Tank Still Cycling ?


New Member
Jan 28, 2012
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I've had Ammonia in my tank for over a month so have been doing 50% water changes recently.

I didn't do any water changes for 3 days as I have been ill.

Done a water test today and these are my readings

PH = 7.6
Higher PH = 7.8
Ammonia = 0.25ppm
Nitrite = 0.25ppm
Nitrate = 5.0 ppm

This is the first time I have had Nitrite in my tank. LFS said it's normal, tank is still cycling, but he seems to tell me something diferent every time.

So is my tank still cycling ? Shall I continue with the water changes and how much should I change ?
Is it safe to change the carbon pad in my filter or should I leave it ?

I set it up January 1st 2012 and added the first fish 7th January 2012.
170 litres
6 Guppies
5 Mollies
1 Molly fry
Fed once every other day

Again, I apologise for all my questions.
Still cycling unfortunately...Until you are seeing 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite, I would keep up the water changes. I just went through a fish-in cycle as well, so I feel the pain!

I don't use the carbon pads in my filters at all. Most people here will recommend not using carbon unless you are removing medication from the water. I left my filter alone until my cycle was over...and now I don't ever replace the sponges or pads. Just the filter floss "wool" needs to be changed sometimes because that's what traps all the small particles and poop. Everything else holds bacteria and never needs to change, unless it falls apart. Hope that helps! Good luck with your cycle!
Thank you for your quick reply :)
I'll carry on with the 50% water changes.
Yeah at the mo, just leave the carbon in place as its probably holding some good bacteria now.Change it way after you are cycled to a bacteria holding sponge. FF04 has given good advice.
Thank you for the advice :)

I'm going to do a 70% water change today as I didn't do any water changes for 3 days.
Todays readings

Ph - 7.6
Higher ph - 7.8
Ammonia - 0.25
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5

One Mollie seems lethargic. She ate this morning but when I came home, she was hiding. She has been swiming with the others but is now in a rock.

I did a 50% water change today. Should I not have done a 80% water change yesterday ?
She could be affected by the ammonia. What dechlorinator do you use? I noticed that as soon as I switched to Seachem Prime during my cycle, all of my fish calmed down a little. It binds the ammonia and nitrites temporarily.
Now she is back to normal, strange fish :rolleyes:

Off to do a water change

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