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  1. R

    Gauging Interest On Cherries.

    Just to let you all know, young juvinile shrimp ship much better than adults. Adults get more stressed and are less likely to acclimitise to the new tank conditions than Juviniles are. Juviniles tend to recover more quickly from the stress of transportation/capture/new tank conditions. afaik anyway
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    Api Root Tabs Shrimp Safe?

    Some of my Amazon Swords are looking a bit iffy and as they are heavy root feeders was gonna stick a few API Root tabs in the substrate under them. Does anyone currently use of has used them in the past with shrimp?? (i.e. are they shrimp safe)
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    How Would You Proceed With This Shrimp Tank?

    Okies managed to dig out the digital camera and have taken a few snaps over the past few days as ive been setting the tank up (soz for quality etc im not a photographer hehe).. Heres the 1st image of tank with sand/filter/heater and 2 zebra danios (a few days ago) Initial setup Next one is...
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    How Would You Proceed With This Shrimp Tank?

    Gonna be very busy at work for the next 2 days and wife has decided tank will look better in the corner of the main room rather than under my community tank now its half setup lol. Gonna move the tank on sunday and will proceed to start taking a diary/log of my setup including digital photos as...
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    How Would You Proceed With This Shrimp Tank?

    Right, ive put 2 zebra danios in the tank tonight to keep the tank "Bio-loaded". Ref the lighter colour substrate, yes I read about that and may upgrade to black sand/gravel in a few months time. Ive not noticed any difference in my shrimps behaviour after upgrading from regular gravel to sand a...
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    How Would You Proceed With This Shrimp Tank?

    Okies at mo ive got a 40 Gal community tank with about 40 cherry shrimp co-existing with my fish. The shrimp are breeding but obviously the fish are making short work of the shrimplets and not many are reaching maturity. The wife has finally allowed me a second "Shrimp only" tank (yay!!) and...
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    Lighting Question

    Its high time I updated my tanks lighting system (38 US gallons 48"/12"/18") Currently I have a single 36" Arcadia 30W Original Tropical and according to the great info on these forums is less than the 1WPG (0.8WPG) formula thats required even for low light plants. I was thinking of going for...
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    All In One "shrimp Safe" Plant Fertilisers

    Okay, Further information.. Im running 2 X fluval 3+'s (1 at each end of the tank) with a spray bar attached to each aimed more towards the surface of the water (one fluval has fine particle remover media inside) Like I posted earlier, I have just changed from gravel to sand and just completed...
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  11. R

    All In One "shrimp Safe" Plant Fertilisers

    Okies, I have a 4 foot communial tank also containing cherry and amano shrimps (so reccomendations MUST be shrimp safe). Ive been using Flourish and dosing weekly and have sand as substrate. Ive noticed most of my plants have started to develop small holes in the leaves that brown around the...
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    Java Moss Going Brown

    I purchased quite a bit of java moss off of ebay (from Malaysia) and noticed its described as being grown "Emerged" not submerged. Its been in my tank tied to my bog/driftwood for about a month now and its not really done any growing to be honest, and quite a bit of it has turned brown. All the...
  13. R

    Aeration During Cycle

    Undergoing a mini cycle at mo due to change over from gravel to sand. Ive read conflicting reports ref aeration (Im thinking bubble walls here). Some say aeration is a big help when cycling, others say that aeration dosent put more oxygen into the water its just for pretty bubbles/show? I...
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    Hoovering Sand

    ahh IC cheers for that, was thinking of buying a small net, but your idea sounds much better.
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    Hoovering Sand

    Righteo, changed from gravel to sand and am undergoing a mini cycle involving lots of water tests and water changes sigh. In a nutshell, Im finding it very hard to hoover up pleco poo!. I know about, and can do the swirly motion action an inch or so above the sand to cause the fish waste to...
  16. R

    What Plant Fertilisers Are 100% Safe With Shrimp?

    Can confirm that both Flourish and Flourish Trace are 100% safe with shrimp.. been using for 3 weeks now with no problems what so ever so thanks to Mikaila31 for the original info (I was the topic starter). Now the mini-cycle im going through due to change from gravel to sand is another matter...
  17. R

    Mini-cycle After Change From Gravel To Sand?

    Okies, Ive got a 4 foot tank thats been running fine for years (PH 7.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 and Nitrates 5). It used to have gravel with a UGF powered by 2 X 1000L powerheads + a Fluval 2 and a Fluval 3+ filter wise. Ive changed the gravel to sand (Ditching the UGF and Powerheads) following...
  18. R

    Anyone Use Tetraplant Substrate With Shrimps?

    Going to be ditching the gravel in my tank and converting to sand. Ive been told that a small layer of Tetraplant with the sand on top is a good idea for the plants. Just want to know if anyone has this "In use" in their shrimp tank? or can reccomend a shrimp friendly fertiliser substrate...
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    Gravel To Sand

    Im gonna bite the bullet and change from gravel to sand in a few weeks time, I want a nice planted tank and have read lots off people use a first layer of plant friendly (Mineral wise) substrate with the sand on top. Is this advisable?? and what plant friendly substrate should I get? (online wise)
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    Water Doesnt Look Right?

    Filter matting? Theres the standard sponges in the Fluvals nothing else should I put something else in?? Ref the UGF, I have been thinking of ditching it and the 2 powerheads (but not the fluvals) and going sand or very fine black gravel (better for my plants aswell) but am concerned about the...
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    Water Doesnt Look Right?

    Ok ive got a 4foot tank (48X18X15) and have recently noticed that the water is not as crystal clear as it used to be. It looks like lots of tiny particles in the water that just churn around (I have a high flow rate in my tank) and dont seam to be absorbed by the filters the particles also seam...
  22. R

    Flourish Plant Fertilisers

    Ahh I see, many thanks for the quick reply. Will run the doses on alternate days now and will break down the weekly doses to daily measurements as further research shows daily is better than weekly ive just found out.
  23. R

    Flourish Plant Fertilisers

    Okies, I wanted to boost my plants/java moss a bit but not kill my Cherry Shrimps in the process and posted this on the Invert Forum.. Ive purchased Flourish and Flourish Trace off of Ebay and am wondering if ive done right by dosing...
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    What Plant Fertilisers Are 100% Safe With Shrimp?

    Yep thats what I wanted aswell, the reasurance that its being used by someone else with shrimp. Many thanks
  25. R

    What Plant Fertilisers Are 100% Safe With Shrimp?

    Topic title says it all. My plants are in need of some extra oomph (i.e. plant fertlisers), can any shrimp keeper point me in the direction of a fully 100% compatable with shrimp (i.e. no copper) liquid plant fertiliser? Ive got a community fish tank with cherry and amano shrimps, I also have...
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    Bog Wood?

    Dont think its bogwood, but rather driftwood after a google on why its floating and not sinking. Its come up clean with only a small amount of brown water staining after 4 hours of boiling/water top ups so thats good. Gonna leave it in big container covered in water for about a month till it...
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    Bog Wood?

    Went for a walk today and came accross a running stream with a real nice large piece of bog wood in it. It looks and feels exactly like the few small pieces of bogwood ive had in my tank for years. It was covered in tiny organisms (shrimp and mini-worm type creatures - Leaches?). Currently its...
  28. R


    I thought that the undergravel filter would still work (but more powerfully) with the powerheads as opposed to the airstone/pump route as both systems pull water through the gravel and back out through the clear tubes at each end of the tank??? Also I have 2 Fluval filters in my tank to...
  29. R


    Okay ive just replaced my pump/airstones in my 4foot tanks Under Gravel Filter with 2 SunSun 1000ltr/hr Powerheads from ebay. Ive have no experience with powerheads and installed them as per user guide that came with them but one of them makes a hell of a racket noise wise. If I remove the...