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  1. C

    What's In A Name?

    Interesting thread. My name came about when I was playing an online fantasy game. I thought it sounded like a name a Unicorn might go by. Its kinda stuck with me ever since.
  2. C

    Stocking Suggestions Pretty Please

    This isn't first hand experience, But my DH says that jewels and rams get along very nicely together.
  3. C

    55g Stocking, What Do You Think?

    A suggestion for your tetras: rummynoses are very pretty with a bright red nose and black and white striped tail. They are, however, about the same hardiness as neons.
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    How Important Is Sand To A Loach?

    I can't say anything for certain about yo-yo loaches, but I have three kuhli loaches and two clown loaches. The kuhlis do fine with the gravel as long as I give them plenty of places to hide. This way they don't need to dig. The clown loaches don't seem to dig much at all, just kinda sift...
  5. C

    Some Newbie no-nos

    As per the neon/angel debate, I think there are many variables in which they could and couldn't get along. For example, my DH has two full grown male angels that treat neons like snack food. I actually had to get my own tank so that I could have neons (although at the moment I am battling with...
  6. C

    Potential Fish To Avoid For Newcomers

    Still being a beginner myself, I have found that danios are one of the easiest to keep. I especially like the long fin variety as they get really gorgeous fins. However, I do have to warn to be very careful of disease. Since the danios are very social and like playing "tag" alot, they spread...
  7. C

    Joining The Ranks

    Hi to everyone. I've just found the wonderful world of fish forums, and so far they have proved to be a fount of information. A little about me, I'm from Illinois, am a Chef, and enjoy reading, stitchery, and scrapbooking as well as, of course, fish. My husband has been keeping fish for many...