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  1. Silvertip

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    200 litres is about 45 gallons?
  2. Silvertip

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    Thanks a lot for all your help guys. I really appreciate it.
  3. Silvertip

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    I've decided to put it in the corner in the inside wall which I thought would be best. The house is a four-in-a-block with me upstair left side if that makes sense.
  4. Silvertip

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    Thanks guys Thanks Tuxyu3. I've also had a look on web and they say the same thing.
  5. Silvertip

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    Thanks blackops I'm thinking it can't be any worse weight-wise than heavy furniture. And i don't really want to go any smaller than 200 litres.
  6. Silvertip

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    I'm completely new to the hobby, have been learning everything for the past few months from fishless cycling to beginners aquascaping. Due to move house in February so unfortunately will have to wait until then until I can put planning into practice but this will give me a good chance to learn...
  7. Silvertip

    Acrylic Or Glass?

    Hey guys, Looking for a bit of advice. I'm not sure which tank to buy. Acrylic or Glass? Which type is better? Is there a huge difference?
  8. Silvertip

    Tank Purchasing Advice?

    Thanks Danny. Will check them out tonight Thanks again guys.
  9. Silvertip

    Tank Purchasing Advice?

    Thanks very much mate. I feel now i've got something to go with! I will check those out. I will check ebay out too. Thanks again for all your help!
  10. Silvertip

    Tank Purchasing Advice?

    i've been looking at the 200 litre roma tank. I suppose whats been confusing me most is manufacturer. I don't mind paying extra as long as i know its good quality.
  11. Silvertip

    Tank Purchasing Advice?

    Hi All I'm due to order my aquarium asap (after some lengthy delays due to moving house!) and was looking for some advice on the best route to go down. I've visited all my local pet stores and wasn't really impressed with what they had to offer so i'm thinking the best option would be online...
  12. Silvertip

    New Boy Arrived Today

    Very nice Some excellent pics :)
  13. Silvertip

    Best Substrate For Eleocharis Parvula And Eleocharis Acicularis?

    Hi All Need some advice. What would be the best substrate for my aquarium if I am looking to use Eleocharis Parvula and Eleocharis Acicularis? Would sand be suitable?
  14. Silvertip

    What Plants?

    Thanks! I have checked them out and they are exactly what I'm looking for :)
  15. Silvertip

    What Plants?

    Hi All I am currently trying to decide on plants for my aquarium and have been looking at quite a few designs. I would like to have long grass-like plants at the back and reduce the size and type as I work inwards, leaving plenty of open-space for swimming at the front. Does anyone have any...
  16. Silvertip

    All My Fishes Are Dieing, After 2 Years In My Mature Tank. Please Help

    That's a shame bud. I hope you can get some stability back :no:
  17. Silvertip

    Hi All

    Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it :good: I will get some pics up and running once I eventually order my tank and begin the process which I'm hoping will be sooner rather than later. Doing an extra bit of research/learning on fishless cycle at the moment and reading the Beginners...
  18. Silvertip

    Hi All

    yeh so i've heard :) i haven't rushed into it so i've had the chance to do a lot of research which has been good. Really am hooked already.
  19. Silvertip

    Hi All

    I am ordering my tank tomorrow. im not sure as to what size i should go for though. i do have a lot of space available though so that isn't an issue. i've been told that there isn't much point buying a beginners tank if i plan on upgrading soon. any suggestions on a good tank size?
  20. Silvertip

    Hi All

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)
  21. Silvertip

    Hi All

    Hi All At a very early stage of my tropical aquarium adventure and this looks like an excellent place for help and advice. Have been doing a lot of research and I'm looking forward to learning more and more. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions over the next few months! :)