Search results

  1. Ben.M

    Galaxy Rasboras

    Ok then, the moss was put in there only a few days ago so that will provide more cover soon and so will the Cabomba its growing so fast. I'll give them a few more weeks and then see how they are doing, thanks, Ben.M
  2. Ben.M

    Galaxy Rasboras

    7 guppies I think, Ben.M
  3. Ben.M

    Galaxy Rasboras

    Theres a few plants at the back with some moss next to it, there is a few ornaments in there and guppies and snails :) Ben.M
  4. Ben.M

    Galaxy Rasboras

    I got 5 galaxy rasboras about 2 weeks ago, they seem to be getting on fine with the guppies but they will only come towards the middle or front of the tank at feeding time and the rest of the time they just stay at the back near the bottom and near the plants. But their fav spot is right under...
  5. Ben.M

    Anubias, Bacopa, Java Fern And Amazon For Sale
  6. Ben.M

    My Bargin

    I paid £16 for my first 1 from P@H, Ben.M
  7. Ben.M

    Omg Plz Help! Asap!

    They look off-white to me 2, good luck, hope they hatch :) Ben.M
  8. Ben.M

    Omg Plz Help! Asap!

    Do it through and post the link here =] Ben.M
  9. Ben.M

    New Heater

    No problem :P Ben.M
  10. Ben.M

    New Heater

    Well if you have 2 50w the you need more space and an extra plug socket but if 1 fails then you have a back up. With 1 100w heater you wouldnt take up that much more room than with the current one, it would generally cost max. £5 more than the 50w, keep to just 1 plug socket and you get a spare...
  11. Ben.M

    Wanted - Decent Output Internal Filter

    Not a well branded product but it should do the job if you dont want to spend much, Ben.M
  12. Ben.M

    New Heater

    The higher the wattage the bigger the heater so it takes over the tank more, I would expect the due to the heater going on/off more often that the temperature would vary a lot more and if the thermostat did fail then you would defiantly have fried fish! Ben.M
  13. Ben.M

    New Heater

    For 25g I would think that 75-100w would be sufficient, 150w is too much really, Ben.M
  14. Ben.M

    Cabomba Caroliniana

    I havnt had much variation from a few potted plants, vallis and elodea, thats why I wasnt sure :P thanks again, Ben.M
  15. Ben.M

    Cabomba Caroliniana

    Great =] thank you, Ben.M
  16. Ben.M

    Cabomba Caroliniana

    I've had one of these plants in my aquarium for about 2-3 weeks now and it seems to be doing well but for some reason on one of its lowest branches, it has pairs of strings dropping down about 2 inches from most of the nodes, why is it doing this??? Never seen it before so I am a bit curious...
  17. Ben.M

    Which Is Best Suited?

    Got some Galaxy rasboras reserved :D :D :D Some one ordered them 3 weeks ago and didn't collect them so they're up for sale and I got them, wanted 6 but got 5, still a result :P Ben.M
  18. Ben.M

    Plants With Snails

    Does anyonw know what plants Ramshorn snails will not eat??? :/ Thanks, Ben.M
  19. Ben.M

    Which Is Best Suited?

    I hadnt even heard of them until you mentioned them so they are gonna be quite hard to find, plus i prefer the Galaxy rasbora's :P Ben.M
  20. Ben.M

    Which Is Best Suited?

    Ok thank you for your input, i'd like the keep galaxy rasboras to be honest but they are fairly expensive for a small fish and i dont know anywhere that sells them, they would be fine in my tank I think but if I cant keep them I'm not sure what else to put in there :/ Ben.M
  21. Ben.M

    Which Is Best Suited?

    Hi my aquarium will soon be like this, 30L, 26-28C, 7.8-8.0 pH, moderately hard water, moderately planted, bright light and with 10 ramshorn snails and 6-8 guppies. I would like to keep some tetras in this and I know that the conditions are not best suited to most but which of these tetras will...
  22. Ben.M

    What Else Can I Put In There?

    Ok thanks, Ben.M
  23. Ben.M

    What Else Can I Put In There?

    Anything else? :/ Ben.M Could I put 3 albino corys in there too? Ben.M
  24. Ben.M

    What Is The Best Heater?

    I have never had a problem with my visi-therm heater =] Ben.M
  25. Ben.M

    2 Unrelated Daft Questions

    I dont think that Dwarf Rasboras would eat them generally, they prefer very small foods so maybe snails eggs or baby/very small snails so you should be ok with them =] Ben.M
  26. Ben.M

    2 Unrelated Daft Questions

    Dont know about the first qusetion but Sparkling Gourami will eat small snails and its not like you can put a big snail in that tank.You could go for a burying but then theres not much point in having it :/ Ben.M
  27. Ben.M

    What Else Can I Put In There?

    I think the water in my tank would be a bit too warm for the rasboras :/ I like tetras but would they thrive in such alkaline water? thanks, Ben.M
  28. Ben.M

    What Else Can I Put In There?

    I've got a 30L aquarium just with some guppies in there at the moment which I am soon going to sort down to about 6 or 7, there are some red ramshorn snails and some snails which came in with the plants(probably nerite)and I would like to put some more fish in there but I dont know what, the...
  29. Ben.M

    Cycling Nitrite

    And also if you are near 1, some Homebase stores do ammonia too, thats where i got mine and out of curiosity sniffed it right out of the bottle there in the shop :/ word of warning...dont lol Ben.M
  30. Ben.M

    Red Ramshorn Snails In Uncycled Tank

    Hi, yeah I didnt think that they would produce a lot of ammonia, I was just worried if they would be ok in water with varying parameters, thanks, Ben.M
  31. Ben.M

    Strange Reading On Cycling Tank

    Ok today the ammonia is barely above 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 10ppm, Ben.M
  32. Ben.M

    Strange Reading On Cycling Tank

    Anyone :/
  33. Ben.M

    Strange Reading On Cycling Tank

    Hi, recently my tank leaked about 50% of its water, I resealed but but dont trust it to be quite honest so I got a new 30L tank, there are just guppies in there at the moment but plan to put a different species in there when it has fully cycled again(I lost a lot of the bacteria in the filter...
  34. Ben.M

    Red Ramshorn Snails In Uncycled Tank

    Hi, recently my tank leaked about 50% of its water, I resealed but but dont trust it to be quite honest so I got a new 30L tank, there are just guppies in there at the moment but plan to put a different species in there when it has fully cycled again(I lost a lot of the bacteria in the filter...
  35. Ben.M

    Cherry Shrimp

    Hi, i'm after a few cherry shrimp for my 20L aquarium just to add a bit of colour, so if anyone has some that they can spare and can send via post(or collection in the cambridge area) please contact me, Many thanks, Ben Munday :rolleyes:
  36. Ben.M

    Dragon Eggs Or Other Click

    Click my eggs please :rolleyes:
  37. Ben.M

    Need Options For Lowering Ph

    I agree, add some peat to your filter, the only problem with this is that it makes your tank water a little bit yellow. Natalie, what do you mean by reverse osmosis water???
  38. Ben.M

    The Moon Last Night

    TY :good:
  39. Ben.M

    The Moon Last Night

    Its a Canon PowerShot SX10 IS