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  1. howard_hopkinson

    VOTE NOW!..November 2019 Tank of the Month

    My aquarium contains the following: Yoyo loaches, Corydoras Amandajanea, Angelfish, Cardinal tetras, Platys, Zebra Danios, Pearl Gouramis, Honey Gouramis and Dwarf Gouramis. The tank also contains 6 Zebra Nerite snails. My tank is a Fluval Roma 240 litre with a Fluval 307 external filter, a...
  2. howard_hopkinson

    Fluval 306 rattling

    That's great news. I still think it was air that was causing the problem.
  3. howard_hopkinson

    Platy Super fat?

    I think she will give birth quite soon, but I can't be more specific than that I'm afraid.
  4. howard_hopkinson

    Platy Super fat?

    She's clearly heavily pregnant and if I'm not mistaken in photos 6 & 7 she has what appears to be a large gravid spot which would also confirm pregnancy.
  5. howard_hopkinson

    Lighting for Fluval Roma 240

    One should be enough if you get the 30watt version. My tank is quite heavily planted and all my plants are doing really well.
  6. howard_hopkinson

    Lighting for Fluval Roma 240

    I have a Fluval Roma 240L aquarium, though mine did come with LED lights. However, I immediately upgraded to the Fluval Aquasky LED 2.0 lights(the 30 watt) and I'm so glad I did. They are fully programmable and some of the lighting effects are awesome.
  7. howard_hopkinson

    Lilyann October 2019 Fish of the Month Winner!

    An absolutely beautiful Pleco Lilyann. Many congratulations and well deserved methinks.
  8. howard_hopkinson

    Appropriate heater for 180 litre community tank

    I agree with Naughts, it's imperative to replace the 300watt heater with a new 300wat heater ASAP. The 100watt heater while better than nothing, just won't cut it I'm afraid.
  9. howard_hopkinson

    White specks in aquarium?!

    They are just extremely small bubbles of air and are nothing to worry about.
  10. howard_hopkinson

    Fluval 306 rattling

    Just seen your last post. Temporarily remove the poly filter material and see if the rattling subsides.
  11. howard_hopkinson

    Fluval 306 rattling

    So, am I to take it that on full flow the filter is a lot quieter(IE the rattle is diminished)? If that's the case then it seems to me that when you added the poly filter material it restricted the flow of water through the filter and that's why the impeller became noisy.
  12. howard_hopkinson

    Fluval 306 rattling

    Please put the flow control leaver in the full flow position. If that doesn't help, temporarily remove the poly filter material and retest.
  13. howard_hopkinson

    Fluval 306 rattling

    In that case since the issue only started after you added poly filter, I suspect air has gotten/is getting into the filter. Check the large rubber O ring for issues and make sure it's seated correctly. Also, make sure the top filter housing is seated properly on the canister. Lastly, make sure...
  14. howard_hopkinson

    Fluval 306 rattling

    This might sound like a silly question, but in your pictures I haven't seen the grey cover that goes on top of the filter baskets see attachment. Are you using the grey filter basket cover?
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  16. howard_hopkinson

    Ordering fish online

    I have never been to a LFS on delivery day but I have been to some LFS's that are awful to say the least. Your experience with online fish purchases seems to have been exemplary and that's a brilliant thing to hear. It's quite possible my opinion is wrong, but I still feel uneasy at ordering...
  17. howard_hopkinson

    Ordering fish online

    I'm sorry if my post has irked you somewhat. I was merely giving my opinion in as balanced a way as I know how. Just because I do things in a certain way does not mean I expect everyone to do it my way. There is always room for opinions and debate as long as it's done respectfully, which is what...
  18. howard_hopkinson

    Pregnant or fat?

    I'd say your platy is pregnant. You second image appears to show your platy has a gravid spot which if it is indeed a gravid spot, then she is most certainly pregnant.
  19. howard_hopkinson

    Ordering fish online

    This is only my personal opinion and is in no way meant to castigate those that do order online. Personally I would never purchase fish online, because frankly I don't know exactly what I'd be getting as I hadn't actually seen them. Then there's the problem on whether it's right for the fish's...
  20. howard_hopkinson

    Video Colditz Castle Aquarium

    £85 = $110.37 US dollars, so yes, gadzooks indeed mate lol.
  21. howard_hopkinson

    Video Colditz Castle Aquarium

    She certainly has pull. She who must be obeyed lol. The fish definitely seem to like exploring it. I guess I'll have to get used to it eventually! It cost £85 which is a lot more than I would have spent had I been given a choice!
  22. howard_hopkinson

    Brown diatoms

    My tank, decorations and plants were pretty much covered with diatoms, so I introduced 6 Zebra Nerite snails and after around 3 weeks they were more or less gone.
  23. howard_hopkinson

    So I got this for 30 bucks

    What an absolute bargain. I always seem to have to pay through the nose for most everything lol.
  24. howard_hopkinson

    Video Colditz Castle Aquarium

    Showing the extra large castle resin ornament that my other half insisted I buy. I do like it sort off as it provides lots of cover and hiding places for my fish. But it was a real pain in the rear moving lots of plants etc to get it in. The castle measures 55cm wide x 37cm tall and 19cm depth...
  25. howard_hopkinson

    external filters

    A Fluval 207 is my recommendation. They cost around £100. They are a great filter and are totally silent.
  26. howard_hopkinson

    Honey Gourami sexing

    I have 4 of the little darlings, but mine are still very young and are only about just over an inch long.
  27. howard_hopkinson

    Honey Gourami sexing

    I agree with your take on it. One male and one female methinks.
  28. howard_hopkinson


    I take my fish/tank photos usually with my Huawei P30 Pro mobile phone cause it's quick and convenient and I never use flash. The results are pretty good, but I do use a tripod. My tank lighting is A Fluval Aquasky led 2.0 30watt. Here's just one example.
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  30. howard_hopkinson

    Need Help Sexing Subadult Pearl Gourami

    I concur with Colin, it definitely looks like a male of the species.
  31. howard_hopkinson

    Hi new member needing advice

    55cm is the height of the tank. 71cm is the height of the cabinet, giving a total height of 126cm. ;)
  32. howard_hopkinson

    Hi new member needing advice

    I have a Fluval Roma 240 which came with a Fluval 307 canister filter. The filter is superb, easy to set up and once the tank is cycled, it does a really good job of removing ammonia and nitrites. I did add some Biohome biological filter media as I'm not too keen on the Fluval ceramic rings...
  33. howard_hopkinson

    How do you fill water into your tank?

    I change my water via a Syphon and 2 25litre buckets that each have a tap. I then haul them into my kitchen and lift them up on the worktop over the sink, open the taps and let most of the water drain out before closing the taps and manually tipping the remaining water into the sink. I then...
  34. howard_hopkinson

    Lilyann - October 2019 Tank of the Month

    Congratulations Lilyann, your tank is beautiful.
  35. howard_hopkinson

    VOTE NOW....October 2019 Fish of the Month contest (catfish only)

    Here is a photo of one of my Corydoras Amandajanea catfish. I have 4 of them in total. I don't know the age of the cory's as I got them from AquaHome in Leyland, Lancashire. They were priced at just over £23 each or 3 for £60. However, there were only 4 left in the tank so they sold me all 4...
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  37. howard_hopkinson

    Are these anglefish eggs?

    Yes, they most certainly are. It's the reason your angelfish won't let any other fish near them.
  38. howard_hopkinson

    I am very ill

    Ah yes, the old bottomless money pit that is MTS! There is no cure I'm afraid, it's just a very long and expensive condition that will ultimately consume you completely.
  39. howard_hopkinson

    Do fish play?

    I'm of the opinion that some of my fish do indeed play. I.E my Zebra Danio's and Platy's appear to be playing at times as do my Yoyo loaches. According to this study fish do actually engage in play.
  40. howard_hopkinson

    Please identify this disease -updated pic today

    It looks like it may be a fungal infection or even possibly saddleback columnaris. If it's the latter, then antibiotics are required. If it's the former, then antifungal medication will be needed. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than I will be able to make a better diagnosis.