Hi All


New Member
Sep 9, 2012
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Hi All

At a very early stage of my tropical aquarium adventure and this looks like an excellent place for help and advice.

Have been doing a lot of research and I'm looking forward to learning more and more.

I'm sure I will have plenty of questions over the next few months!

Hi Silvertip, welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum silvertip, what plans have you got so far?
I am ordering my tank tomorrow.

im not sure as to what size i should go for though. i do have a lot of space available though so that isn't an issue.

i've been told that there isn't much point buying a beginners tank if i plan on upgrading soon.

any suggestions on a good tank size?
the largest tank you can sensibly get in the gap you have, that you can afford.

It won't be big enough.
yeh so i've heard :)

i haven't rushed into it so i've had the chance to do a lot of research which has been good.

Really am hooked already.
Welcome :)

Try to get the biggest tank with good high turnover filteration that can fit in your place as the big one will be easier to maintain and you can add more fish :fish: :fish: :fish:

Also try to get a good well known filter such as eheim, Hagen or Fluval as the durability of these filter has been proof by most of the fishkeeper.

My biggest mistake was using a cheaper brand to save money but in the end it only last 1 year and in the end I got a classic eheim, which is in total I spent more. I have use my first classic for almost 7 years with no issues.

All the best and dont forget to share the tank when they ready :drink:
Welcome :)

Try to get the biggest tank with good high turnover filteration that can fit in your place as the big one will be easier to maintain and you can add more fish :fish: :fish: :fish:

Also try to get a good well known filter such as eheim, Hagen or Fluval as the durability of these filter has been proof by most of the fishkeeper.

My biggest mistake was using a cheaper brand to save money but in the end it only last 1 year and in the end I got a classic eheim, which is in total I spent more. I have use my first classic for almost 7 years with no issues.

All the best and dont forget to share the tank when they ready :drink:

Thanks for the advice.

I really appreciate it :good:

I will get some pics up and running once I eventually order my tank and begin the process which I'm hoping will be sooner rather than later.

Doing an extra bit of research/learning on fishless cycle at the moment and reading the Beginners Resource Center section on this forum a lot :D

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