Ordering fish online


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Apr 21, 2019
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Staffordshire England
Any TFF members ever ordered fish online?

Not sure im convinced on the idea of having fish delivered by post but a lot of people seem to do it. Is it safe for the fish?

Just seems alien to me :alien:
For the last 10+ years Ive ordered my fish exclusively from reputable online vendors. But, different vendors for different things. Like my discus, for instance, I order from 2 different vendors who specialize in discus. My South American cichlids I order from a vendor that specializes in cichlids. And so on... I have 6 different online vendors that I order from. I rarely have any problem with ordering from these vendors because they are reputable- good at what they do from customer service to packing and shipping fish.

Also, and this is important, buy only from vendors that offer overnight delivery. You will pay more but you will get a better quality fish from the get-go. Recently I bought a pair of dark rams on aqua-bid and didnt pay attention to how they were going to be shipped... The breeder sent them, to me USPS and they didnt get to me for 8 days. So stressful for fish--- most would die from this, but these ones ( fortunately) did not.

I started buying online because the LFS that was wonderful-- open for 40+ years- closed 10 years ago. The sad thing is, no one has moved in to match the quality of product and service that they provided. I do find this online, however.
I purchase most of my fish online. You’ll get to know who you prefer pretty quickly. Look for reviews or recommendations. I try to purchase directly from breeders but have bought through suppliers too. Find out how they pack them. Living in Texas, mine have to be shipped in insulated cool pack containers during the summer. Ask if they mark all boxes “Live Fish” so delivery people will be aware not to leave them in a hot mailbox. I have only had one bad experience where a bag burst due to heat and the fish was dead. Sad but really not bad considering that I was getting fish in weekly for a while when setting up my betta sorority. I have found quality to be much better online.
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In the UK it is illegal to send fish through the post, though that doesn't stop some people. Fish are supposed to be delivered by an "authorised transporter", and there are guidelines which these transporters must obey to ensure the wellbeing of the fish.
Totally understand that Essjay :)

"Post" is possibly the wrong word to put down what i was meant to mean. I was refering to the companies who specializes in breeding and delivering the fish in the appropriate way similar to the companies/vendors Lilyann and Deanasue use.

I wasnt sure how these companies work and how the fish get to you safely. Ive lost a bit of faith in my LFS after a bad batch of Rainbows i purchased, so I was wondering if it was safe to go down that route in the future or to find a new store.

It seems to work well in the US but ive not heard of many companies in the UK
I have used a company in Kent. They were pretty good. Phoned the day before to confirm I would be home. IIRC they gave me a 2 hour time slot and showed up in that time. Fish were well packaged and I had no losses. The fish were also good quality. Won't post a link because I suggest you should find somewhere closer than Kent ;)
This is only my personal opinion and is in no way meant to castigate those that do order online.

Personally I would never purchase fish online, because frankly I don't know exactly what I'd be getting as I hadn't actually seen them. Then there's the problem on whether it's right for the fish's welfare to be put in a bag and packaged then sent by some courier who might not respect the Fragile notices on the package.

The following article is a good read in my opinion.

Thanks Seangee

Gutted really, going to my LFS to pick the fish i wanted was one of the best parts of the hobby for me.

I have got other stores a little further out to go if needed but it may be worth me looking into seening if can find a good company close by for the option of using them if i cant find what im looking for in a store.

Glad to hear it can be done safely for the fish tho :)
This is only my personal opinion and is in no way meant to castigate those that do order online.

Personally I would never purchase fish online, because frankly I don't know exactly what I'd be getting as I hadn't actually seen them. Then there's the problem on whether it's right for the fish's welfare to be put in a bag and packaged then sent by some courier who might not respect the Fragile notices on the package.

The following article is a good read in my opinion.

Hard subject this one Howard. Like ive said it seems alien to me and ive got reservations about the fishes welfare myself but on the other hand the 3 members who have already commented have found good companies who delivered good quality fish. So it looks like it can be done safely if you find a decent company.

Im not sure tbh but i will look into it further and hopefully find a good path forward in buying fish in the future :)

P.s thanks for the link, ill give it a read :good:
This is only my personal opinion and is in no way meant to castigate those that do order online.

Personally I would never purchase fish online, because frankly I don't know exactly what I'd be getting as I hadn't actually seen them. Then there's the problem on whether it's right for the fish's welfare to be put in a bag and packaged then sent by some courier who might not respect the Fragile notices on the package.

The following article is a good read in my opinion.


Lol! This is rich.
“ I do not judge you for the decisions you make on purchasing your fish online , but” ..

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Personally I would never purchase fish online, because frankly I don't know exactly what I'd be getting as I hadn't actually seen them. Then there's the problem on whether it's right for the fish's welfare to be put in a bag and packaged then sent by some courier who might not respect the Fragile notices on the package.
Of course we also have no idea how they got from the Orinoco (my last order) to the supplier or LFS :whistle:

I actually lucked out (sort of) on my last order. Shipping is quite expensive but is a flat rate. So just before I clicked on "buy now" I added 10 little friends for my solitary sterbai cory who is convinced he is a pepper. When I opened the bag it contained 10 little peppers (everything else was what I ordered). They refunded me and did not want the fish back. Now he has even more peppered friends but at least the juves are his own size. I probably won't get any more sterbai as the tank is now very heavily stocked ...
Lol! This is rich.
“ I do not judge you for the decisions you make on purchasing your fish online , but” ..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I'm sorry if my post has irked you somewhat. I was merely giving my opinion in as balanced a way as I know how. Just because I do things in a certain way does not mean I expect everyone to do it my way. There is always room for opinions and debate as long as it's done respectfully, which is what I have tried to do.
@howard_hopkinson, have you ever been in a Lfs on the day they receive new stock in? Very sad. Please don’t believe you are getting less stressed fish by going to a lfs. Most have been shipped from Taiwan or Asia. As far as “not actually seeing them”, that is usually not the case. I get the exact fish that’s in the pic, several views of fish or a video. I can honestly say that every fish I have had shipped have been healthy with no parasites or diseases. On the other hand, I have had fish purchased in lfs come down with ich or even die within a few days. You have to remember that a breeder’s success lies on his reputation and good name. Therefore, they do everything in their power to be sure you are receiving healthy stock. They want you to come back and to refer them to others. The only drawback to ordering fish Online is the shipping cost. However, to have a high quality fish that doesn’t look like every other fish around, is worth it in my opinion. You are correct in the fact that we all have opinions and won’t always agree. We should accept that and never disrespect another member.
I have never been to a LFS on delivery day but I have been to some LFS's that are awful to say the least. Your experience with online fish purchases seems to have been exemplary and that's a brilliant thing to hear. It's quite possible my opinion is wrong, but I still feel uneasy at ordering live fish online in the UK as I'm only too aware of couriers or should I say individual drivers that simply don't care about a parcels contents and throw parcels around despite the fragile stickers.
I have never been to a LFS on delivery day but I have been to some LFS's that are awful to say the least. Your experience with online fish purchases seems to have been exemplary and that's a brilliant thing to hear. It's quite possible my opinion is wrong, but I still feel uneasy at ordering live fish online in the UK as I'm only too aware of couriers or should I say individual drivers that simply don't care about a parcels contents and throw parcels around despite the fragile stickers.
I understand. I also have a postman that is great and always delivers my fish to my door first thing in the morning. Once he was on vacation and another postman left my fish in the community mail boxes down the street in 90F temps. Fortunately, I had package notification set up with USPS and was notified the box was there. I got the fish out immediately. So yes, a lot has to do with the ethical standards of your delivery person. I will note that I refuse to order fish from Taiwan where a transporter has to get involved and it takes several weeks to get your fish. That is going to far, in my opinion. I only do business with US based companies and breeders.

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