Gauging Interest On Cherries.


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
West Yorks/Greater manc
Hi, not sure if this is the right forum, but is there a demand for cherry shrimp?
I have hundreds in my tank and it's soon to be inhabited by a few multi's that will feast untill they burst!
Therefore i want to see if anyone is interested in buying any at 75pence a shrimp.
I need to know if there is demand so i can go out and buy boxes+ heat packs please
Thank you :)
Hi, not sure if this is the right forum, but is there a demand for cherry shrimp?
I have hundreds in my tank and it's soon to be inhabited by a few multi's that will feast untill they burst!
Therefore i want to see if anyone is interested in buying any at 75pence a shrimp.
I need to know if there is demand so i can go out and buy boxes+ heat packs please
Thank you :)

I would love to take some off your hands but would require adults rather than new hatchlings - got an angel in the tank that likes to eat little baby shrimp but leaves bigger ones well alone. Definitely interested if you've got some good sized ones. :)
Yeah if people want adults ill just get them from the tank, if juveniles are required ill just give my filter sponge a squeeze..they love it in there :p
I had quite a lot of interest when I had some so you shouldn't have to many problems finding people to buy them.

If you do want to start selling them I would suggest the first thing you do is find someone else with some and swap a couple of dozen with them. this stops them become to inbred (which can lead to them losing a lot of colour).
I'd be interested but not just yet - tank is still cycling, so probably be after Christmas if you still have any available then.
Thanks for the interest. i'll get the wheels in motion and start collecting boxes etc.

Yeah finding mature shrimp that are breeding is not going to be easy, due to the fact that one rarely see's shrimp with eggs (they tend to stay safe and hide) and never see's them actually mate. But from my experience, put two shrimp together and they will breed! But maybe that's just in my water conditions.

The shrimp are in a community tank at the minute and range from bright red to no colouration, but they tend to colour up once mature.

Thanks for the reaction and advice guys.
females are bright red...males have hardly any colour...the female gets a saddle on her bak in white and loses some of her colour when shes preg...i have a tank full of cherries...rite now im looking at god knows how many preg thought give some info for u.
females are bright red...males have hardly any colour...the female gets a saddle on her bak in white and loses some of her colour when shes preg...i have a tank full of cherries...rite now im looking at god knows how many preg thought give some info for u.

Thanks for the info. Yeah i meant i barely see pregnant females because they tend to stay under bits of bogwood i have (or in bogwood in some cases) :)
hi there how do i go about paying id like as many as i can have all at reasonable size for 7 pound including postage howmany would that be and how big and when can you send them please mail me the adress and when you get my mony please mail me when they will get here. :shout: :good:
Hate to break bad news to you but it usually costs about 7 - 8 pound for postage for shrimp.
Just to let you all know, young juvinile shrimp ship much better than adults.
Adults get more stressed and are less likely to acclimitise to the new tank conditions than Juviniles are.
Juviniles tend to recover more quickly from the stress of transportation/capture/new tank conditions.

afaik anyway

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