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  1. F

    Pictus Catfish Caught in Net

    Well it took awhile for him to regrow his fin but he did. After the stuck out piece returned to its normal position he was able to start slowly mending and regrowing.
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  3. F

    White crap in tank. fish dying (mostly angelfish)

    Is there a source that I dont know about in Canada for those medications listed above? I was only able to get General Cure from a guy online who happened to have some left over before the ban in Canada. The fish are still crapping the clear poop. Today at 3pm est will be the last day of General...
  4. F

    White crap in tank. fish dying (mostly angelfish)

    I've been having this issue in my 65 gallon tank where fish are dying (angelfish) over extended periods of time. They are craping clear/white stuff mixed with their poop. Almost like a sausage casing but with missing sections of poop. Their stomachs start to get bigger and they eventually stop...
  5. F

    Pictus Catfish Caught in Net

    im not sure if it will connect because the major fin ray is stuck forward. He can't move it back like his other side
  6. F

    Pictus Catfish Caught in Net

    So I was trying to transfer over a Pleco into a smaller tank because my big pleco was picking on him when i accidentally snagged my catfish in the net and he was caught in there really good and i had to get scissors to free him. Took awhile but i got him out and then i had to get the rest of the...
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