55g Stocking, What Do You Think?

think that was meant to me... well sorry jayjay, but what I gather from you telling me that a 3-1 ratio doesn't make sense leads me to believe that you have no experience with breeding, not my fault I was able to gather that from your words, mabye you should pay a bit more attention to the topic at hand and stop trying to be right all of the time... OH and don't question my knowledge if you don't want yours questioned in turn...
I have breed quite a few species of fish, around 20ish I believe. Yes, most on purpose. I've given cichlid fry to people on this forum if you don't believe me.

Propose the 1m to 3f theory that works for everything as you seem to believe in chat and see what happens :)
come on guys, lets have a handshake and forget about it. surely different things have worked for different people at different times, so strong opinions are formed.
i can vouch for jayjay that he has a vast knowledge and has helped me a huge amount with my own tank, he basically knows his stuff. so lets forget about it and answer my question that i asked on tropical chit chat earlier cuz only one person has so far.

cheers mr spudgun
Ahh you see... asumuptions much jayjay? did I ever say that the ratio is for EVERYTHING?! no I did not! I suggested it for rams! I use that ratio for live bearers, bettas, and even anglefish (if sexual mature enough for me to sex them), same with convict cichlids and others... I've bred many species too and IME this ratio has served me well...
fate when i read the post it does read as though you are saying 3/1 ratio for everything, you did write this

ratio for all fish to breed should be 3f to 1m...

Ahh you see... asumuptions much jayjay? did I ever say that the ratio is for EVERYTHING?! no I did not! I suggested it for rams! I use that ratio for live bearers, bettas, and even anglefish (if sexual mature enough for me to sex them), same with convict cichlids and others... I've bred many species too and IME this ratio has served me well...
fair enough I did say any fish... my mistake... but regardless I stand by saying this ratio has served me well in the past... and Jayjay let's just burry the hatchet and stop all this BS...
A suggestion for your tetras: rummynoses are very pretty with a bright red nose and black and white striped tail. They are, however, about the same hardiness as neons.

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