Search results

  1. Clear_waterPro

    High Temperature

    I had a similar problem. My tank was in direct sunlight for atleast an hour and a half of the day. It would often rise from 73 to 81 degrees in a matter of half an hour! I didn't loose any fish because my zebra danios and white cloud minnows are pretty hardy however i took some precautions...
  2. Clear_waterPro

    Post Your Jokes On Here

    By the way, these are mearly for humour, nothing more and nothing less. Please, these jokes were directed at nobody and therefore should offend nobody.
  3. Clear_waterPro

    Post Your Jokes On Here

    Can we do, yo momma jokes like- Yo momma's so fat every time she takes a step she measures on the richter scale. Yo momma's so fat she sinks in the dead sea! Yo momma's so fat when she takes a cruise the whales come out of the ocean and sing "we-are-fam-ily" Yo momma's so stupid she tried...
  4. Clear_waterPro

    Minnow With Tuberculosis?

    Don't worry about it, i have a skinny little zebra danio who developed a bent spine (seriously bent, not like yours, literally a 70 degree angle), at the start of his illness he could barley swim and would just role around on the bottom of the tank or breathe constantly at the surface (body...
  5. zebras.png


  6. ill zebra.png

    ill zebra.png

  7. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Think Of My Avatar?

    It's the main actor in the dictator 8-)
  8. Clear_waterPro

    Just wen't to see 'The Dictator' with my mates. It was so funny! Especially the helicopter...

    Just wen't to see 'The Dictator' with my mates. It was so funny! Especially the helicopter scene... i advice anybody over the age of 15 (uk) to go and see it!
  9. Clear_waterPro

    Ok, I Finally Managed To Make A Hyperlink To My Tank

    ooh, that's awesome! Thanks a lot!
  10. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    Thanks all! So happy you liked it, hopefully my fish do to! :)
  11. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    lol, thanks!
  12. Clear_waterPro

    Ok, I Finally Managed To Make A Hyperlink To My Tank

    Here we go, i beleive this is a link to my album (in slideshow format- i know fancy eh!). Anyway, please tell me what you think, how i could improve it... etc. You may notice what seem to be some white marks on the glass, they are actually bubbles produced by my filter outlet (modified by me to...
  13. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    Here we go, i beleive this is a link to my album (in slideshow format- i know fancy eh!). Anyway, please tell me what you think, how i could improve it... etc. You may notice what seem to be some white marks on the glass, they are actually bubbles produced by my filter outlet (modified by me to...
  14. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    We're in business!
  15. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    i'm getting phot0bucket at this very moment :D
  16. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    what if i post a link to the topic which had the photos on, would that work?
  17. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    Honestly, i am clueless. In some topics it lets me attach photos and in others it doesn't... hmmm.
  18. Clear_waterPro

    What Do You Guys Think Of Ma Tank?

    Hi all, just wanted to see what you guys thought of my tank, i have recently changed the substrate from gravel to sand, i think it looks pretty good. :) right, people ignore this topic. Apparently i no longer have the option of attaching images to the post... i will master this thing! :D
  19. Clear_waterPro

    More On Oxygen....

    I'm affraid i have no specific water parameters at the moment, my local fish store is selling the kits at £33.00 (they only have the masters kit available) and i'm affriad i'm not willing to pay that much. I do have another Local fish store however thats a good drive away so will go there on...
  20. Clear_waterPro

    Help! I'm So Bad With Computers.

    Thanks guys, very useful info! Can't wait to start posting some photos of ma tank (it's not the best tank in the world but i think it's awesome, and hopefully so do my fish :D)
  21. Clear_waterPro

    More On Oxygen....

    By the way, the photos make it look like the water isn't being agitated but trust me, it is, i would have taken a photo of the filter outlet but my camera didn't seem to put the photo on my laptop before it ran out of batery... I have the photo of the filter outlet...
  22. filter outlet.png

    filter outlet.png

  23. Clear_waterPro

    More On Oxygen....

    Hi people, got some more oxygen problems. Basically, i changed the substrate recently from gravel to sand... looks good. Of course, in order to do this i had to siphon out all of the water remove the fish, plants, fake wooden log and of course the gravel. I put everything, including the water...
  24. unkonwn algae.png

    unkonwn algae.png

  25. zebras.png


  26. kitchen.png


  27. bubbles and fish.png

    bubbles and fish.png

  28. whole fish tank 11.png

    whole fish tank 11.png

  29. Clear_waterPro

    Help! I'm So Bad With Computers.

    Thanks for the info, are image hosting sites free, are they safe, which is the best one?
  30. Clear_waterPro

    All Male Peacock Tank

    How did you post this image!! I need help, i don't understand how to do it! I'm such an idiot lol :)
  31. Clear_waterPro

    Help! I'm So Bad With Computers.

    Hi all, i'm just wondering, how can i post a picture from my files, for example, my fish tank is saved in microsoft pictures on my laptop- how do i post this image on this forum? Thanks. :)
  32. Clear_waterPro

    Need Oxygen!... If That Makes Sense.

    ignore the last post i made- i have no idea how to insert a picture :P
  33. Clear_waterPro

    Need Oxygen!... If That Makes Sense.

    Haha, good one! :lol:
  34. Clear_waterPro

    Fish Hiding Places

    I dunno, my experience might be an exception but my white cloud mountain minnows love zooming in and out of a cave i made (made of half a plant pot buried under the gravel so only the entrace is visible) ... the males often do fin displays outside of it, so i'm guessing they are trying to...
  35. Clear_waterPro

    Algae On Inside Of Glass

    I find a small fingernail scrubber does the job for me. The bristles really get into the nooks and crannies. My zebra danios and whtie cloud minnows always "nip" me when i have my hand in the tank which, odd as it may sound, is really ticklish! :lol:
  36. Clear_waterPro

    Red Cherry Shrimp...a Good Investment?

    Yeah, they look really good and at the moment i am desperate for a new siphon of some kind, my siphon isn't very powerfull and because of the batteries is really bulky and hard to move around the tank. I have even reached the point of using a jug to take out the water sometimes because my...
  37. Clear_waterPro

    Red Cherry Shrimp...a Good Investment?

    If it works like this gravel cleaner, i'm getting it. :D Yeah, my tank is pretty tall so that would probably be pretty helpful.
  38. Clear_waterPro

    Sand Vs Gravel

    i guess i'll have to look at both playsand and silica, i'll be like a kid in a candy store (well sweet store in Britain) :)
  39. Clear_waterPro

    Red Cherry Shrimp...a Good Investment?

    Really? Are there any you would recommend?
  40. Clear_waterPro

    Sand Vs Gravel

    Sounds awesome, i'll have a look at it.