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  1. F

    Agressive But Y

    how big of a tank?
  2. F

    Which Cichlid

    If I were you I would really pack your tank with other fish, just to keep the aggresion down, like putting some yellow labs in there with them, and maybe seeing if you could find some malwi trout, they look cool when there big, alittle stange looking when they're ju. but cool. The old 1" to...
  3. F

    Cichlid Charging All Other Fish.

    My johanni's have breed and wel after the female is fertilzied he mae became more aggresive, when I pulled the female out he calmed down, but they are very territorial fish and well its a good rule of tumb to keep malwis with malwis and south amerians with south americans and keep the other...
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    Yes I do have a grow out tank, I opened her mouth and massaged her throat and she spit the babies out, now shes in there with them, I wasn't sure how long I needed to have her in there with them so thanx bud!
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    Ok, so I now have about 10 baby joahhni's, now how long should I keep the momma in the tank with them? I don't want the momma to be right back in the tank; I know I need to give her a break from the male, he is well a bit of a horn ball... I have never breed these guys, and they're al in the...
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    Tanganyikan Water Help Please

    Have you tried any baking soda? Thats what I was told to do to bring my water up, its alot cheaper than buffer, and all that stuff, and all my fishies are sure happy
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    In milking her are you talking about the opening of her mouth and letting the babies out? My grow out tank started leaking last night aftre I got it all set up, so I gotta go buy a new one after class today, I have some rock but not much; I got two big peices of drift wood and a couple clay...
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    Ok so I got a fish carirng eggs in her mouth, I have a set up hank for grow out, now my question is do I need to put the momma in their soon, or do I need to wait and just pull them out when the babies have hatched???? I got a book on these malawi's and accoring to it I need to pull the momma...
  9. F

    Breeding Johannis

    So I have a bunch of my chilids are breeding, and well the jonnani's have got the eggs it their mouth, so I guess what I need to know is what all do I need for my breeder tank/ grow out; I have a ten gallon; that I'm goin to get the sponge filter today, here in a few hours and a thermometer and...
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    Malawi Chicilids With Black Head

    Do you know of a site to get the buffer at or do you find it were ever you can????? I know I got some buffer at the liquid sunshine place here they sold it in bulk, nd its what they use, I don't have a test kit anymore, got ride of it when I swiched back to fresh, I didn't think that I would...
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    Malawi Chicilids With Black Head

    So that sounds like it could be the case, the weird thing is that I have been putting the buffer in their and the fish has gone dead, so I will check the nitrate levels and ammonia too! Thanks a million!
  12. F

    Malawi Chicilids With Black Head

    Ok, so I have a 55 gal with of cousre chiids! this is the deal, yesterday my girlfreind was feeding the fish and noticed that one of our fishes heads had turned black! His eyes are a little buggy too, now I hopped online last noght to see if I could find anything and no such luck, so today got...