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    Convict Cichlids Just Had Babies?

    well i separated about half into another tank, so what do i feed them?
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    Convict Cichlids Just Had Babies?

    hey guys my convict laid eggs a few days ago and today i saw a heap of little fish swiming. i hav a 3ft 150L tank with a heap of fish in it. i also have a little 30L tank which i want to put the little fish in so they dont get eaten, but i dont no when i should put them in there, do i do it now...
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    Plants Are Looking Abit Brown N Dead?

    ok, well i have some Ambulia, Magenta, and another type but dont no its name, my tank size is 150L 3ft i have a 36" long 30W power-glo
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    Plants Are Looking Abit Brown N Dead?

    a specific substrate - whats that
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    My Drift Wood Grown Fluff

    wood come with my tank and has a very large plant on it thats going great but its only just on one end of my wood
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    Plants Are Looking Abit Brown N Dead?

    hey guys i just have a problem, pretty much all my plants are turning brown n dying? just would like to know if there is any thing i can do to liven them up? i have a grow lite thats on 4 12hours a day and put some tablet fertolizer in about a month ago but still brown??
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    fair enough, the shrak is a girl though neons boss it around but i understand about the convicts the are abit aggressive
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    fair enough thanx 4 the help
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    so are there any reason to have them or just 4 looks
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    13 neons, 3 convits cich, 1 blue ram cich, sivler shark n 2 other fish that were like $3 at the LFS, n 1 other big fish but dont no what he is? n my tank is 150L
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    few neons, n a few cichlids, silver shark?
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    hey guys, just would like to know whats the go is with shrimps? can u keep them just in a normal tropical tank?? will fish eat them?
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    My Drift Wood Grown Fluff

    so, shouldnt worrie about it??
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    My Drift Wood Grown Fluff

    wood been in the tank 4 like a year has a plant on it been running 4 a year aswell
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    My Drift Wood Grown Fluff

    hey guys i dont no if its bad or not but i have noticed some white fluff starting to grow on one bit of my drift wood can some1 tell me if its a bad thing or what?
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    Water Very Brown

    i have a few neons, 4 cichlids, n couple of basic normal fish like siver shark n sucka fish
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    Water Very Brown

    Carbon will only work for about a max of 3 days. what u mean there
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    Water Very Brown

    so theres nothing i can add to my water to clear it up? i have active carbon but still is very brown and the carbon is only a few weeks old
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    Water Very Brown

    hey guys just have a problem, i put a nice new bit of drift wood in the other day and now the water is VERY brown how can i clear it??
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    Can U Have To Much Drift Wood?

    yeah i have a carbon filter but still is heaps brown??
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    Can U Have To Much Drift Wood?

    so with the brown water will that go away
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    Can U Have To Much Drift Wood?

    so other than extra fiber do they do anything else
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    Can U Have To Much Drift Wood?

    so is there any point of having drift wood, or is it just decor and what are tannins
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    Can U Have To Much Drift Wood?

    hey guys i just would like to know if there is such a thing as to much drift wood in a tank??
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    How Can U Tell If A Cichild Is Pegnant

    thanx athena but 1 last thing, i have a spare 66Litre tropical tank would it be better if i stuck both convicts in that or dont worrie about it and let them be??
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    How Can U Tell If A Cichild Is Pegnant

    72 hours lol thought it would be weeks n yes there the convicts ones so athena, the convicts wont put it back in their mouth and ill be able to see them??
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    How Can U Tell If A Cichild Is Pegnant

    good cause i have 1 that has a fat belly with orange and that one and another are stuck together, neva see them apart atm and the 1 thats not fat is very aggressive, so if she is to the preggers than what happens will she lose the belly when there out? n how long does it normaly take for them to...
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    so there are none freshwater ones
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    How Can U Tell If A Cichild Is Pegnant

    hey guys just would like to know how i can tell if my cichild is pegnant??
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    dont be dumb it was just a simple question to make my little fish bigger thats all i was after mate. and upping the temp, WC, food, lots of space is pretty much what i was after
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    thats why im a noob asking the fourm for some answers..
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    after some ways of growing a fish quicker like on striods?? not how to keep a fish
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    but thats just normal stuff??
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    anything else? maybe??
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    thanx 4 the help guys, well the fish is a Blue Ram cichlids n its like 3cm, i have like 4 other cichlids and there all about 10cm so your just saying just put it by its self in my 2ft tank set the temp alittle higher(any sugestions) water change every 2nd day and feed it frozen cichlids food n...
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    Can U Get A Fish On Steriods?

    hey guys just got a question? in my com trop tank i have a tiny fish about 3cm and every other fish (about 15) are like twice its size.. i have a spare 2ft 66L tank which is set up with filter air n heater, now is there anything i can do to make my little fish grow bigger quickly? been told if...
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    Question On Cichlids

    but u treat them the same as normal tropicals
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    Question On Cichlids

    hey guys just got a question with the Cichlid are they any different to normal tropical fish??
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    Problem With 1 Of My Plants

    dumd F&*KING LFS, told me purple waffle is tropical!!! :angry:
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    Suggestions And Help On 2ft Marin Tank?

    guess a full reef? will make my 150l tank marine abit later if i get whats going on with the 2ft tank??