Search results

  1. howard_hopkinson

    How many kg of gravel for 50 gal tank

    Measure the length times the width of your tank in inches. Then divide the resulting number by 10. This will give you an estimate in KG's of how much gravel you would need to achieve a 2 inch depth of gravel.
  2. howard_hopkinson

    Filter cartridge alternatives?

    Seems like this is a far better and cheaper way to go.
  3. howard_hopkinson

    Should you be worried about fish TB? In light of the Corona virus outbreak, I thought it'd be interesting to look at the transmission of disease from fish etc to fish keepers. The link above is both interesting, informative and a little...
  4. howard_hopkinson

    What type of algae is this?

    Brown diatoms tend to appear in most new tanks. Although they are unsightly they are nothing to worry about and will eventually disappear as the tank matures. If you want to get rid of it quicker, then a few Nerite snails will make short work of it.
  5. howard_hopkinson


    Yes, I absolutely love water sprite, the only drawback with it in my tank is it's now full of platy fry lol
  6. howard_hopkinson

    Suitable size background

    What is the height of the actual glass? I have a Fluval Roma 240L and the height of my glass is only just over 43cm.
  7. howard_hopkinson

    Keeping Fish No Filter No Heater?

    No it won't. The beneficial bacteria are mostly to be found on the surfaces of the aquarium such as the glass, decorations, plants and substrate and of course in the filter media and not in the water column itself.
  8. howard_hopkinson

    HELP!!! Why do all my livebearers have ick!

    I'm definitely no expert, but that doesn't look like ich to me. I'm sure Colin_T will be along shortly, he's our resident fish disease expert.
  9. howard_hopkinson

    Roma 240 pre-drilled fittings

    I also have a Fluval Roma 240 litre tank and I've never had a problem with any leaks from the pre-drilled holes. I just hand tightened the fittings and that was it.
  10. howard_hopkinson

    What do you think is the best product line for freshwater aquariums. API seachem fluval ECT.

    Water conditioner I use Seachem Prime and absolutely swear by it. Sludge management I don't use anything other than keeping my aquarium clean via gravel vac, filter maintenance and glass cleaning as well as using a UV filter. Bacteria, when I first started my tank I used Tetra Safestart and I...
  11. howard_hopkinson

    Krib 32 February 2020 Fish of the Month Winner!

    A stunning fish and a very well deserved win Krib32.
  12. howard_hopkinson

    Active .vs. Non active members?

    I come onto the forums several times a day but don't always post anything and certainly wouldn't feel the need to apologise for not being very active. Every forum I've ever been a member of has a majority of members who don't post unless they need help, it's just the nature of the beast and long...
  13. howard_hopkinson

    A. Fry

    I have floating water sprite plants and my platy fry are doing very well, maybe too well lol
  14. howard_hopkinson

    VOTE NOW!..Fishforums February 2020 Fish of the Month

    Here is a pic of my male German blue ram. He's around 12 months old and is a very well behaved Chap. He has paired with my female GBR and she has laid eggs a couple of times but the eggs never seem to make it to the wiggler stage despite the parents being attentive.
  15. IMG_20200217_161100.jpg


  16. howard_hopkinson

    Price of corydoras

    My Amandajanea cory's were for sale at £23 each or 3 for £60, but they only had 4 left so I bought the lot for £60 which I thought was a great deal.
  17. howard_hopkinson

    When do you think my platy will give birth?

    How many male platys do you have? It's quite important to have at least 3 or 4 female platys to each male so they don't get constantly bullied by the amerous males. female platys can also store sperm for months on end and have sevral broods as a results.
  18. howard_hopkinson

    I love to make pictures of insects

    I also love macro insect photography as well as wildlife in general and astrophotography.
  19. howard_hopkinson

    Water Sprite haven for platy fry

    As promised, here is a short video showing platy fry in water sprite.
  20. howard_hopkinson

    Water Sprite haven for platy fry

    Cheers mate, I'm back now but definitely a bit worse for wear lol. I'll attempt to get the video done tomorrow once my hangover has subsided.
  21. howard_hopkinson

    Water Sprite haven for platy fry

    I will try and make a video but it won't be until tomorrow as I'm just about to go out for a few beers!
  22. howard_hopkinson

    Water Sprite haven for platy fry

    17 days ago I purchased 3 small pots of Water Sprite. I took the plants out of the pots, removed all the padding/material from the roots and gently rinsed the plants in Luke warm water. I then added the plants to my tank floating. 17 days later and the plants have more than trebled in size. It...
  23. howard_hopkinson

    What Type Of Livebearers Do You Keep,

    I have 11 platy's of different colours one of which was born in my aquarium and survived to being a young adult.
  24. howard_hopkinson

    Dead fish with no belly?

    Yes, the other fish will have started eating him. Sometimes a fish dies and no body is ever found due to other fish eating it.
  25. howard_hopkinson

    Forum issues

    Run an internet speed test and let us know the results of upload and download speeds. Also, what browser are you using? And which if any antivirus programme you use? I have a 110Mb download and 10Mb upload speed and the forum is always nice and quick for me, I use Firefox as my browser.
  26. howard_hopkinson

    Russjw - January 2020 Tank of the Month Winner!

    Congrats Russjw on your deserved TOTM win. Your tank is stunning!
  27. howard_hopkinson

    Snails ?

    I have several colourful Zebra Nerite snails in my 240L planted aquarium and they do a fine job of cleaning. Nerite snails don't breed in freshwater although they do still lay eggs but the eggs never hatch.
  28. howard_hopkinson

    Heater broke

    Wrapping the tank in blankets or whatever else you have that you think will help reduce heat loss.
  29. howard_hopkinson

    Heater broke

    Don't forget to try and insulate your tank, otherwise you'll end up doing water changes quite frequently.
  30. howard_hopkinson

    Heater broke

    Do you know anyone who may have a spare heater you could borrow until you can buy a replacement heater? If not, your only option is to do water changes making sure to bring the fresh water up to the temperature you need using a mixture of hot & cold water and to try and insulate your tank using...
  31. howard_hopkinson

    Maybe a bit creepy!

    This is me, the pic was taken about 5 years ago at my sons wedding, hence the suit lol.
  32. howard_hopkinson

    Hello, from Mississippi

    Welcome to TFF AquaticBob. The hobby has moved on quite a bit in the last 20 years or so, but the basics are pretty much the same. If you have any questions I'm sure the fine folks here will always do their best to help.
  33. howard_hopkinson

    Krib 32 December 2019 Fish of the Month Winner!

    Congrats Krib32 a well deserved FOTM winner.
  34. howard_hopkinson

    Pregnant swordtail

    In that case, it should be pretty soon then.
  35. howard_hopkinson

    I don't like the new look

    Since the little tweaks here and there have been implemented, I now like the new look and feel. Thank you for your hard work.
  36. howard_hopkinson

    Pregnant swordtail

    The gestation period is around 4 to 6 weeks, so if you have an idea of when she became pregnant, you may be able to work out roughly when she will give birth.
  37. howard_hopkinson

    I don't like the new look

    I must admit, I'm not keen on the new look at all. The layout seems a little confusing to me and the colours are not my cup of tea. If it ain't broke don't fix it is my philosophy !
  38. howard_hopkinson

    Aussie_Bristle - December 2019 Tank of the Month

    Congratulations AB, that's a lovely tank.
  39. howard_hopkinson

    Has ANYBODY lost a fish to Dwarf Gourami Disease?

    Unfortunately, I have lost several dwarf gouramis over the years, though whether this was entirely due to the Indovirus is anyones guess. However, they do seem very prone to suddenly getting ill and dying rapidly. Given the above, I don't think I'll be buying dwarf gouramis any time soon even...
  40. howard_hopkinson

    Do You Listen To Your Fish?

    I always do a daily fish count and snails too if I can find them all, though it can be somewhat difficult with all the hiding places available in my aquarium. I too also look to see if the fish are acting normally etc. Hopefully, it helps in spotting any health issues early.