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  1. Rio

    Tank Still Cycling ?

    Now she is back to normal, strange fish :rolleyes: Off to do a water change
  2. Rio

    Tank Still Cycling ?

    Todays readings Ph - 7.6 Higher ph - 7.8 Ammonia - 0.25 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 5 One Mollie seems lethargic. She ate this morning but when I came home, she was hiding. She has been swiming with the others but is now in a rock. I did a 50% water change today. Should I not have done a 80% water...
  3. Rio

    Tank Still Cycling ?

    Thank you for the advice :) I'm going to do a 70% water change today as I didn't do any water changes for 3 days.
  4. Rio

    Tank Still Cycling ?

    Thank you for your quick reply :) I'll carry on with the 50% water changes.
  5. Rio

    Tank Still Cycling ?

    I've had Ammonia in my tank for over a month so have been doing 50% water changes recently. I didn't do any water changes for 3 days as I have been ill. Done a water test today and these are my readings PH = 7.6 Higher PH = 7.8 Ammonia = 0.25ppm Nitrite = 0.25ppm Nitrate = 5.0 ppm This is...
  6. Rio

    Using Ammonia Remover With Fry ?

    I don't know what is going on now. Today's readings PH = 7.6 Higher PH = 8.0 Ammonia 0.25ppm Nitrite = 0ppm Nitrate = 5 ppm It may be possible that the PH was 8.0 yesterday as I was reading the results in artifical light but read today's results outside. I've now had 0.25ppm Ammonia in my...
  7. Rio

    Using Ammonia Remover With Fry ?

    Ok, so I've been doing water changes over the last few days. First I did 30% for 4 days but for the last three days, I've been doing 50% water changes. Latest readings are PH= 7.8 Ammonia = 0.25ppm Nitrite = 0ppm Nitrate = 5.0ppm The PH, I had been using the one test which only goes up to...
  8. Rio

    Wanted - Api Test Tube

    Bought a API liquid test kit for my brother for his birthday, wants to get into the hobby with a 200 litre tank. Was checking that the tubes were fine and the bottles had not been broached but one of my rabbits got a bit too curious about the test tubes and knocked one of them, resulting in a...
  9. Rio

    Hello From Wales

    Thank you all for your welcomes :) Great to see other people from Wales too :D
  10. Rio

    Using Ammonia Remover With Fry ?

    Thank you all for your advice :) I think the fry is actually a Mollie ! I think it's too big to be a guppy. I've been doing 30% water changes for the last three days. Yesterday's readings were a little whack. PH = 7.6 Ammonia = 0.50 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 0 Today's reading PH = 7.6 Ammonia =...
  11. Rio

    My Rabbits And Guinea Pigs

    :lol: Mia is a little monkey. She's a Miniature lionhead x Dwarf that was dumped in my garden along with Mollie on Boxing day 2010. I wouldn't be without them now even if I have had to separate them. Martha and Mable are rescues as are Mindy, Murphie, Maisy, Merlin and Minx.
  12. Rio

    Its Snowing!

    We had our first snow in Newport yesterday. Was interesting walking home from work !
  13. Rio

    Using Ammonia Remover With Fry ?

    Thank you for your advice :) Would 20% a day be ok ?
  14. Rio

    Using Ammonia Remover With Fry ?

    Just tested the water straight from the tap. PH = 7.2 Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 5 I'm guessing this is what my tank should be ?
  15. Rio

    Using Ammonia Remover With Fry ?

    I've been trying to get the Ammonia down in my tank. I've been doing water changes but had to treat for white spot for 7 days. The 7 days were up Friday so I did a 30% water change. Changed 10% water yesterday but can't get the Ammonia down. It's been at 0.25ppm for about two weeks. No I did...
  16. Rio

    Rapid Gill Movement

    Interpet have an anti white spot medication, number six. I'm using it in my tank now.
  17. Rio

    Livebearers Photo Sharing Thread

    Here are some pictures of some of my mollies and guppies My favourite fish and the only one with a name. "County" fish.
  18. Rio

    Treating White Spot Correctly ?

    The Mollies look a lot happier this morning now. I'm going to put their plastic plants and rocks back in today, instructions said to take them out because the treatment will stain them, but surely the white spot could be on the decorations ? I'm going to test the water now. The instructions...
  19. Rio

    Hello From Wales

    Thank you for the welcomes Hi Raf, Thanks for the advice. I have a Fluval Roma 200 with a U4 filter. I didn't have any mature media but was told that it was ok to start with some mollies. I now know it was too early to get the guppies but I trusted the guy in the shop. Got myself a water...
  20. Rio

    You Occupation Or Vocation

    Trainee veterinary nurse :)
  21. Rio

    Treating White Spot Correctly ?

    The mollies seem a bit stressed, rapid gill movement, but they are still moving around the tank. Anything I can do to try and relieve their stress ? I've got the lights off but have got the maximum oxygenation because the instructions on the treatment says it can take the oxygen out of the water.
  22. Rio

    How Did You Come Up With Your Tff Username?

    Rio has been my nick name for about 7 years now. Infact, if anyone calls me by my real name, I probably won't respond :blink:
  23. Rio

    Your Preferred Way To Celebrating Your Birthday

    It's my 21st next month. I'm not one for parties so I'll probably watch a film and eat some chinese food :) But the weekend, I'm going to see Rammstein :D
  24. Rio

    My Rabbits And Guinea Pigs

    These are the furry creatures that share my home :) Midge Mindy Milo Maisy Merlin Murphie Mollie Mia Minx Mable Martha
  25. Rio

    Hello From Wales

    Hello everyone :) My name is Rhiannon and I am from South Wales, UK. I got my first tropical tank a month a go. So far I have 6 mollies and 8 guppies. My favourites are the Dalmatian Mollies but my favourite fish I own is the one in my avatar. Apart from fish, I have 9 house rabbits and 2...
  26. Rio

    Treating White Spot Correctly ?

    Hello everyone, Just joined this forum today as I got my first tropical fish tank a month ago. Everything has been good until a week ago when I got 8 female guppies. About 5 hours after I got them, I noticed that one had white spot. So I isolated her. A couple of hours later, the other three...