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  1. R


    Adult bring shrimp aren't that small- the ones I buy live are around 5mm. I buy them every so often and put them in the tank with my females and they go crazy for them and usually gone within a couple of minutes. I did grow on my BBS hatchings once or twice but it's not really worth the effort...
  2. R

    Changing Fry Food

    I had used the liquifry to create the infusoria so I kept giving that for the first week or so with a tiny bit of Tetra baby - but mainly fed microworms and BBS after that.
  3. R

    We Have Fry !

    What are you planning to do with the males?
  4. R

    Question About Breeding

    How do you prepare the 2 litre bottle? Do you just cut the top off?
  5. R

    How To Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs?

    I grew on my first test batches by adding them to saltwater into a large 5 litre bottle. I fed the baby shrimp on spirulina powder dissolved in water which i mixed in a seperate bottle and kept for around a week in the fridge... just adding a few drops every day. They grew to a good size which I...
  6. R

    How To Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs?

    I used this online video when I first tried - have been very successful.
  7. R

    Feeding Betta Fry

    Hi, thanks for the welcome and advice. I do also have liquifry which I added to the tank when the eggs were layed so I hope I'm doing OK so far although I did expect to be feeding the newly hatched BBS from day one. So, if i leave that for a couple of days I presume my original plan to have a...
  8. R

    Feeding Betta Fry

    Successfully bred my first bettas in the last few days - the fry are just at the "dangling" phase and i'm waiting for them to swim horizontally before feeding with baby brine shimp I have lined up. I was curious if anyone could tell me how long BBS stay small enough for the fry? I have lined up...