How Can U Tell If A Cichild Is Pegnant


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys just would like to know how i can tell if my cichild is pegnant??
Cichlids dont get pregnant, they are egg layers.

A male will usually do a little dance in front of a female, that is if the female is willing to lay eggs, to get the females attention.

The female will usually lay her eggs in a cave or ledge of some sort, and then the male and female will swim in circles over the eggs, while the male fertilizes them.

After this is done, the female will pick the eggs up in her mouth and the eggs will hatch in her mouth, usually in a couple weeks.

Don't be surprised if the first batch of eggs don't make it.

if you are talking about convict cichlids, then the females will usually develop eggs in their belly and become fat over the course of a week or two. Her colours will intensify and she should develop the orange patching in the middle of her body. If there is a male in the tank with her, then they will breed in a cave or some out of the way.

many rift lake cichlids (from Africa's Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika & Lake Victoria) will lay the eggs and then the female will collect them in her mouth and hold them in a buccal pouch (throat sac) until they hatch.
good cause i have 1 that has a fat belly with orange and that one and another are stuck together, neva see them apart atm and the 1 thats not fat is very aggressive, so if she is to the preggers than what happens
will she lose the belly when there out?
n how long does it normaly take for them to hatch?
...and not all cichlids collect the eggs in their mouth to hatch... my female convict lays her eggs and attaches them to the wall inside a tank decoration, the male then goes in there and fertilises them, and then the female will stay with the eggs, constantly fanning and protecting them until they hatch out.


Buddy - are these convicts you have?

If so, once the female has laid her eggs her tummy should go back to normal colouration.

The eggs should hatch in about 72 hours after being fertilised.


PS - this should be in the "New World Cichlid" forum really...
72 hours lol thought it would be weeks
n yes there the convicts ones

so athena, the convicts wont put it back in their mouth and ill be able to see them??
Yes, providing she has laid the eggs in a place that is visible (they do like secluded places usually) to you then you should be able to see the eggs and then when they hatch you will see all the little miniscule fry. Try not to be too inquisitive, though, as if they feel you are watching them too closely it can stress them and they might end up eating the fry. It's common for them to eat the fry anyway, usually after 3 - 5 days (it's the male that tends to do it, unfortunately).

If you want any more advice about convicts and fry etc, have a look over on the New World Cichlids forum threads as I'm pretty sure you'll find several posts on there about convicts (I was recently giving a couple of other members similar advice about them and their fry).

Regards - Athena
thanx athena but 1 last thing, i have a spare 66Litre tropical tank would it be better if i stuck both convicts in that or dont worrie about it and let them be??
the only time she will pick up the fry is if she feels they are in danger or she wants to keep the fry in the one spot once they have eggs the female will become aggresive towards other fish they spend most of their time hiding where they have laid the eggs if they ar e in a tank on their own then u can leave the babies in with them for a few weeks she might even lay more eggs just to feed them (mine do it) but if they are in a tank with other fish its best to remove them once they are free swimming but make sure the tank is well airraided and set at the right temp for the fry best way to get the fry out of a community tank is to suck them up through a hose (it avoids them scattering around the tank)

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