bamboo shrimp compatible?

    I have a 29 gallon heavily planted tank. It has an angel, Kribensis, baby electric blue Jack Dempsey as a grow out, rummy nose tetras and thinking about getting a panda garra. Can I get a bamboo shrimp? I want to know if it is compatible with the fish I have.
  35. W

    Question about placement of powerhead for co2

    Yes I have very fast growing plants and add ferts.
  36. W

    Electric blue acara pair fighting after laying eggs

    Ok thanks. I’ve never seen it before and just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong
  37. W

    Question about placement of powerhead for co2

    Got this to spread co2 to the whole tank. Do I put this powerhead over the diffuser or on the opposite side of the tank as the diffuser?