Ph Too Low?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I have a 20 gallon tank, with 3 rasboras, 2 zebra danios and 2 pearl danios. I have a java fern (struggling one) and a diandra. i just checked my pH and is between 6.4 and 6.6. this is way too low. how do i increase it to a 7 or a above. I just added DIY Co2 to the tank. I dont think thats a smart idea now as my pH is quite low and the Co2 is going to make it go down a bit further. The fish and plants both wont like that as the water is already slightly acidic. Is this why my Java fern is doing so poorly??? Do respond.

its a 17watt T8 18inch. I fitted it with a reflector and its working better now.
java fern doesnt mind soft water/ low ph,

the CO2 will only lower it about 1ph, unless you hvae a low kh in which you will notice massive ph swings.
What temp are you running at? I have found after copying Liam that ferns seem to prefer slightly lower temperatures although its not a mjor difference. 24C is fine for almost all tropical fish which is what I keep mine to.

As per previous posters 6.4-6.6 is fine. What does your tpa water come out at? You will struggle to reach 30ppm with DIY on a 20USG and therefore I would predict a drop of less than 0.8ph.

first off thanks guys for all the input. Im new to all of this pH and kH stuff. So well right now, it looks like my pH is kind of stable at 6.4ppm. That means that i have enough kH in the water which is buffering the effect of excessive carbon dioxide? Im going to get the kH kit today and hopefully that would yield more conclusive results. I left the DIY in the tank through out the night as i read that it better to have a constant supply of Co2 during the night and a simple increment in the surface agitation will deal with the added co2 from the plants. Also, there are quite a few micro bubbles coming out of the air stone every other guessing that means that there isant enough Co2 being dissolved. Well i also need to get a liquid fertilizer for the plants but for now im guessing that the fish and the food that falls to the bottown with have to the job for now.

BTW... i think im kind of being too worried about the DIY Co2 system. All i gotta do is regular water changes and make sure that the supply of Co2 from this system is near constant if not exact. My tank temp is between 24C and 25C

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