Galaxy Rasboras


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2009
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I got 5 galaxy rasboras about 2 weeks ago, they seem to be getting on fine with the guppies but they will only come towards the middle or front of the tank at feeding time and the rest of the time they just stay at the back near the bottom and near the plants. But their fav spot is right under the internal filter so its a bit dark under there and I cant see them that well. They are a gorgous fish to look at so I would like to be able to see them more! Is there a reason they they are doing this or is there a way to get them to come out more into the tank(its 30L btw),


Is there anything else in the tank? They will be more cinfident in a bigger group so if theres the space i would get at least 3 more.
Theres a few plants at the back with some moss next to it, there is a few ornaments in there and guppies and snails :)

Theres a few plants at the back with some moss next to it, there is a few ornaments in there and guppies and snails :)

How many guppies?
If theres enough room i would up the groups to 8 or 10 then they should be alot more active.
give them a few more weeks to settle in, mine used to be the same, they do still like to spend time at the back of the tank between plants though
Ok then, the moss was put in there only a few days ago so that will provide more cover soon and so will the Cabomba its growing so fast. I'll give them a few more weeks and then see how they are doing,



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