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  1. NannaLou

    No ammonia registering after more than 48 hours?

    Not a total plonker - you’ve worked it out now 😂
  2. NannaLou

    No ammonia registering after more than 48 hours?

    Is your test kit in date..? Are you shaking bottles/counting drops properly etc..? I would think there are possible two causes for this: 1. The ammonia is duff 2. The kit is duff Good luck investigating that one 🙂
  3. NannaLou

    Emergency, Please Help

    According to @Colin_T its not dropsy, it’s a bacterial infection…so hopefully if the antibiotics get into him quickly enough he’ll be 👍🏻
  4. NannaLou

    New Members to the family!

    She’s very pretty 😍 How long is she..? And, how long will she get..?
  5. NannaLou

    Emergency, Please Help

    I’ve just had a Google and it says it’s a water conditioner that will promote healthy fish and reduce the need for antibiotic. I can’t help with the metroplex - I d know anything about it…
  6. NannaLou

    Five gallon aquarium cycling and stocking

    How hard is your water..? I’ve fallen in love with Enders, they are small but it depends on your water…🤔
  7. NannaLou

    Big pothos added to goldfish tank

    Alternative Nitrate Reduction Method$ This is the name of the thread…not sure how to make a link ☹️
  8. NannaLou

    Big pothos added to goldfish tank

    Pathos is toxic, but as the article explains the crystals that contain the irritant can’t be broken down in water.
  9. NannaLou

    Emergency, Please Help

    I live on the south coast and after a quick Google the closest vet that lists fish is between 2 and 3 hours drive away 😢
  10. NannaLou

    The Marmite Debate

    Ummmm…one “foreign food” too far for me…😳
  11. NannaLou

    Emergency, Please Help

    I’m not sure a fish vet will be very easy to find in the UK…?
  12. NannaLou

    Emergency, Please Help

    Oh my goodness! You need input from @Colin_T Good luck
  13. NannaLou

    Starting to collect house plants!

    I love houseplants, but sadly I’m still trying to master the art of watering and not many survive for long 😢. I manage to keep most other living things alive…children, cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, fish, guinea pigs…just not plants…
  14. NannaLou

    Alternative Nitrate Reduction Method$

    @dasaltemelosguy - thank you for this information, especially the bit about the toxin not being of concern for fish. I have a philodendron in my tank, zero nitrates, but have always been a little wary of the toxin issue, especially if I needed to cut the roots back a bit. @Guyb93 this will be...
  15. NannaLou

    Helping with no3 ?

    I never had Monstera, I started my experiment after reading about the Walstad type aquariums…a couple of pictures but nothing spectacular..
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  18. NannaLou

    40 gallon / 155liters - silent cycle - green or red? Stocking suggestions please!

    Like most things that you read in the internet…needs to be taken with a good pinch of salt - it’s not always true or accurate…
  19. NannaLou

    Helping with no3 ?

    It was too much for me to cope with 😂
  20. NannaLou

    Helping with no3 ?

    Just a little snippet from my experience (and not with a monstera) but I’ve removed my peace lily as the roots were just taking over the whole tank 🤦‍♀️
  21. NannaLou

    40 gallon / 155liters - silent cycle - green or red? Stocking suggestions please!

    I thought you were a psychiatric nurse…? Or was it some form of Emergency Services Personnel - expert at managing accidents and disasters..? 🤷‍♀️🤔
  22. NannaLou

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    Thank you for the information 🙂 Please post plenty of pictures as you go 🙂
  23. NannaLou

    Helping with no3 ?

    I got a bit stumped as the glass ‘border’ around the top of the tank made hanging anything a bit difficult, I ended up making a double loop pf plastic covered wire and used a hook on the back of the tank hold it in place. Be aware that plants in the Pothos family can release toxins when the...
  24. NannaLou

    Helping with no3 ?

    They are very good at using Nitrates as a food source 🙂 (and in my house the plants are lucky they don’t have to rely on me to water them 😂)
  25. NannaLou

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    I’m struggling to visualise the tank sizes (UK here and just about working out litres) have you got a sketch, or could you give tank dimensions in either cms or inches..? A ‘20 gallon long’ is obviously a standard size where you are 🙂. Are you putting the bigger tank at the top..? If so, how...
  26. NannaLou

    40 gallon / 155liters - silent cycle - green or red? Stocking suggestions please!

    Thank you for that reply, I’m worrying about hijacking this thread but I will ask one more question if that’s ok? Can fish do more than just survive (be happy and healthy) even if they don’t get to breed? (I know there is a whole thread on the breed/not to breed question).
  27. NannaLou

    40 gallon / 155liters - silent cycle - green or red? Stocking suggestions please!

    @itiwhetu , I’m not trying to be rude, but I’ve been reading through this thread quite carefully and I’m getting a bit confused with the details - please can you tell me why you are, “surprised that this system is going ahead”..? As a new fish keeper, can’t see what’s wrong with the planning.
  28. NannaLou

    Adapting a base for a tank

    I had that thought, it was the weight bearing capability of the new unit that was the issue…the coffee table has passed the ‘weight test’ 😂
  29. NannaLou

    Adapting a base for a tank

    Right, I’ve decided to re-purpose an existing coffee table, it’s a properly made, real wood table. I’ve put it in the middle of the lounge and, taking @Colin_T’s advice sat on it, bounced a bit and tried to wobble it side to side…all with no movement 🙂. Now, I’m not going to declare my weight...
  30. NannaLou

    Adapting a base for a tank

    @Colin_T , @Ch4rlie and @wasmewasntit - thank you all for your very informative replies, I hadn’t even considered the weight of the tank etc. Not really the answers I wanted 🙂 but certainly the ones I needed…back to the drawing board and try to find a purpose built unit that fits the budget...
  31. NannaLou

    Adapting a base for a tank

    I started off my fish keeping journey with an ‘all in one’ tank. Very quickly, heaters and filters were changed out and the inside modified (removed the internal heater/filter housing block). I’m planning on having a second, larger tank in the lounge and I’d like the two tanks to look the same...
  32. NannaLou

    HELP Betta not doing well

    What to do if your fish has Stringy White Poop There is a thread (see above) by @Colin_T that might help….use the search box and add that phrase…
  33. NannaLou

    HELP Betta not doing well

    I’m still quite a new Betta owner, but I think that that is “stringy white poo”… @Colin_T will be the best to advise on treatment, but it could be an indication of illness. Stop feeding for a day, and try to feed tiny pieces of skinned, boiled pea (and wait for further advice from others).
  34. NannaLou

    22 gallon Small river based aquarium journal.

    You haven’t and you can’t promise that. And I’m not going to discuss this any further with you. Arguing with children is pointless - they don’t have the maturity to adjust their thinking and “now” impulses.
  35. NannaLou

    22 gallon Small river based aquarium journal.

    You are a very rude young person. YOU have joined a forum, YOU are asking lots of questions (which in my opinion you should already know the answers to being such an ‘experienced’ fish keeper). WE are taking our time to answer YOUR queries. If you don’t want us to answer, stop posting/asking...
  36. NannaLou

    22 gallon Small river based aquarium journal.

    There’s a huge difference and making a mistake that kills fish, and making a deliberate decision to put fish in a tank that isn’t cycled, that you know isn’t cycled, and that you are still going against good advice and doing anyway. That is pure spite and animal cruelty - you clearly are not...
  37. NannaLou

    New forum idea—for kids?

    That’s because you are clearly capable and knowledgeable enough to cope in the adult forum setting. I wonder how many members might have children (grandchildren) that are young enough to be motivated by such a ”prize”..? Perhaps there might be a way of linking the memberships so the adult...
  38. NannaLou

    Space Travel

    @wasmewasntit - I watched the Earthshot Awards on Sunday night if only people put their money into some of the “runner up“ projects instead of trying to get into space the whole world would be much better for many, many people….
  39. NannaLou

    Cycled? What should I stock?

    I’m thinking you are not cycled. My understanding it that the tank needs to clear the ammonia and nitrites in 24hrs.
  40. NannaLou

    Space Travel

    My other half has said that he has heard (query from Brian Cox?) that we have only been able to explore a swimming pool sized area of space if c9mpared to all of the seas and oceans in the world….