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  1. 8DEB0856-951E-495D-A7EB-CF1278416378.jpeg


  2. NannaLou

    My current six tank setups

    Sorry, a bit confused…who did you email..? NACD, or someone else..?
  3. NannaLou

    How do I cycle a tank?

    I hope someone with more experience than I have comes along to help…I’m wondering if putting to old cartridge near the new filter intake will work.. ? Loads of fast growing and floating plants to absorb as much ammonia as possible, daily testing and water changes..? Not ideal, but possibly best...
  4. NannaLou

    My current six tank setups

    Not anywhere near 31 gallons yet 😢 but I’ll think about the December competition 🙂
  5. NannaLou

    How do I cycle a tank?

    Have you still got the filter and other contents of the broken tank..? If so move it all across to the new tank, but check the water quality daily for a week or so to make sure there are no ammonia spikes. That’s my plan for changing tanks this weekend.
  6. NannaLou

    My current six tank setups

    The tank arrived from NACD Aquariums yesterday 😀. Even empty it is beautiful. The clear silicone, really makes a difference… Horrible, stormy weekend out, so a staying in and playing with water weekend I think 😂
  7. NannaLou

    Changing Betta’s tank

    Thank you 🙂
  8. NannaLou

    Can I use my phone's internet on my laptop?

    Or grandchildren 😂😂😂
  9. NannaLou

    Changing Betta’s tank

    BUMP: I‘m going to move Blue at the weekend and though that if his existing substrate and filter was moved to the new tank along with the plants, then the tank wouldn’t need to be ‘cycled’ as the filter is already cycled… Have I got that right, or not..? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤔
  10. NannaLou

    Crazy Stories Thread

    Did they send anyone out to check who was up and down the passage way..?
  11. NannaLou

    Is this a good option for a betta?

    This will be a big improvement on the current situation as I mentioned 🙂
  12. NannaLou

    Is this a good option for a betta?

    That’s only 13 ltrs, half of what I’ve got Blue in. It’s probably bigger than the bowl you are using at the moment though? You come across as being a very careful owner, so I expect you’ll be improving the Bettas situation.
  13. NannaLou

    White sand

    The OP hasn’t been online since 1st August 🙂
  14. NannaLou

    Happy Thanksgiving 😀

    I think the turkeys will be great, rather than having a great Thanksgiving 😂
  15. NannaLou

    Happy Thanksgiving 😀

    Thank you 🙂
  16. NannaLou

    Happy Thanksgiving 😀

    Not something we celebrate ’over here’ but a lovely sentiment for a celebration… So, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you a cross the water, and everyone else too!! 🍻☕️🍰🎉🎊🎈 I‘m going to start by saying I’m giving thanks …. that all of those close to me have not suffered any ill health throughout...
  17. NannaLou

    Help this idiot newbie

    The tank looks lovely, but what’s in the glass jar..?
  18. NannaLou

    High pH .::

    I’ve done that, but then I’m left with a chain store… who tell me that the cories are in local hard water and are perfectly fine…and you come on here and (just about) everyone says, oh no! Don’t do that… It‘s a minefield of trying to decipher what is right, the members on here don’t have...
  19. NannaLou

    freshwater shrimp

    Why do Americans do EVERYTHING bigger and better than here…🤷‍♀️ 😂😂 At what uk time will Thanksgiving start for you..?
  20. NannaLou

    High pH .::

    They do, but we hear so frequently about wrong advice, even from independent store owners (who didn’t mention cycling to me but were happy to sell me two Betta at £25 a go that just kept dying). You wouldn’t say the same of a doctor - you’d expect them to have a good enough grasp of the basics...
  21. NannaLou

    High pH .::

    Yes, but you both know what you’re talking about now you’ve ‘growed up’ 😂
  22. NannaLou

    freshwater shrimp

    Can I ask a question about Thanksgiving..? I think that you have what we would call ‘Christmas Dinner’, roast turkey etc. for you Thanksgiving celebrations. Do you then have a ‘Christmas Dinner’ on 25th December for Christmas..?
  23. NannaLou

    freshwater shrimp

    But both equally vague…?
  24. NannaLou

    Tips for making your aquarium look nice and pop out?

    I’ve Googled! That’s my learning for today 🙂 EDIT: To remove the ’copy and paste’ text as I’ve also learnt to insert a link to a website 😂
  25. NannaLou

    I think my fish are about to be dead

    Is the tank fully cycled..? Zero ammonia with nitrites makes me think not..?
  26. NannaLou

    freshwater shrimp

    Why have you started a second thread with the same title? You’d be better to keep all the information in one place…
  27. NannaLou

    I think my fish are about to be dead

    I can’t see a reading for ammonia..? Have you tested that..? 5 ppm of nitrites is dangerous to the fish, do another water change until that comes down to zero. Make sure you treat the water to remove chlorine etc.
  28. NannaLou your thoughts here...

    But did YOU have the vaccination…?
  29. NannaLou

    Has it ever crossed your mind...

    Planting an occupied tank…. This..? 😂😂😂
  30. NannaLou

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    How can you call her evil..? Look at those beautiful blue eyes…😍
  31. NannaLou

    Fish Forums Meet and Greet?

    You should already know the answer to that - you should have viewed the menu - I mean entrants - and have cast your vote 😂
  32. NannaLou

    Ultimate set up for a betta

    I’ve got a Betta in about a 9 gallon tank (we’re metric over here and use litres!) I do have a filter, it’s a small Eheim that is set to the lowest setting and doesn’t cause Blue any issues. They like lots of live plants those with wide leaves that they use to rest on and floating plants to...
  33. NannaLou

    Tips for making your aquarium look nice and pop out?

    1. No offence taken 🙂 2. I’ve got two tanks, one with dark/black sand and one with sand coloured sand and the plants definitely stand out more in the all dark tank. The looks are very different and I’m happy with both of mine and they’ve been selected to achieve a specific ‘look’ (both a...
  34. NannaLou

    Tips for making your aquarium look nice and pop out?

    Is it black so the two Betta fish don’t see each other..?
  35. NannaLou

    Tips for making your aquarium look nice and pop out?

    I think a black background makes a huge difference to the look of the tank…
  36. NannaLou

    What's thiS?

    What’s what? The species of fish..? Something specific on the fish..?
  37. NannaLou

    Stuck on cycling

    No, I’m not sure there is…sometimes you grow out of it after many years but it a long and difficult burden to bear 😂
  38. NannaLou

    Stuck on cycling

    Yep! Bad case of MTS developing there 😂😂😂 (Multiple Tank Syndrome)
  39. NannaLou

    Fish Forums Meet and Greet?

    🤣🤣🤣 please be careful….that’s because you’re a youngster 🤣🤣🤣
  40. NannaLou

    Fish Forums Meet and Greet?

    Can we get @JennySolano’s recent meet and greet image removed please..? It’s a full moon tomorrow (19th November) and I fear it’s all going to be too much for @Colin_T to cope with 🤣🤣🤣