
Frankie H

New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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Eugene, Or USA
Ok so I got a fish carirng eggs in her mouth, I have a set up hank for grow out, now my question is do I need to put the momma in their soon, or do I need to wait and just pull them out when the babies have hatched???? I got a book on these malawi's and accoring to it I need to pull the momma out immediately and put her in there. Now i went to a fish store eariler and they told me that I could keep them in there and I don't even need the grow out tank, after I bought all the stuff for it! So if anyone knws who is right, please help!!!!
it doesnt really matter either way bro. the only difference is if you leave her in the main tank someone may spooke her into eating the eggs and babies or when she releases them she or anouther fish will eat the babies and only a few usually survive under rocks etc.

put her in the grow out tank and when its been 2 weeks either let her go till she spits them all out or milk her! then put her back in the main tank and leave the babies go until they use up their egg sack then put food in for them and let them grow.
it doesnt really matter either way bro. the only difference is if you leave her in the main tank someone may spooke her into eating the eggs and babies or when she releases them she or anouther fish will eat the babies and only a few usually survive under rocks etc.

put her in the grow out tank and when its been 2 weeks either let her go till she spits them all out or milk her! then put her back in the main tank and leave the babies go until they use up their egg sack then put food in for them and let them grow.
In milking her are you talking about the opening of her mouth and letting the babies out? My grow out tank started leaking last night aftre I got it all set up, so I gotta go buy a new one after class today, I have some rock but not much; I got two big peices of drift wood and a couple clay pots, which I thaught would have been fine but after reading your post and a couple others I probly need to go get a bunch of rock
I have always stripped my fish,each time into a 12"12" cube, the filter running had been running for in the main tank prior for about 7 days then take a bucket (26 litres for me) into the cube.
The hardest part has always been catching the mother, never once had any problems 300+ fry and counting. We had some arrive on Valentines Day, but this was first mistake as they were all still eggs and lost a few in the filter. Mother was about 7 months old!! and seemed to struggling so i watched her get slower over a few days and then took action.

It's a fun thing to do with kids around to see the 'birth', every morning ours get up check on the babies before they do anything

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