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  1. C

    Plant Growth

    hmmm so the BBA is okay? I mean the fluctuating co2 can explain the algae but how do i get rid of it? I cant really get a mechanized co2 generator (do plan on getting it by January) right now. Also, as for spreading the diandra..should i just cut the top off and wait it to bush out ? It would...
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    Plant Growth

    Hi there! I have a 20 gallon tank with some fish, java moss and a didiphilis diandra. Im using a DIY co2 reactor and my diandra is growing like crazy. I have a 17watt light and so far it looks good. I have two questions: Im seeing very fine brownish hair on the diandra leaves and was wondering...
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    Java Fern Not Doing So Good

    i wouldnt say entirely black leaves...more like black spots on them and it looks like rot around the effected area. So i shouldnt get rid of it and let is grow. Its been over 3 weeks now and im guessing its done acclimating to the tank. What about the roots?
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    Java Fern Not Doing So Good

    Hi there I had purchased java fern from my LFS and placed it in my tank. Ive tied it to a few flat rocks and was waiting it to start growing. To begin with, i have a 20 gallon tank with a few fish and i have a Diandra as well. I have a 17watt T8 18inch and ive added a reflector to it. The...
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    Adding More Substrate

    well thts good news then. I can go ahead and make the addition. Thanks man!
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    Adding More Substrate

    hi! I was going to begin my attempt at aquascaping and was going to add some more substrate. Now ive read that the nitrifying bacterias live in the substrate. So would the added substrate kind of "suffocate" the bacterias as Im simply going to pile it up? Its a noob question but its a learning...
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    Need Some Advice...

    Hi there! Im trying to change my aquascape of the aquarium and was thinkin about having a little "road" of sand between two heaps of gravel (one on either side). My only question is: How can i put the sand in my tank, when it has water in it? I already have an established tank with residents...
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    How To Keep A Platty

    Hi there! My LFS has this thing that they give away one free fish every month and took a platty today. Just one. and now im wondering whether it'll be okay till i get more plattys, atleast three more. Right now i have a 20 gallon with three rasboras, 2 zebra danios, 2 pearl danios and now a...
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    Dont Know Wat Is It

    what ur tank stocking?? curious
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    Dont Know Wat Is It

    how long will it take to kill or remove all the bacteria?? Alot of question..i know...but im new at it!!
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    Dont Know Wat Is It

    yea it made sense. thanks man..i was actually kind of worried about the tank. So slow water changes over the course of the next few days and the tank would be fine hopefully. Also, i should keep doing my plants with the liquid ferts and that wont create an added problem in the current situation...
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    Dont Know Wat Is It should go ahead and do another 25% water change as i did a 25% in the morning. That should total up to a 50% water change. I'm sure Aaron knows what he is talking a matter of fact..he's been one of the few people who have been replying to my posts and guiding me as im very new...
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    Dont Know Wat Is It

    if that's a bacterial bloom then wat kind of bacteria is blooming and why is it feeding off the yeast?? also, then shouldn't i cut back on the water change and only change 25% as ive done today. I mean, if its actually a bacterial bloom, then that's good for me right...more bacteria to help...
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    Dont Know Wat Is It

    but what is it? is my tank cycling again as the yeast killed the bacteria or is it yeast propagating? if it is the latter one, then thats not good. I did one water change of 25% and going to do one later on today. Will the yeast destory the plants and the fish???
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    Dont Know Wat Is It

    I had an accident last night. I have a DIY CO2 system and some yeast solution went in to the water. I did a 25% water change and reaaranged the plants. I put the Co2 back into water. I let the tank sit over night. Today i woke up and kind of seeing a very slightly cloudy water. So wat is it? Is...
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    Just Pumped Yeast & Sugar Into My Tank

    how do i make that? What addition can i make to my DIY CO2 system. I have an airtight cap and an air tube going through it and the other end is in the tank with an airstone
  17. C

    Ahhh! Diy Co2 Accident

    I have a DIY Co2 system setup and kind of had an accident. I had my bottle on the top of my aquarium and kind of well. I picked it up and all of a sudden i saw a big puff from the air stone i had attached for easing diffusion of the Co2. All of a sudden, my water went slightly cloudy and im...
  18. C

    Ahhh! First Mistake!

    I have a DIY Co2 system setup and kind of had an accident. I had my bottle on the top of my aquarium and kind of well. I picked it up and all of a sudden i saw a big puff from the air stone i had attached for easing diffusion of the Co2. All of a sudden, my water went slightly cloudy and im...
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    im still boiling it right now..ive boiled quite alot and the water is still turning brown. Now, i dont want the tank to turn brown. A very minute bit should be fine and its understandable. I think im gonna stop boiling it right now and place it in hot water for a few days and let the tanning...
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    Hi there! I just got a piece of driftwood that i purchased off ebay. I paid $8 bucks for it and the piece is quite small. It looked much bigger in the pic!!! LOL!!! but its small enough to fit in a boiling pot. And thts what i did. I poured some water, popped in the driftwood and i began to boil...
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    Seachem Flourish

    so i got the right one. the seachem flourish. i add co2 through a DIY system.
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    Seachem Flourish

    i just bought seachem flourish. First off, There is no "Excel" written on it... it says: "supplement for aquarium plants" and secondly the contents of the bottle are brown in color and im wondering if i have the right stuff? How much am i to be using it? It says 5ml with treat 60US gallons. That...
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    Diandra Related Quesiton

    hmm maybe i should start using the fertilizers. Thanks man! your always a great help!
  24. C

    Diandra Related Quesiton

    i added a clump of didiplis diandra and its been almost two weeks and its started to grown shoots. But the color on those shoots is whitish green..the color is quite light when compared to the rest of the plant. Im not adding any ferts as yet..maybe i should as it might result in these shoots...
  25. C

    Dying Java Fern?

    hmm..your right OM47...i should prolly get a test kit and should check the concerned water parameters before adding any ferts in the tank. I have a didiplis diandra and its doing preety good...its growing with a lot of new shoots coming im guessing that the fish are providing some of...
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    Ph Too Low?

    first off thanks guys for all the input. Im new to all of this pH and kH stuff. So well right now, it looks like my pH is kind of stable at 6.4ppm. That means that i have enough kH in the water which is buffering the effect of excessive carbon dioxide? Im going to get the kH kit today and...
  27. C

    Diy Co2 Reactor!

    so wait..i dont need the DIY reactor if i have low light settings? I mean i only have a diandra and two small java ferns. I mean, ive read that if u dont have a light setting above 1.8WPG, then u dont need the Co2 as the fish in my tank will produce enough and will only need co2 once i have a...
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    Quick Co2 Question

    i just put up a DIY co2 reactor and its working. But i came across a few threads which said that there is no use for co2 if u have subdued lighting. I have a 17W 18inch T8 which came with my 20 gallon. I just added a reflector. I have two plants: a Diandra and a struggling java fern. I would...
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    Ph Too Low?

    its a 17watt T8 18inch. I fitted it with a reflector and its working better now.
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    Ph Too Low?

    hi I have a 20 gallon tank, with 3 rasboras, 2 zebra danios and 2 pearl danios. I have a java fern (struggling one) and a diandra. i just checked my pH and is between 6.4 and 6.6. this is way too low. how do i increase it to a 7 or a above. I just added DIY Co2 to the tank. I dont think thats a...
  31. C

    Is This Ph Too Low?

    hi I have a 20 gallon tank, with 3 rasboras, 2 zebra danios and 2 pearl danios. I have a java fern (struggling one) and a diandra. i just checked my pH and is between 6.4 and 6.6. this is way too low. how do i increase it to a 7 or a above. I just added DIY Co2 to the tank. I dont think thats a...
  32. C

    Diy Co2 Reactor!

    well my DIY is kind of working..there arent a lot of bubbles...and i dont know how much do i need for a healthy plant growth. But as for the i dont need to worry about the pH as long as my kH wont get affected? But doesnt kH have a relationship with pH? I dont know.. i mean i dont...
  33. C

    Dying Java Fern?

    nope, it was submerged in water when i got it. Also, isant excel bad for plants such as the fern? I read it somewhere..
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    Diy Co2 Reactor!

    lol..i finally made one! I used the common one: the 2L bottle, yeast, sugar, air tubing and all the of the other good stuff. But here the thing, ive read up on adding Co2 in the tank and ive come across one common point: the pH will go down. Well, i certainly don't want that as it'll be a shock...
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    Dying Java Fern?

    so i should just wait it out and hope it survives to make new plantlets? seems like an easy task. But what can i do to make it maybe adding the liquid fertiloizers or something of that nature. If so, please do specify what fertilizers should i look into. I simply attached the...
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    Day 27 Of Fishless Cycling And Still No Nitrites

    Dude...CONGRATS!!! ur tank just completed its cycling stage. Niiiiceee. Do 40ish % water change and your set! I would recommend looking for some beginner fish!!
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    Dying Java Fern?

    Hi! I recently bought java fern (2 0r 3 rhizomes) and first planted it in the substrate which wasn't a good idea; so i placed it on a fake rock i have to make it look better. I tied it using a rubberband. Now the thing is that when i got java fern, the leaves were brown and still are. Its been...
  38. C

    Dying Java Fern?

    Hi! I recently bought java fern (2 0r 3 rhizomes) and first planted it in the substrate which wasn't a good idea; so i placed it on a fake rock i have to make it look better. I tied it using a rubberband. Now the thing is that when i got java fern, the leaves were brown and still are. Its been...
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    Plastic Mesh

    I have ordered some pellia that i plan on covering the rocks in my tank. I was also considering carpeting with some java moss. Now ive read up on articles that explain how to get some type of mesh and sandwich the moss in between the two pieces. Sounds all simple except for one thing: where can...
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    A Very Quick Question

    How do u know what light bulb do you have? like is it a T5 or a T8 or some other T. My light came with my tank which is a TopFin 20. Its 18' long, 17watts. I have a very lightly planted tank for now. I have a mayaca and a java fern and i wanted to add more light. I bought a 24inch reflector and...