
Yeh dont forget to vary their diet not just brine shrimp mix it with cyclops bloodworm rofiters daphnia etc also remember their stomach is the size of their eyes not very big

Tbh alan i dont thin they are completly ready yet mine werent ready until later on that night

Have u decreased water to 4" high and turned the temp up to be inbetween 80-82'f??
Both live and frozen brine shrimp.
Okay, I'll keep and eye on them, make sure they don't shred each others fins :grr:

hmm... i really do not get the concept of live brine shrimp in the tank, how do they eat them? they're like sooo tinyyy, do they filter feed? and part of the courtship of the bettas may shred their fins, but with good care they will grow back.

Adult bring shrimp aren't that small- the ones I buy live are around 5mm. I buy them every so often and put them in the tank with my females and they go crazy for them and usually gone within a couple of minutes. I did grow on my BBS hatchings once or twice but it's not really worth the effort when you can buy the sachets of live.
The water level is at 12.5cm (about 5").
The temperature of the water is 27-28C (about 80-82F).

I put the female back in her bottle last night to give her a rest, then released her at 9am today.
Since, they have been much better! The violent chasing, bubble nest destroying, fin nipping etc has stopped, and they are now attempting to wrap.
The male definetly knows what he is doing, and as for the female this is definetly her first time. When the male wraps himself around her she wriggles away and stays upright..
They are getting close though, so I'm trying to be patient :lol:

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