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  1. S

    Fluval Edge Lighting

    Well just a little update to this topic in case anyone is interested.   The 46l lighting unit definitely fits the 23l Edge tank, and I have to give a big thumbs up to Hagen UK's customer services.   I sent the faulty unit to them on Monday and yesterday I received a brand new replacement, and...
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    Round Pellia (Lomariopsis Lineata)

    Hi there, thanks for the info.   I like the suggestion of tying it to slate and then hiding it. I've got some bogwood that I will probably attach it to.   I'll take a portion please :)
  3. S

    Round Pellia (Lomariopsis Lineata)

    I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but does this need to be attached to something, eg wood, or can it be planted directly into the substrate? Cheers.
  4. S

    Fluval Edge Lighting

    Thanks for the reply, and I'm glad you think that too much light would be a bad thing, algae can be dealt with!   I suppose the main issue is whether the light units are the same size on the 23l and 46l tanks. I'm guessing they must be as the opening is the same size from what I have read. I...
  5. S

    Fluval Edge Lighting

    I've been having a slowly increasing problem with the LED light unit in my 23l Fluval Edge, whereby the LEDs are one by one failing to the point where I only have 9 out of 21 working and the blue lights have given up the ghost completely!   Unfortunately due to a recent house move I have managed...
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    Now Sold!

    If there is anything left after all the queries you've had I'd be interested in one of the bateri and one of the var petite, although I think they may all have been snapped up! :)
  7. S

    Java / Chrismass Moss

    Have you got any of this left?
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    Anubias On Wood & Java Moss On Wood And On Its Own

    I'd be interested in both bits of Anubias on wood if they've not been binned yet. How much would it be for them both posted?