

Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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hey guys, just would like to know whats the go is with shrimps?
can u keep them just in a normal tropical tank??
will fish eat them?
Depends what fish you have to be honest. List your tank set-up and I'm sure a shrimp expert will be back with a list of what would be suitable.
13 neons, 3 convits cich, 1 blue ram cich, sivler shark n 2 other fish that were like $3 at the LFS, n 1 other big fish but dont no what he is?

n my tank is 150L
so are there any reason to have them or just 4 looks
Neons and ram shouldn't be a problem (the ram would take an interest but so long as the shrimp are a reasonable size you should be alright)

However the convicts...I'm gonna say probably wont be compatible with any shrimp.
The shark... never kept one but again, it'll probably see shrimp as food.

If the shrimp have ALOT of cover, who knows. But to be honest I think it would turn into a very expensive treat for the fish.
And you definitely wouldn't have any surviving shrimplets if they bred.
fair enough, the shrak is a girl though neons boss it around but i understand about the convicts the are abit aggressive

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